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Indentation in Python (With Examples)

05th Sep, 2023
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    Indentation in Python (With Examples)

    Python's unique use of indentation sets it apart in the programming landscape. Indentation in Python, more than a stylistic choice, is a crucial syntax element, shaping code organization and flow. Comprehending indentation meaning in Python is like learning its grammar, influencing your scripts' functionality. Mastering indentation lets you dodge errors, enhancing your code's readability and maintainability. Here, Python Programming training will support you in mastering the core concepts of Python programming and provide hands-on practice with guided exercised, work-like projects and more.

    What is Indentation in Python?

    In the realm of Python programming, “indentation” signifies more than mere aesthetic preference; it's an integral element defining the language's syntax. The term “Indentation in Python” refers to the whitespaces (spaces or tabs) at the start of a code line. Python utilizes indentation to ascertain the grouping of statements, and unlike other programming languages that use braces, parentheses, or keywords, Python uses this indentation approach to delimit the blocks of code for functions, loops, and conditionals.

    A small indentation error can lead to syntax problems and incorrect code execution. As such, understanding and mastering Python indentation is a core skill that every Python programmer must acquire. It streamlines code readability and organization, fostering a smooth coding experience.

    If you're seeking to understand such nuances of Python and aim to become proficient in programming, our Programming certification could be the perfect stepping stone for you. This certification course will guide you through the peculiarities of Python, helping you to not just understand indentation, but also leverage its benefits to write efficient and clean code.

    Why is Python Indentation Important?

    In Python, a block of code is identified by using indentation. Many programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, and others, use flower brackets (or curly braces) to define or identify a block of code in the program. In contrast, in Python, it is done using whitespaces (spaces or tabs), known as indentation, and it is also known as the “four-space rule” in PEP8 documentation of rules for styling and designing Python code.

    Python indentation, often termed the "four-space rule" in PEP 8, the Python style guide, is an integral part of Python syntax. This rule advises developers to use 4 spaces per indentation level to define blocks of code. It not only enhances readability but is crucial for proper code execution, as Python uses indentation to determine how code statements are grouped together. In short, Python's "four-space rule" is a fundamental aspect of its clean, readable syntax design.

    a = 30
    b = 5
    if a != 10:



    The print statements (print(a)) and (print(b)) are two separate lines of code. Python employs indentation in the preceding block of code with the same number of spaces, which is four spaces, to denote these code blocks. Indentation is needed exactly below the “if” and “else” statements so the Python interpreter can execute its print statement and provide the required output; otherwise, it would raise an error (like below).

    a = 30
    b = 5
    if a != 10:


    File "example.py", line 4
    IndentationError: expected an indented block after the 'if' statement on line 4

    How Does Python Indentation Work?

    When writing a Python program, programmers usually write a block of code (a collection of statements) for conditional statements, functions, and loops. When the program increases in size, it gets more difficult to read and comprehend due to these conditional statements, functions, and loops. Furthermore, the Python interpreter needs help determining the sequence of execution of statements. Indentation is used to simplify things. We indent the code after breaking it into many sections. 

    This indentation aids the Python interpreter in comprehending the following:

    • The order in each block of code or statement should be executed
    • Which statement belongs to which code block

    Python indentation informs the interpreter that a set of statements belongs to a certain block of code.

    Rough Example Of How Python Indentation Works:

    1. Statement: Code block 1 statement begins.
    2. If condition: Code block one condition continues.
    3. If condition: Code block 2 statement begins.
    4. Statement: Code block 3 statement begins.
    5. Else: Code block 2 statement continues.
    6. Statement: Code block 3 continues.
    7. Statement: Code block 1 continues.

    All statements on the same indentation level belong to a single block. From the above mentioned scenario, we may deduce that statements in lines 1,2 and 7 belong to code block one and have zero or the lowest amount of indentation.

    Statements 3 and 5 are indented one level higher, forming another block with the initial indentation level. Statements 4 and 6 also create a code block number 3, resulting in a second indentation level. This allows programmers to examine and define blocks and see which sentences correspond to certain blocks.

    Method of Execution

    Line 1 starts code execution, followed by line 2 verifies the “if” condition. If the “if” condition returns false, control jumps and executes line 7, but if the condition evaluation returns true, control moves inside the “if” block and checks line 3 condition. 

