HomeBlogDevOpsDocker Swarm: Key Concepts and Features

Docker Swarm: Key Concepts and Features

20th Nov, 2023
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    Docker Swarm: Key Concepts and Features

    As organizations increasingly adopt containerization for deploying and managing applications, the importance of container orchestration becomes crucial. Docker Swarm, a Docker-provided orchestration solution, proves instrumental in managing a cluster of Docker nodes (hosts) to effectively deploy and scale containerized applications.

    In this blog, we will delve into Docker Swarm, exploring its features, benefits, and various use cases. This serves as an introductory guide to Docker Swarm, covering its key concepts, advantages, and use cases while delving into its prominent features and how it simplifies the management of containerized applications.

    If you're interested in enhancing your knowledge and skills in DevOps, you can consider enrolling in a reputable DevOps online course. By gaining expertise in DevOps practices, you can effectively leverage tools like Docker Swarm to streamline your application deployment and management processes.

    Now let us talk about Docker Swarm, shall we?

    What is a Docker Swarm?

    Docker Swarm is a built-in orchestration tool for Docker, designed to simplify the management and scaling of containerized applications. It allows the creation and manages a swarm of Docker nodes, turning them into a single, virtual docker engine, a scheduling mechanism that helps to create and manage a swarm of Docker nodes forming the highly available and fault-tolerant cluster.

    How to Implement a Docker Swarm Mode?

    To implement/install Docker Swarm mode, follow these steps:

    1. Initialize Docker Swarm: Once docker is installed Choose one node to be the manager node, which will be responsible for managing the swarm. Run the following command on the chosen manager node to initialize the swarm:

    Here <MANAGER-IP> is the IP address of the manager node. This command initializes the swarm and generates a token that other nodes can use to join the swarm.

    2. Join Worker Nodes: On each worker node, run the command provided by the docker swarm init output on the manager node:

    Here <TOKEN> is the token generated during swarm initialization, and <MANAGER-IP>:<PORT> is the IP address and port of the manager node.

    3. Deploy and then scale the Services: To deploy a service on the swarm, use the docker service create command followed by the appropriate options and parameters.

    Scaling the services in the swarm can be adjusted by adding the number of replicas

    <SERVICE-NAME> is the name of the service and <REPLICA-COUNT> is the desired number of replicas.

    Troubleshooting and debugging in Docker Swarm

    When working with Docker Swarm, the team encounters issues or errors that require troubleshooting and debugging issues related to container deployment, networking, service availability, and cluster management. Here are some common troubleshooting techniques and tips to resolve problems in Docker Swarm:

    1. Swarm Cluster Status: Check the status of your Swarm cluster to ensure it is healthy and all nodes are properly connected. Use the docker node ls command to list the status of the nodes in the Swarm cluster. It ensures that all nodes, especially manager nodes, are in a ready state and properly connected to the swarm.

    2. Service Deployment Verification: Use the docker service ls command to list the deployed services in the Swarm cluster. Ensure that the desired number of replicas are running for each service. If there are discrepancies, check for any error messages in the output or use docker service ps <service-name> to inspect the service tasks and their status.

    3. Examine Container Logs: Use the docker service logs <service-name> or docker logs <container-id> command to view the logs of a service or container. This can help you diagnose container-specific problems, such as misconfiguration or runtime errors.

    4. Inspect Service Configuration: Use the docker service inspect <service-name> command to inspect the details and configurations of a service. Verify that the service's configurations, such as image name, ports, environment variables, and network settings, are correctly defined.

    5. Check Networking Configuration: Ensure that the networking configuration of your services is correct. Check if the services are attached to the correct overlay network, and their published ports are accessible from outside the swarm. Verify that the DNS resolution for service discovery is functioning correctly.

    In case user is unable to resolve the issue, gather relevant diagnostic information, including Docker daemon logs (/var/log/docker.log), swarm manager logs (/var/log/syslog), and any error messages or output from failed commands. This information can be helpful when seeking assistance from the Docker community or support channels.

    By following these troubleshooting steps and leveraging the available tools and resources, the user can effectively identify and resolve issues in the Docker Swarm cluster, ensuring the smooth operation of your containerized applications. Also, remember to follow general troubleshooting best practices, such as isolating the issue, narrowing down possible causes, and testing step-by-step changes or solutions to avoid any unintended consequences.

    What are the Primary Features of Docker Swarm?

    A Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that offers a range of features to simplify the deployment and management of containerized applications in a clustered environment. Docker Swarm is used for:

    (a) Service Scaling: Docker Swarm offer design and scale services across several swarm nodes. For each service, the required number of replicas, and Docker Swarm will automatically split the workload across the available replicas and balance incoming requests.

