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What is Database

24th Apr, 2024
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    What is Database

    Data is essential for all IT companies as it forms the foundation for generating insights, making informed decisions, and gaining a deeper understanding of various aspects. But as companies collect more data, it becomes one of the challenges for them to organize and analyze the data. This is where a database comes into the picture.

    In this blog post, we will cover numerous database topics, starting from what is a database and its components, gradually we will touch upon the databases applications and types, and in the end, we will share some pros and cons of databases.

    What is Database?

    A database is like a well-organized collection of information that is stored on a table in the form of columns and rows for easy processing and retrieval. A database does not necessarily have to be stored on a computer, depending on the specific requirements and architecture of the system data can be stored on On-premises servers, cloud-based databases, Network-attached storage etc. Mainly, database is of two types - relational and non-relational database.

    However, databases go way beyond simply storing data. It serves as an incredibly powerful business tool for an organization. It can be leveraged for the reporting and extraction of business insights. Also, opting for Database course will help you write code, build real-world projects and learn hands-on with Cloud Labs.

    Components of Database

    Each component in the database system performs some key tasks collectively within the database environment:


    Hardware components play a crucial role in the performance, scalability and reliability of a database system. Some of the hardware components are storage hardware which directly affects the speed and efficiency of data retrieval, Memory is vital for efficient query processing, CPU is needed for executing database operations and calculations etc. 


    Software components provide the necessary functionality for data management systems, query processing, backup, recovery, etc. This software helps in instructing a g a set of programs or operations to the hardware component. Some of the key software is DBMS software which provides tools and utilities to create, manage and manipulate databases. It handles tasks such as data storage, data retrieval, and many more. DBMS software examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft Access.


    The data stored in a database can be structured, semi-structured, and unstructured. Structured data is organized and stored in the table with rows and columns whereas unstructured data is not organized and can be stored in NoSQL databases, data warehouses, and data lakes. 

    Users and applications interact with the data component to retrieve specific information,   modify records, perform some analysis, generate reports etc. So, for all these operations maintaining accuracy, integrity and reliability of the data component is crucial for the quality of the database.


    Database procedures is a way to group one or more SQL statements to perform a               specific task. It can be used for data validation, access control etc. It is very similar to database functions with one major difference in the way they are invoked. Database functions are called in similar way as any other SQL expressions, whereas Database procedures are invoked using CALL or EXEC statements.

    Database Access Language

    Database access language refers to an interface used to interact with the database and perform operations such as querying, updating, and managing data. The most widely used language for relational database interaction is SQL (Structure Query Language).

    SQL is a standardized language designed for managing relational databases. SQL statements is divided into different categories:

    • Data Manipulation Language (DML): DML statements such as select, insert, delete and update are used within the database.
    • Data Definition Language (DDL): DDL statements such as create, alter and drop used on database objects like tables, views, indexes and constraints.
    • Data Control Language (DCL): DCL statements such as grant, and revoke are used to manage database objects permissions on users.

    Applications of Databases

    Databases in DBMS have numerous applications across industries and various domains, and it has only increased considering the growth of big data. Some of the applications of databases are listed below: 


    Database in e-commerce applications is mainly used to store information like product details, customer details, transaction details etc. And the reason behind the success of e-commerce firms is their optimized databases, which make data retrieval faster.


    Databases in healthcare are mainly used to store patient records, medical history of the patient, test results etc. This information is vital for the study of patient history, which helps in making some analysis and prediction about their health.

    Human Resources

    Databases can also help HR to store employee details like performance records, payroll information, training records, etc. These data help HR to keep track of the performance of various employees and plan various schemes w.r.t employee benefits.


    All this data that is being stored in a database serves as a repository for many research engineers and scientists. These large-scale datasets enable our researchers to gain some useful insights and help in the discovery some new elements

    Types of Databases

    Relational Databases (RDBMS)

    It is the most widely accepted type of database. This database stores and organizes the data in tables with rows and columns, using a relational model. Tables in this database have a relation defined by primary and foreign keys. Examples of RDBMS include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, etc.

