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Know Who is Responsible for Managing the Portfolio Kanban

19th Feb, 2024
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    Know Who is Responsible for Managing the Portfolio Kanban

    Kanban is a visual management approach for tracking work as it progresses through a process. Kanban depicts the process (the workflow) and the actual work that passes through it. So, where did Kanban come from? It all began in the early 1940s. Taiichi Ohno created the first Kanban system for Toyota Automotive in Japan. It was designed as a basic planning system to properly control and manage work and inventory at each step of production. 

    Based on Work in Process (WIP) restrictions, it matches demand to capacity. By visualizing bottlenecks in each process, a manager responsible for managing the portfolio Kanban can find possibilities for continuous improvement. In addition, each state promotes flow by enforcing regulations guiding the entrance and departure of work items. Opt for Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) certification to become a kanban expert.

    Portfolio Kanban System

    An ideal Kanban system controls the entire value chain, from the supplier to the final consumer. So now, what does the Kanban portfolio mean? The portfolio Kanban framework could be a strategy used by a manager responsible for managing portfolio Kanban to imagine and oversee the stream of portfolio sagas, from ideation through examination, usage, and completion. 

    A few Kanban are utilized through secure, counting the group, program arrangement, and portfolio Kanban frameworks. The Portfolio Kanban strategy is pertinent over the chain of command levels, beginning from the group level, going through item administration and venture or program administration, coming to as tall as C-level methodology execution.

    Recently, showing the subtle elements around executing Portfolio Kanban on any of these levels, let us begin with clarifying how the Portfolio Kanban strategy contrasts with the Group Kanban strategy. Each of the default portfolios Kanban states is portrayed differently. It's imperative to note that these portfolio Kanban states speak to an illustration prepare. The plan of the Kanban may advance to reflect enhancements based on pertinent portfolio encounters.

    These enhancements may incorporate altering WIP limits, part or combining Kanban states, or including classes of benefit to optimize the stream and need of epics. 

    Manage Portfolio Kanban 

    Now, who is responsible for the Kanban portfolio? Portfolio Kanban can visualize and track ventures from group level up through venture directors to program supervisors to C-suite trade pioneers. Usually, one reason can be confusing regarding who ought to oversee it.

    However, the answer is moderately basic and managed by the method itself. Those capable of overseeing Portfolio Kanban sagas are known as epic proprietors. These epic proprietors collaborate with other partners to characterize the Epic, its least reasonable item (MVP), and the Incline commerce case.

    Once the commerce case is affirmed, the epic proprietor, too, directs and encourages usage. Epic proprietors collaborate straightforwardly with other partners to characterize the highlights and capabilities that will realize the esteem of affirmed sagas. This may be a trial-and-error process that you will idealize throughout a few ventures. A portfolio supervisor is mindful of planning customized speculation arrangements for the clients. No two people can have the same budgetary needs. Therefore, it is fundamental for the portfolio director to begin by analyzing the foundation of his client. Know an individual's profit and his capacity to contribute. 

    After knowing about it, we all know that everything has its disadvantages/backlogs. The Portfolio Backlog, The Portfolio Backlog, is the highest-level backlog in Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe).

    It gives the manager responsible for portfolio Kanban a holding region for up-and-coming commerce and enabler Legends aiming to make and advance a comprehensive set of Solutions. Portfolio sagas are made unmistakable, created, and overseen through the Portfolio Kanban, where they continue through different prepared states until they are endorsed or rejected by Incline Portfolio Administration (LPM). Endorsed portfolio sagas move to portfolio accumulation, where they anticipate usage by one or more Spry Discharge Trains (Expressions) or Arrangement Trains.

    The administration of the portfolio excess is the space of the item supervisor; the administration of the group accumulation is the space of the item proprietor. The two parties must collaborate to maintain a strategic distance from the development of handovers and delays. 

