2 days-Classroom Workshop Led By Industry Experts
Tools, Templates and Checklists on USB Key
Master Your Learning with Practical Assignments
Learn at Your Convenience with Downloadable Resources
Learn from Industry Experts with Years of Experience
Get Certified by KnowledgeHut on Course Completion
If you’re a senior product manager, team leader or director, you’re under pressure to perform.
This 2-day advanced workshop brings together years of research, experience and insights to show you how to deliver.
During the workshop you will create actionable takeaways to improve product management in your business. You’ll learn about world class product management, explore new ideas and how to improve your own and your company’s performance. You’ll also discuss key product management issues, best practice and swap experiences with workshop leaders and senior peers.
A series of different tools are used to help you understand and explain product management in your business. These are provided on a USB key so they can be taken and adapted for your organization.
The workshop is focused on B2B and B2C in the Telecoms, IT and Software industries.