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What is Waterfall Model in Project Management?

19th Feb, 2024
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    What is Waterfall Model in Project Management?

    In the world of project management, there is a famous approach called the Waterfall Model or Waterfall Project Management. It combines creativity with structure and brings together innovation with organization. This method has a strong reputation for being reliable and following a traditional approach.

    The Waterfall Model in project management is like a smooth and organized journey for projects. It follows clear steps one after the other, leading to successful planning, execution, and completion. It is reliable and captivating for those who use it.

    What is Waterfall Project Management Methodology?

    The Waterfall project management methodology is based on the idea of a linear and sequential flow, where each phase of the project is dependent on the completion of the previous phase. It follows a structured approach with a clear timeline. In case you like to start learning it in depth then there are several Project Management courses for beginners online.

    The analogy of a waterfall is used to illustrate the one-directional flow of the project. Just like water flowing steadily downward without the ability to go back up, once a phase is completed in the Waterfall model, you typically cannot revisit or make significant changes to that phase. This means that each phase must be completed before progressing to the next one.

    The methodology was initially conceptualized by Winston W. Royce in a paper published in 1970. Although the Waterfall model has been adapted and modified over time, the core principle remains the same.

    This linear approach offers several advantages, such as providing a clear structure for project planning and management. By mapping out the project in distinct phases, stakeholders can have a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope, timeline, and deliverables. It promotes a disciplined and methodical approach, ensuring that each phase is thoroughly completed before moving forward.

    What are the Stages of Waterfall Model?

    In Waterfall Project Management, it is crucial to document every waterfall model phase. The real motto is to establish clear timeline expectations for all stakeholders involved. Gantt charts are often employed alongside the Waterfall methodology, dividing project tasks into a comprehensive bar chart. This chart effectively tracks resources, tasks, due dates, milestones, and requirements.

    Here are the five sequential phases inherent in Waterfall Project Management methodology:


    • Understanding customer requirements: Project managers employ interviews, questionnaires, and process reviews to comprehend customer needs.
    • Determining project goals: Based on customer requirements, establishing short-term and long-term goals to be achieved upon project completion.
    • Identifying stakeholder expectations: Assessing stakeholders' expectations regarding project completion time, budget, and required involvement.
    • Conducting research: Conducting market or competitive research to uncover additional goals and insights for project planning.
    • Identifying team members and roles: Assigning team members with defined roles and responsibilities for each project phase to ensure adherence to timelines.
    • Scheduling a meeting: Organizing an initial meeting during the planning phase to share goals and anticipated timelines with the entire team, including stakeholders.


    • Logical design: Team members engage in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas, which may be conceptual rather than specific, without a predefined timeline.
    • Physical design: Ideas from the logical design phase are translated into detailed steps or goals.

    The design phase includes:

    • Identifying and listing tasks: Converting project goals and stakeholder needs into specific tasks using a work breakdown schedule, which provides a hierarchical structure for project planning.
    • Creating workflow and schedule: Communicating the workflow to team members, outlining the sequence of phases and assigning team members to specific tasks. This can be visualized through a chart or diagram. There is also waterfall project management template available for this part.

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    • Assigning team members: Designating specific tasks to individual team members during the implementation phase.
    • Tracking progress: Monitoring and keeping track of progress made towards each project goal to determine when to proceed to the next phase.
    • Identifying challenges: Recognizing and addressing challenges that may arise during implementation, with the project manager responsible for developing strategies to overcome them.
    • Reporting progress: Updating stakeholders on the progress made during the implementation phase, adhering to predetermined reporting schedules established during the planning phase.
    • Testing progress: Conducting testing of completed work in different phases, depending on the project scope. The insights gained from testing inform improvements in subsequent work.
    • Presenting the project: Once the project reaches completion, the project manager presents it to customers and stakeholders for their review and feedback.

    Verification or Testing:

    • Customer testing: Customers receive the product and conduct testing, identifying any issues or concerns.
    • Measurement against goals: Comparing the project's results against the previously established goals to assess its success.

    The verification phase of waterfall technique in project management also includes:

    • Payment of team members: Facilitating payment for team members, particularly contractors, upon project completion.
    • Managing paperwork: Handling necessary paperwork, such as signing documents or closing contracts, to finalize the project.
    • Project review: Conducting a thorough review of the project, analyzing successes and areas for improvement. This review informs future project management and establishes standards for future workflows.