    Lean Portfolio Management

    (LPM) Incline Portfolio Administration depicts how senior administration applies incline standards to put through the methodology to execution. Portfolio administration groups learn almost all of an enterprise's procedures and distribute a budget for executing that strategy. Like every portfolio, an LPM portfolio of ventures is imaginatively decided and effectively overseen over the speculation life cycle. The essential accentuation of LPM is to adjust dexterous improvement with commerce procedure, focusing on driving the conveyance of esteem to clients through creating items and arrangements.

    Combining LPM with dexterous improvement hones offers a way to progress commerce agility. The portfolio Kanban framework portrays the method 'states' that an epic goes through on its way from creation through completion. The Epic Owner facilitates the headway of the Epic through portfolio Kanban. 

    The pipe is utilized by a manager responsible for managing the portfolio Kanban safe to capture all unused enormous commerce or innovation thoughts. These thoughts may begin as key concerns, thoughts from Expressions or groups, or proposals from clients and accomplices. These thoughts are expected to be expansive enough to surpass the epic edge Guardrail or have a few other key or commerce effects.

    Suppose an introductory audit decides that thought isn't likely to surpass the epic limit guardrail or be a portfolio concern. In that case, it is moved to the pipe of the Arrangement or Program Kanban. Portfolio Epics that arrive within the pipe are depicted with a brief expression, such as, 'self-service for all auto loans.' The method of keeping up the Portfolio Vision and Guide recognizes unused activities that bolster straightforwardly into the portfolio Kanban. 

    The Non-Stop investigation prepare finds client and advertising needs and frequently comes about within the recognizable proof of epics. This state has no WIP limits, as these thoughts will merit consideration. Since legends are a few of the foremost significant enterprise speculations, somebody must support the Epic and characterize its expectation and definition. This happens within the looking-into state and is the obligation of the Epic Proprietor.

    When capacity is accessible, an Epic Proprietor pulls the Epic into this state, working with other partners to characterize the epic theory statement. WIP limits for this state (number of sagas permitted) may be indicated. On the other hand, the need for an Epic Proprietor who is accessible to do the work can serve as an understood WIP constraint. Preparatory measures fetched gauges, and a WSJF gauge relative to other things within the investigating state is set up.

    The Epic is looked into by the manager safe, responsible for managing the portfolio Kanban as part of the typical portfolio sync motivation. When adequate information and a survey are provided, the Epic may be affirmed as being prepared for the analyzing state.

    On the off chance that the Epic does not show up adequately practical, it is essentially moved to the done state, which liberates capacity for more promising alternatives. When the Epic Proprietor has the essential capacity and a room is accessible inside the WIP restrain, promising sagas are pulled into the analysis. Legends that make it to this state justify more thorough examination and assist investment. 

    Ordinarily, there are, as it were, a small number of legends in this state, and they are looked into routinely by LPM. However, since the inevitable start of the Epic will take valuable capacity, endorsement to move into the following stage could be a more thorough issue.

    WSJF is one factor, but numerous extra contemplations will too be applied. LPM employs the incline trade case to create a 'go/no-go' choice amid the portfolio match-up. 'Go' affirms that Epic is affirmed for usage and sequential utilization of WSJF.


    In the case of the MVP state, the Epic Proprietor works with the Spry groups to start the exercises required to create the MVP and assess the commerce result speculation. One can proceed with the work on the MVP proceeds until the money designated for the MVP has been passed through or the speculation is demonstrated or disproven.

    If the esteem stream runs out of cash to execute the MVP and the client issue still exists, an unused epic may be proposed and put within the pipe state, or the Epic is considered done, and there is no requirement to consider an assist.


    In the case of the execution stage, one needs to continue on state such that groups will proceed to initialize extra highlights and capabilities for the Epic.

    In the long run, Epic will be 'done enough' such that continuous WSJF will prioritize modern capabilities and highlights from other sources as a higher priority. From a portfolio viewpoint, an epic is considered done when adequate information or esteem is accomplished such that the activity is not a portfolio concern. 

    Completing the imagined scope from the Incline trade case isn't a criterion. Work on the Epic may proceed by different Expressions, and the Epic Proprietor may have a few progressing duties for stewardship and follow-up. 

    How to Maintain Portfolio Vision?