    (b) Built-in service discovery offered by Docker Swarm makes it simple for containers to connect with one another. Each service receives an automated DNS name that other containers or services in the swarm may use to find and connect to the service.

    (c) Services and containers in the swarm are kept in check by Docker Swarm. When a container or node malfunctions, Docker Swarm automatically recognizes the issue and takes the required steps to keep the services operating as intended. To ensure fault tolerance and self-healing capabilities, it can resume failed containers or reschedule them on healthy nodes.

    (d) Containers inside the swarm can interact with one another across several hosts or nodes thanks to Docker Swarm. It offers overlay networking, allowing containers to easily connect with one another through virtual networks. The network configuration is made easier and transparent to the containers thanks to this capability.

    (e) Docker Application Bundles (DABs), which are self-contained packages with all the components required to run an application, are supported by Docker Swarm. DABs make it simpler to deploy and manage complicated applications by combining the application code, dependencies, and settings into a single artifact.               

    Key Concepts in Docker Swarm:

    To effectively work with Docker Swarm, understanding its key concepts is crucial. Here are the key concepts in Docker Swarm:

    (a) Swarm: A group of Docker nodes (hosts) collaborating to create a single virtual Docker engine is known as a "Docker Swarm." Manager nodes and worker nodes make up the swarm. Worker nodes are where containers are installed and execute, whilst manager nodes are in charge of administering the swarm.

    (b) Service: In Docker Swarm, a service is a persistent job or programme. It is a description of the ideal situation for operating containers. Services may be scaled up or down as necessary and can be duplicated over many swarm nodes. An API, a database, or a web server are a few examples of services.

    (c) Task: An instance of a service that is executing on a worker node is a task. To reach the target replica count when scaling a service, Docker Swarm generates and plans jobs across many nodes. Every task is a container that is operating the service.

    (d) Node: A node in a swarm cluster is a host for Docker. Manager nodes and worker nodes are both valid types of nodes. Worker nodes operate the containers that make up the services, while manager nodes administer the swarm by scheduling services and keeping track of its status.

    (e) Overlay Network: A virtual network that crosses several Docker nodes in the swarm is known as an overlay network. It makes it possible for containers operating on several nodes to communicate. To provide smooth and secure communication between services in the swarm, overlay networks can be attached to them.

    (f) Stack: A stack is a method for deploying several connected services at once. A Docker Compose file or a Docker stack file is used to define it, and these files list the services, networks, and volumes that the application needs. All of the services specified in a stack are created and managed during deployment.

    (g) Load Balancing: Services have built-in load balancing thanks to Docker Swarm. To ensure that the burden is divided fairly and to provide high availability and scalability, incoming requests to a service are automatically dispersed across its available replicas.

    (h) Swarm Manager: The swarm manager is in charge of maintaining the swarm state, which includes handling service deployments, scaling, and monitoring node and service health. A swarm has many management nodes that interact with one another to ensure the consistency and availability of the swarm.

    (i) Swarm Worker: The swarm worker nodes are in charge of operating the containers that comprise the services. Worker nodes receive swarm management tasks and execute them on the local Docker engine. They communicate the task status to the manager and control container orchestration inside their respective nodes.

    Docker Swarm Advantages:

    A Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that executes the Docker application. It has been set up to work as part of a cluster. A swarm manager oversees the cluster's operations, and machines that have joined the cluster are referred to as nodes. It offers several advantages for managing and deploying containerized applications.

    Here are some of the key advantages of using Docker Swarm:

    (a) Docker Swarm is integrated into Docker, thus it already has Docker Engine and needs very little setup. It's not too difficult to get started with Docker Swarm. Using a few straightforward instructions, team can easily build up a swarm cluster and begin distributing services.

    (b) The Docker ecosystem and Docker Swarm interact perfectly. By using Docker images, team can utilize pre-existing Docker containers and images without making any changes. It is simpler to switch from solitary Docker containers to a swarm environment since you can control your swarm services using the same well-known Docker commands.

    (c) Docker Swarm offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface for managing containers at scale and adheres to the "batteries included, but optional" principle. It provides a straightforward method for orchestrating containers, making it simpler for developers and operators to comprehend and use. The creation and deployment of multi-container applications are made simpler by the declarative syntax of Docker Compose, which is compatible with Docker Swarm.

    (d) Docker Swarm provides services with high built-in availability and fault tolerance. When a node or container fails, it automatically distributes containers across the other nodes in the swarm to keep your applications running. In the event of a failure, Docker Swarm immediately restarts or reschedules containers. It also checks the health of services.