    • Monitoring progress: Project managers should continuously monitor progress towards goals based on planned timelines, ensuring maintenance tasks are addressed throughout different phases of the project.
    • Post-project maintenance: Upon project completion, especially in software development projects, additional maintenance may be required. Project managers should consider and determine maintenance expectations during the planning phase.

    When to Use the Waterfall Model in Project Management?

    The Waterfall Model in project management is best suited for situations that exhibit the following characteristics:

    1. Stable Requirements: When the project requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change significantly throughout the project lifecycle, the Waterfall Model provides a solid framework for sequential execution.

    2. Predictable Processes: Projects that involve well-established and predictable processes, where the steps and dependencies are clearly understood, align well with the linear nature of the Waterfall Model.

    3. Clear Milestones and Deadlines: When the project requires clear milestones and strict adherence to deadlines, the Waterfall Model's phased approach allows for better tracking and management of progress.

    4. Limited Client Involvement: In scenarios where client involvement is limited or defined at specific stages, the Waterfall Model allows for upfront planning and execution without constant feedback and iteration.

    5. Regulatory or Compliance Requirements: Projects subject to strict regulatory or compliance requirements benefit from the Waterfall Model's emphasis on documentation, thorough testing, and quality assurance.

    However, it is important to note that the Waterfall Model may not be suitable for projects that involve high uncertainty, evolving requirements, or a need for frequent client collaboration and feedback. In such cases, Agile or iterative methodologies might be more appropriate.

    Benefits of Waterfall Methodology

    Experience the benefits of waterfall project management including client involvement, efficient resource allocation, and effective risk management, ensuring a path to success and quality assurance at every turn.

    • Clear structure: The Waterfall methodology provides a well-defined structure with distinct phases, allowing for a systematic and organized approach to project management.
    • Documentation and Traceability: The Waterfall model places a strong emphasis on documentation throughout the project lifecycle. This documentation serves as a record of decisions made, requirements, design specifications, and testing results. It can be valuable for future reference, knowledge transfer, and compliance purposes.
    • Easy to understand and manage: The sequential nature of the Waterfall methodology makes it easy to understand and manage, providing a straightforward approach for both project managers and team members.
    • Scope control: The Waterfall methodology requires a clear definition of scope at the beginning, making it easier to control and manage changes throughout the project lifecycle.
    • Stakeholder Involvement: The Waterfall model often involves stakeholders in the early phases, such as requirements gathering and design. Their input and feedback can be incorporated into the project before moving forward, ensuring alignment with their expectations and reducing the likelihood of major changes later in the process.
    • Well-Defined Milestones: The Waterfall model provides clear milestones for each phase, making it easier to track progress and measure project success. This can be particularly beneficial for projects that require strict adherence to timelines or when progress needs to be communicated to stakeholders and clients.
    • Resource allocation: The Waterfall methodology allows for better resource allocation as tasks and timelines are well-defined, enabling efficient utilization of team members' skills and availability.
    • Risk management: The Waterfall methodology emphasizes upfront planning, risk identification, and mitigation strategies, enabling better risk management throughout the project.
    • Quality focus: The Waterfall methodology emphasizes thorough testing and quality assurance at the end of each phase, ensuring high-quality deliverables and reducing the likelihood of major defects.

    Disadvantages of Waterfall Methodology

    Explore the flip side of the esteemed waterfall project management framework, where its limitations come to light. From limited flexibility and late issue detection to constrained client involvement and reduced adaptability, discover the potential drawbacks that accompany this linear project management approach.