    Portfolio Vision 

    Portfolio Vision may portray the long-standing state of a portfolio's Esteem Streams and Arrangements and depict how they will coordinate to attain the portfolio's targets and the broader point of the Endeavor. The realization of the portfolio vision is characterized and communicated through the current and future state portfolio canvas.

    Whereas key subjects, the portfolio vision, and the current and future state portfolio canvases direct the portfolio, vision, and methodology improvement isn't a once-and-done workout. As unused data is learned about the solution set, counting key execution measurements, the LPM work occasionally audits the portfolio canvas (e.g., quarterly). It investigates diverse scenarios where the portfolio seems to advance to a better state in Arrangement with vital themes. 

    Enterprise Architecture

    The street to distant better; a much better; a higher; a stronger; an improved">a distant better future state must be created by taking after engineering standards and homes that empower the advancement of its arrangement set.

    This truth makes venture design a critical component of technique and speculation subsidizing. Endeavor engineering is the method of interpreting the trade vision and methodology into successful innovation plans. In conclusion, Undertaking Designers advance versatile plans and design homes to drive the portfolio's engineering activities (enabler legends).

    Endeavor Designers moreover encourage the reuse of equipment and computer program components and demonstrate designs over a portfolio. Finally, designers assist in progress by cultivating Building Runway and advertising engineering administration.

    They may incorporate suggestions for innovation stacks, esteem stream level interoperability, APIs, facilitating, and strategies for planning and testing cyber-physical systems. 

    Portfolio Roadmap

    The perfect way to anticipate the portfolio's future state is to make it through an intentional and adaptable guide. Since a few portfolio activities may take a long time to create and arrange horizons longer than those captured within the Program Increase (PI) guide (two to three PIs) may be required. A portfolio guide coordinates viewpoints of the lower-level roadmaps into a more comprehensive see, communicating the bigger picture to endeavor and portfolio stakeholders. 

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    Lean Governance

    Incline Administration oversees investing, reviewing compliance, determining costs, and measuring. The Incline administration collaboration and duties require the dynamic engagement of the Dexterous PMO/LACE, Trade Proprietors, and Venture Modelers. Their obligations are portrayed within the taking-after sections. 

    1. Forecast and Budget Dynamically

    As depicted prior, SAFe gives an Incline approach to budgeting—a lightweight, more liquid, Dexterous handle that replaces the settled, long-range budget cycles, budgetary commitments, and fixed-scope desires of a conventional arranging prepare. This modern approach to arranging and budgeting incorporates understanding the verifiable and forecasted future costs related to each Arrangement and forecasted sagas costs. Budgets are balanced on cadence, regularly every six months or when noteworthy occasions warrant, as portions of the Vital Portfolio Survey or Participatory Budgeting Events. 

    2. Measure Portfolio Performance

    Each portfolio must set up the least measurements required to guarantee: Technique execution Investing adjusts with the concurred boundaries comes about are ceaselessly making strides, without excessively nitty gritty oversight of highlight execution by ARTs. 

    3. Participatory Budgeting

    Secure Participatory Budgeting (PB) is an LPM occasion in which many partners choose how to contribute to the portfolio budget over Arrangements and Sagas. The information is utilized to finalize any alterations required to the esteem stream budgets. These budgets are regularly balanced twice yearly utilizing PB. In case balanced less regularly, investing is settled for long, constraining nimbleness. Moreover, even though more visit budget changes could seem to bolster increment agility, they may also make much vulnerability and fail to commit to any near-term course of activity. 


    Hopefully, all your queries regarding the role and responsibility of different parts of Kanban, along with what is one component of the guardrail on lean portfolio management, are clear. Since Epic is not a portfolio concern, driving pointers, esteem stream KPIs, and Guardrails are utilized to educate LPM on progress. Groups applying Kanban to make strides in the administrations they convey grasp the taking after values: Straightforwardness, Adjust. They interlink, thus, giving you a visual representation of, by and large, advance. Besides, your group can drag employees at a speed that is ideal for them. There are numerous other benefits to utilizing the Portfolio Kanban computer program.