    If the line 3 condition returns false, the control jumps to line 4 and checks the line 5 condition. Howbeit, if line 3 returns true, the control goes further inside the loop and executes the line 4 statement, then exits the loop and checks the line 5 condition. 

    If the line 5 condition returns false, the control jumps out of the loop and runs line 7. However, if line 5 returns true, the control goes further inside the loop and executes the line 6 statement and then the line 7 statement. 

    Code Example of How Python Indentation Works:

    print("Code block 1 statement begins.")
     print("Code block 3 statement")
     print("Code block 3 won't print")
    print("Code block 1 statement continues.")

    Code Explanation

    The program first executes the first line, then moves to the second line and checks the condition; if it's true, it moves to the third line and checks its condition; if it's also true, it executes the fourth line statement, then moves to the fifth line and checks the condition; since it's false, it jumps to the sixth line statement. It then executes the statement on the seventh line. 

    How To Indent Your Python Code?

    Indenting Python code is done by moving lines of code in, and it ishould be done when a statement is ended with a colon (:). The Python IDLE/IDEs will indent the code when enter is pressed, as it jumps to the next line with four spaces at the beginning of the statement or by pressing the tab button.

    Python Indentation Rules

    The following are the principles/rules to follow while applying indentation in Python:

    1. The first line of Python code can’t have an indentation, or it will throw an error (IndentationError)

    a = 30
    b = 5


    File "example.py", line 1

    a = 30

    IndentationError: unexpected indent

    2. To make an indentation, avoid combining tabs and whitespaces. Because text editors in non-Unix systems act differently, blending them might result in incorrect indentation. It is preferred to use spaces rather than using the tab.

    a = 30
    b = 30
    if a==b:


    File "example.py", line 5


    TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

    3. Although there’s no specific rule on the number of spaces for indentation, the ideal technique is to use four whitespaces for the first indentation and then add four more to increase the indentation. Not being consistent with the number of spaces for indentation would lead to an error.

    a = 30
    b = 30
    if a==b:


    File "example.py", line 5


    IndentationError: unexpected indent

    Indentation in Python For Loop

    We must raise the indentation for code to be grouped inside the “for” loop. Below is an example of how to properly use indentation in Python “for” loop:

    for j in range(20):
    ....if j==5:
    ........for testing in  range(j):
    ............print(testing + 1)








    Benefits Of Indentation In Python

    Indentation in programming provides several benefits, some of which are stated below:

    1. Readability: Indentation makes it easier to understand Python code by clearly displaying code blocks. It also helps programmers understand the flow of a code and identify certain parts.

    Example: Proper Indentation vs Improper Indentation

    for i in range(20):                             for i in range(20):
    ....if i==5:                                    if i==5:                                  
    ........print(i)                                print(i)                                    
    ........for j in range(i):                      for j in range(i):
    ............print(j + 1)                        print(j + 1)             

    2. Imposes Structure: Without a doubt, indentation gives Python code structure. Indentation indicates where the code blocks begin and end. When dealing with a complicated and vast codebase, having a proper structure is essential since it makes it simpler to prevent name conflicts and other complications.

    It also helps with code maintenance and understanding. Code that is well-structured is easier to maintain. This can make the code foundation last longer and more valuable.      

    3. Aids in Debugging: Indentation makes the code legible and well-structured. This can assist developers in swiftly locating and correcting code issues. Indentation, for example, makes it simple for a developer to identify the precise code block and discover the lines of code producing the mistake. This saves time since the developer doesn’t have to scan the entire program to identify the problem.

    4. Enhances Code Reusability: Because it is more legible and clear, well-structured and indented code is simpler to reuse and change for other applications. Indentation saves developers much time because they don’t have to redo the same code from the start.

    Furthermore, well-structured and indented code is easier to edit and adapt to new requirements. When a developer can quickly grasp the code, they can make modifications with more confidence, knowing that they will not damage any functionality.

    5. Improves Code Maintenance: Indentation makes it simpler to find bugs in the code and update it in the future. 

    Disadvantages Of Indentation In Python

    While Python's use of indentation for denoting code blocks significantly contributes to the language's readability and simplicity, it also brings about certain disadvantages that could pose challenges for programmers.