    (e) Docker Swarm provides horizontal scaling by adding more copies, so as to grow the services horizontally. The capacity of the application can be simply increased or decreased depending on demand. Also, Docker Swarm automatically distributes traffic across the available containers by load balancing incoming requests to the service replicas.

    (f) Built-in service discovery and DNS-based routing are provided by Docker Swarm. An exclusive DNS name that may be used for inter-service communication is automatically assigned to each service in the swarm. By eliminating the need for manual configuration, this makes it easier to find and connect to services inside the swarm.

    (g) TLS (Transport Layer Security)-based reciprocal communication between nodes and services is offered by Docker Swarm. It offers secure communication channels and encrypts the communications between nodes. Additionally, Docker Swarm has an integrated secrets management functionality that enables you to safely store and transmit sensitive data to your services, such as API keys or passwords.

    (h) It is simple to fetch and deploy the container images from these sources using Docker Swarm since it works effectively with Docker Hub and Docker Trusted Registry. To manage and distribute unique container images inside the swarm, pre-built images from Docker Hub or keeping a private registry with Docker Trusted Registry can be utilized.

    (i) Various types of hardware and architecture, such as bare metal servers, virtual machines, or cloud instances, can support Docker Swarm. It can efficiently schedule and orchestrate containers to make the best use of the resources that are available. Because of its lightweight construction and low resource requirements, Docker Swarm is a practical option for deploying containerized apps.

    Docker Swarm Drawbacks

    We all have heard about Docker Swarm has experienced a decline in popularity compared to other container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. Is Docker Swarm dead?

    Let's deep dive!!

    A Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that executes the Docker application. It has been set up to work as part of a cluster. A swarm manager oversees the cluster's operations, and machines that have joined the cluster are referred to as nodes. While Docker Swarm offers many powerful features, it does have some limitations that one should be aware of:

    (a) Docker Swarm is meant for smaller-scale deployments when contrasted to more complex container orchestration technologies like Kubernetes. It can manage a reasonable number of nodes and services, but expanding to hundreds or thousands of nodes or services may provide challenges.

    (b) When compared to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm delivers a more simplified and straightforward approach to container orchestration. It does, however, lack some of Kubernetes' advanced capabilities and versatility, such as sophisticated service discovery methods, complex networking choices, and fine-grained control over installations and scheduling.

    (c) We have limited resources, tutorials, and community-contributed solutions available for Docker Swarm because Kubernetes has more user base as compared to docker. This occasionally result in restricting the availability of specialised tools, integrations, and third-party extensions.

    (d) Docker Swarm has basic rolling updates and scaling capabilities, although they are not as sophisticated or fine-grained as Kubernetes. Kubernetes, for example, allows more advanced deployment techniques such as blue-green deployments and canary releases, which are not natively supported by Docker Swarm.

    (e) Kubernetes provides significant support for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments, whereas Docker Swarm's support in this area is less established. Kubernetes provides greater flexibility and integration with various cloud providers and infrastructure services, making it easier to deploy and manage the applications across many cloud environments.

    Real-World use cases of Docker Swarm

    Since we have gone through many topics of Docker Swarm, here are some real word docker swarm example:

    • Rackspace Carina is built atop Docker Swarm: Rackspace offers hosted container environment, which is internally based on Docker Swarm
    • Zenly is using Swarm across Google Cloud Platform and bare metal servers
    • ADP uses Docker and Swarm to give velocity to their legacy deployments
    • Swarms can be deployed with Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure templates directly on their public clouds
    • Alibaba Cloud allows developers to use Docker to run as many containers as needed instantly and simultaneously process various operations in a given website in a short time.
    • The foremost benefit, Dockers, brings to the WES table is the ability to get one of its websites up and running in the marketplace in no time. This helps to connect students with partners faster. Docker helps close that gap furthermore by allowing teams to quickly create, test, and publish containers at will at a budgetary price.
    • At Netflix, Docker was used in Titus to specifically help with deployment and serve as a job scheduling system. With the combination of Linux and Docker, Netlflix also implemented their own multi-tenant isolation.

    Additionally, you can also look at the best docker and Kubernetes course(s) here.

    Docker swarm best practices

    Here are some best practices to follow when working with Docker Swarm:

    1. Plan for Scalability and Resiliency: Design your Swarm cluster with scalability and resiliency in mind. Consider the number of manager and worker nodes based on your expected workload. Having multiple manager nodes ensures high availability and fault tolerance.