    • Limited Flexibility: The Waterfall methodology lacks flexibility to accommodate changes in requirements or scope during the project lifecycle, as it follows a sequential and rigid structure.
    • Late Detection of Issues: With testing and quality assurance typically conducted towards the end of the project, the Waterfall methodology may result in late detection of issues or defects, making it challenging to address them effectively.
    • Limited Client Involvement: The Waterfall methodology often has limited client involvement during the execution phase, which may result in reduced client satisfaction or misalignment with evolving client needs.
    • Time-consuming Corrections: In case errors or changes are identified later in the project, the Waterfall methodology may require significant time and effort to implement corrections, potentially impacting project timelines.
    • Higher Risk of Project Failure: Due to its linear nature, the Waterfall methodology carries a higher risk of project failure if initial requirements are not accurately defined or if there are unforeseen challenges that arise during project execution.
    • Difficulty in Accommodating Uncertainty: The Waterfall methodology struggles to accommodate uncertainties or unknowns that may arise during a project, as it heavily relies on upfront planning and a fixed sequence of phases.
    • Limited Feedback Loop: The lack of iterative cycles in the Waterfall methodology results in limited opportunities for feedback and continuous improvement, potentially missing out on valuable insights from stakeholders and team members.
    • Reduced Adaptability: The Waterfall methodology may struggle to adapt to changing market conditions, evolving technologies, or shifting business priorities, as it follows a linear and predetermined path.

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    Examples of Waterfall Project Management

    Numerous industries reap the advantages of the structured arrangement and transparency offered by Waterfall Project Management. Here are a few examples:

    Construction: Waterfall Project Management proves valuable in the construction sector by prioritizing sequential task completion, such as ensuring walls are built before painting contractors commence their work.

    Software Development: The software development field frequently employs this approach to effectively organize coding activities at various levels.

    Manufacturing: Within manufacturing, the Waterfall Project Management style facilitates seamless transition from product design and planning to the manufacturing and production phases, streamlining operations.

    Waterfall Model vs Agile Methodology 

    Explore the clash between traditional and modern project management approaches as we compare the structured Waterfall Model with the dynamic and adaptive Agile Methodology. Delve into their distinct philosophies, practices, and implications for successful project execution.

    Waterfall Model
    Agile Methodology
    Approach to Project
    Sequential and linear
    Iterative and incremental
    Well-defined upfront
    Evolving and adaptable
    Extensive planning at the beginning
    Continuous planning and adaptation throughout the project
    Limited flexibility to accommodate changes
    Embraces change and welcomes flexibility
    Client Involvement
    Limited involvement during project execution
    Active and ongoing collaboration with clients
    Feedback and Iteration
    Limited feedback loop
    Continuous feedback and iteration
    Risk Management
    Risk identification and mitigation upfront
    Ongoing risk management and mitigation
    Time and Cost Estimation
    Early estimation based on fixed requirements
    Iterative estimation and adaptation as the project evolve
    Delivery of Product
    Single final delivery
    Incremental deliveries throughout the project
    Quality Assurance
    Testing at the end of each phase
    Continuous testing and quality assurance
    Suitable for
    Stable requirements and predictable processes
    Dynamic environments and evolving requirements

    The role of project management in the waterfall methodology is equally essential as in Agile, which you can find in KnowledgeHut Project Management course details. Hence, enroll quickly.


    The Waterfall Model in Project Management offers a structured and linear approach, providing a clear roadmap for project execution. It is well-suited for projects with stable requirements, predictable processes, and defined milestones. The emphasis on documentation and sequential progression can ensure clarity and accountability. However, its limitations include limited flexibility, late issue detection, and reduced client involvement. 

    The Waterfall Model may not be the ideal choice for projects that require adaptability, frequent iterations, or rapid response to changing circumstances. Ultimately, the decision to employ the Waterfall Model should be based on the specific project requirements and context, weighing its benefits and drawbacks against alternative methodologies.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Why is waterfall better than agile?

    Waterfall is preferred when requirements are stable, processes are predictable, and documentation is crucial for regulatory compliance. It also suits projects with clear milestones and strict timelines.

    2Which model is best in SDLC?

    The choice of the best model in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) depends on the project's specific requirements and context, with Agile being favored for its adaptability and iterative approach, while the Waterfall Model is suitable for projects with stable and well-defined requirements.

    3Where is waterfall model used?

    Waterfall is common in industries with regulatory requirements, large-scale software projects, and mission-critical projects with strict deadlines and complexity. It's also preferred for projects with stable requirements and limited client involvement.

    4Why is waterfall model used?

    The Waterfall Model is used when project requirements are well-defined and stable, providing a structured approach that emphasizes upfront planning and sequential execution, making it suitable for projects with limited scope changes and a focus on documentation.


    Kevin D.Davis

    Blog Author

    Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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