    1. Inconsistency Issues: Mixing spaces and tabs for indentation can lead to syntax errors, making code debugging difficult.
    2. Code Collaboration Challenges: Different coding styles and text editors may result in inconsistent indentation among team members, leading to confusion and readability issues.
    3. Portability Concerns: Porting Python code to other languages with different syntax rules can be challenging due to the complete reliance on indentation.
    4. Verbose Code: Deeply nested code can lead to excessive indentation levels, reducing code readability.
    5. Limited Flexibility: Strict adherence to Python's indentation rules can restrict the flexibility to format code based on personal or team preferences.
    6. Learning Curve: Transitioning from languages that use braces or explicit block delimiters may require additional effort to understand and adapt to Python's indentation-based syntax.
    7. Copy-Pasting Challenges: Copying and pasting code from external sources or different editors may result in misaligned indentation levels, requiring manual adjustment.
    8. Errors with Automatic Code Formatting: Automated code formatting tools may inadvertently modify indentation, leading to unexpected code behavior or introducing new bugs.

    What is Python Indentation Checker?

    Python Indentation Checker is a tool that examines Python code indentation to ensure consistency and that it follows the appropriate standard. This tool can assist in identifying and correcting code mistakes such as indentation difficulties or uneven usage of tabs and spaces. Black, PEP8, and autopep8 are some of the well-known Python indentation tools. 

    Key Features Of Python Indentation Checkers

    Let’s have a look at some of the Python indentation checker tools’ features:

    1. Detects Indentation Mistakes: All indentation issues, such as unusual indentation levels, rough usage of tabs and spaces, and missing indentation, may be detected immediately by the tools. 
    2. Compatibility with IDEs and Text Editors: The tools usually integrate seamlessly with major IDEs and text editors. 
    3. Reporting and Visualization: The tools may provide reports and visualizations demonstrating the history of any indentation errors identified in the code. This makes things easier for the developer.
    4. Auto-correct Ability: The tools may automatically correct the incorrect indentation in Python code.
    5. Customizable Rules: The tools may be customized/set to look for certain indentation rules and standards. 

    How To Fix Indentation Error in Python?

    Below are the various ways to fix indentation issues in Python:

    1. Review each line carefully to find an error. Python organizes all lines of code into blocks, making it simple to spot errors. For example, if any line contains an “if” statement, the following line must be indented.

    2. If the previous approach doesn’t work, and there are still issues determining which line has the indentation error, follow these instructions.:

    Go to the code editor’s settings and activate the option to show tabs and whitespaces.   

    When this feature is enabled, single little dots would appear between codes. Each symbolizes a whitespace or a tab. If there’s a dot missing where it should be, that line most likely contains an indentation mistake.    

    3. Another solution to this problem is to use IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) or text editors do offer such features. These tools, such as Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Atom, or Sublime Text, provide indentation assistance and error spotting.

    For example, in Visual Studio Code, you can enable indent guides:

    1. Go to File > Preferences > Settings.
    2. Search for "editor.renderIndentGuides" and check the box.

    Now, indentation guides will be visible, making it easier to spot errors. Remember, consistency in indentation is crucial in Python, making these tools extremely helpful


    Indentation in Python is not just a stylistic element but a crucial part of language's syntax. The application of white spaces at the beginning of code lines distinguishes blocks of code, thereby influencing the execution of functions, loops, and conditional statements. Indentation errors can lead to syntax issues and even incorrect functioning of the program.

    For individuals eager to master such integral aspects of Python and strive for excellence in programming, our Python Programming training could be an excellent avenue. It offers in-depth insights into Python's unique features, helping you leverage them to create efficient, clean, and powerful code.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is Python’s standard indentation level?

    According to the Python Style Guide, the indentation should be done with four spaces. Some developers may use two spaces or a tab, but staying consistent within a single project is critical. 

    2What happens if you don’t indent in Python?

    Anyone who forgets to indent a line in Python may get a syntax error as indentation is an important aspect of Python syntax.  

    3What are some best practices for indentation in Python?

    Sone best practices for indentation in Python are use an editor that has an automatic indentation, check indentation again, maintain a uniform indentation style, be cautious when copying and pasting codes, use spaces instead of tabs for indentation.

    4How do you indent formatting in Python?

    Various Python-related libraries help auto format indentations in Python codes, but one of the most recommended is “black”. Install black using pip by running the command “pip install black”, and once that’s done, run the command “$black (name of the python file.py)”.


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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