    Dexterous portfolio operations encourage coordination over the portfolio's esteem streams, keeping up Arrangements between procedure and execution and cultivating proceeded operational brilliance. Finally, incline administration closes the circle by measuring portfolio execution and supporting energetic alterations to budgets to maximize esteem. To learn more and more topics related to Kanban, join KnowledgeHut Kanban courses online.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What do you mean by portfolio Kanban?

    The Portfolio Kanban framework may be a strategy to imagine and oversee the stream of portfolio Sagas, from ideation through examination, execution, and completion. A few Kanban frameworks are utilized through Secure, counting the group, program, Arrangement, and portfolio Kanban frameworks. Each Kanban framework makes strides in the stream of esteem through the Ceaseless Conveyance Pipeline. The portfolio Kanban is especially imperative because it makes a difference in adjusting technique and execution by distinguishing, communicating, and administering the choice of the biggest and most vital activities (Sagas) for a Secure portfolio. 

    2Who is responsible for managing the Kanban portfolio?

    Epic Proprietors are dependable for planning portfolio Legends through the Portfolio Kanban framework. They collaboratively characterize the Epic, its Least Reasonable Item (MVP), and Incline commerce case and encourage execution when affirmed. Epic Proprietor works specifically with the Dexterous Discharge Prepare (Craftsmanship) and Arrangement Prepare partners to characterize the Highlights and Capabilities that realize the esteem of endorsed Legends. They may have a few obligations for supporting the activity because it moves downstream through the Non-stop Conveyance Pipeline to Discharge on Demand. 

    3What is the backlog portfolio?

    Sagas within the analyzing state with the most elevated WSJF are pulled into the following state, portfolio accumulation, as long as space is accessible. This can take a toll on the' wait state' where legends are intermittently surveyed and prioritized by overhauling WSJF and other significant factors. 

    a) Implementing MVP: When adequate capacity from one or more Expressions is accessible, the sagas with the most noteworthy WSJF progress to the Implementing: MVP state. Here, the Epic Proprietor works with the Dexterous groups to start the exercises required to create the MVP and assess the commerce result speculation. Work on the MVP proceeds until the money apportioned for the MVP has been passed through or the theory is demonstrated or disproven. If the esteem stream runs out of cash to execute the MVP and the client issue still exists, an unused epic may be proposed and set within the pipe state, or the Epic is considered done, and there's no encouraging consideration.

    b) Implementing: Persevere: On the off chance that the speculation is demonstrated genuine, the Epic progresses to the Actualizing: Continue on state, and groups will proceed to execute extra highlights and capabilities for the Epic. Expressions oversee the extra speculation through progress, including prioritization of the Program Kanban in different esteem streams. In the long run, Epic will be 'done enough,' so continuous WSJF will prioritize unused capabilities and highlights from other sources as the higher priority.

    c) Done: From a portfolio viewpoint, an epic is considered done when adequate information or esteem is accomplished such that the activity is not a portfolio concern. For example, completing the total imagined scope from the Incline commerce case isn't a criterion.

    4What is lean portfolio management?

    The Lean Portfolio Administration competency adjusts procedure and execution by applying Incline and frameworks considering approaches to procedure and speculation subsidizing, Spry portfolio operations, and administration. It is one of the seven center competencies of the Incline Endeavor, each of which is basic to accomplishing Trade Nimbleness.

    Each center's competency is backed by a particular appraisal, which empowers Endeavor to evaluate its capability. These center competency appraisals, alongside prescribed advancement openings, are accessible from the Degree and Grow article. In addition, Lean Portfolio Administration depicts how a Secure portfolio could be a collection of Esteem Streams for a particular commerce space in a Venture.

    Each esteem stream conveys one or more Arrangements that offer assistance if the venture meets its trade procedure. These esteem streams create items or arrangements for outside clients or make arrangements for inside operational esteem streams. One SAFe portfolio can regularly administer the whole Arrangement set for a small-to-medium-size organization. Expansive endeavors frequently require numerous portfolios, more often than not, for each line of trade, trade unit, or division. 


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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