    2. Use Swarm Mode Instead of Legacy Swarm: Docker Swarm has two modes: legacy swarm and swarm mode. Swarm mode is the recommended mode as it is integrated into Docker itself and offers additional features and improvements. Use swarm mode for new deployments and consider migrating from legacy swarm if you're still using it.

    3. Implement Service Health Checks: Define health checks for your services to monitor their health and automatically handle failures. Configure appropriate thresholds and intervals for health checks to detect and respond to issues promptly.

    4. Utilize Load Balancing: Take advantage of Docker Swarm's built-in load balancing capabilities. Use service discovery and load balancing features to evenly distribute incoming requests across service replicas. Configure load balancing strategies based on your application's requirements.

    5. Use Rolling Updates and Rollbacks: Employ rolling updates to update services without causing downtime. Gradually replace old containers with new ones to ensure a smooth transition. In case of any issues, utilize rolling rollbacks to revert to the previous version of a service.

    6. Properly Configure Networking: Ensure that your services are correctly configured to use overlay networks within the swarm, to maintain docker swarm security best practices. Consider using ingress networks for external access. Design network segmentation and isolation as per your application's requirements.

    7. Monitor and Log Services: Implement monitoring and logging solutions to gain visibility into your Swarm cluster. Monitor resource usage, service health, and performance metrics. Collect and analyze logs to troubleshoot issues effectively.

    By following these best practices, you can effectively utilize Docker Swarm, optimize performance, enhance security, and maintain a reliable and scalable infrastructure for your containerized applications.


    Overall, Docker Swarm in 2023 offers a robust and user-friendly solution for managing containerized applications at scale. It provides features for high availability, scalability, service discovery, load balancing, and fault tolerance. In today’s era, Docker Swarm is suitable for a wide range of use cases, from deploying web applications to managing complex microservices architectures. By leveraging Docker Swarm, the team can unlock the full potential of containerization and streamline the application deployment processes. Understanding Docker and Kubernetes is one of the very important skills for DevOps engineers since organizations are moving toward containerization. In case you want to go through in-depth knowledge about containers and their management or planning for Kubernetes certification, you can easily enrol in KnowledgeHut’s DCA Certification course.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How does Docker Swarm ensure high availability and fault tolerance?

    Docker Swarm implements various important characteristics to provide high availability and fault tolerance. One of the characteristics is service replication, which enables a service to execute in several replicas across various swarm nodes. This workload distribution makes guarantees that the service can keep running even if certain nodes or containers fail.

    Another key component is load balancing, which distributes incoming requests to a service across available copies in order to keep any one container from getting overloaded. In order to coordinate swarm activities, Docker Swarm additionally includes leader election and manager nodes, providing ongoing swarm management in the case of leader node failure.

    2Can Docker Swarm integrate with other container orchestration tools?

    Docker Swarm is designed to be a standalone container orchestration tool provided by Docker. Docker Swarm is not built to directly integrate with other container orchestration tools, but it is possible to combine Docker Swarm with other tools to achieve specific requirements or to leverage additional features

    However, Docker Swarm can work alongside and integrate with other container orchestration tools to meet specific requirements or to leverage additional features such as Nginx , Jenkins, Gitlab CI/CD , Terraform ,Prometheus, or Grafana etc

    3Is Docker Swarm suitable for large-scale deployments?

    Yes, docker Swarm can be used for large-scale deployment. Docker Swarm capable of managing and orchestrating containerized applications at scale , but still not have the same features as more complex orchestration platforms like Kubernetes.

    While Docker Swarm may not offer the same level of advanced features and complexity as Kubernetes, it provides a simpler and more lightweight option for managing large-scale deployments.

    4How to use Docker Swarm with existing Docker Compose files?

    Yes, you can use Docker Swarm with existing Docker Compose files. Docker Swarm allows to define and deploy multi-container applications within a swarm cluster using Docker Compose files.

    We can  easily deploy application stack using the 'docker stack deploy' command and supply the Docker Compose file as input to utilise Docker Swarm with pre-existing Docker Compose files. The specified services are created and deployed using this command as a stack within the Docker Swarm cluster.

    Docker Swarm supports a subset of the Docker Compose file syntax, allowing you to use your existing Docker Compose files with minor modifications.


    Kanav Preet


    Kanav is working as SRE in leading fintech firm having experience in CICD Pipeline, Cloud, Automation, Build Release  and Deployment. She is passionate about leveraging technology to build innovative and effective software solutions. Her insight, passion and energy results in her engaging a strong clientele who move ahead with her ideas. She has done various certifications in  Continuous delivery & DevOps (University of Virginia), tableau , Linux (Linux foundation) and many more.

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