    Object-Oriented Databases (OODBMS)

    This database is designed to handle complex objects rather than simple data types as in RDBMS. This database directly stores objects and retains the relationships between them. Examples of OODBMS include db4o and ObjectDB. 

    Distributed Database

    This database system stored data across cluster of computers or nodes, which are connected via a network. In a distributed database, as the name implies data is distributed and replicated across different locations or storage area. This database allows you to distribute data efficiently based on some partitioning schema which makes retrieval response fast.

    NoSQL Database

    Not all data in real life comes in a structured format. Rather, the amount of unstructured data is much larger than that of structured data. For example, media, text, social media activity, video and audio files etc. For this kind of unstructured or semi-structured data, NoSQL databases are designed.

    Types of NoSQL databases are MongoDB, Redis, Neo4j etc. This database is widely used in big data and real time analytics. 

    Graph Database

    This kind of database uses graph structures to represent and store the data. In a graph database, data is represented as nodes and relationships between those nodes or entities are represented by edges. It is designed mainly to handle complex relationships. This database is well-suited for social networks, recommendation systems, fraud detection etc. 

    Cloud Database

    A cloud database refers to a system hosted and operated on cloud infrastructure. Instead of running on local servers this database is deployed and managed in a cloud environment. There are three types of cloud databases private, public, and hybrid cloud. Cloud database operates on a pay-as-you-go model which eliminates the upfront cost of infrastructure. Examples of cloud databases are AWS Relational Database Service, Google Cloud SQL etc.

    Centralization Database

    This database system stores and manages all the data in a single location or server. All users or applications can access the database remotely over a network. They provide a unified controlled environment for data management. But it comes with a major downside i.e., if the central server experiences failures or network issues, all user's operations and applications running may be affected.

    Operational Database

    It is also known as a transactional database or OLTP database. It is designed to perform day-to-day activities. Its main purpose is to perform processing of high volumes of data in real time. This kind of database is famous in the e-commerce industry, healthcare and banking. This database requires an optimized database with great indexing technique so that the query performance is improved. Here, Full-stack Developer course will help you understand the art of indexing and master the latest tools and technologies.

    Examples of Database

    There are many databases being used in various industries based on the organization's needs and goals. Some of them are listed below:

    Relational Database Management System: It is a widely used database across industries. One of the popular examples of this is MySQL. 

    Oracle Database: It is also an RDBMS known for its reliability, scalability, and security like MySQL. It is widely used in the financial department, and customer relationship management software.

    Cassandra: It is distributed NoSQL database. It is widely used for the systems that require high write throughput such as social media platforms, IOT etc.

    MongoDB: It is also a popular NoSQL database used for document-oriented models. It is widely used in mobile applications and modern web applications.

    Purpose of Database System

    The database system is designed to deal with large volumes of data, and it allows users to create and manipulate databases efficiently. It also enables users or applications to retrieve and query data in a flexible manner. Users can specify complex search conditions on a large volume of data using SQL query language. 

    The database system also supports data sharing and collaboration among multiple users or applications I.e., a mechanism for concurrent access to the same data. 

    In the end database systems are the foundation of data analysis and data-driven decisions. If data is not saved in an efficient manner all data can be lost and generating insights from it is worthless. Also, databases can be integrated with various analytical tools to enable complex data analysis and reporting.

    Characteristics of Database Approach

    There are several key characteristics of database management approach. Some of them are listed below:

    Data Independence: The application or users can interact with the data using logical view, independent of how the data is stored physically, i.e., changes to physical storage do not affect the way users or applications are accessing the data.

    Concurrent Access: The applications or users can concurrently access the database. They can also perform some functions on the database such as locking to ensure data consistency. 

    Data Manipulation: Users can retrieve, manipulate, and analyze data using a query language such as SQL. Doing all these operations on a database is easy with Python. Database in Python provides some good packages and functionalities to manipulate data optimally.

    Data Recovery: In the event of data corruption or loss, the database system allows for data restoration from backup copies, ensuring data security.

    Advantages of Database

    Databases offer several advantages over traditional file-based systems. Below are some of the key benefits: 

    Data Sharing: Databases offers multiple users and applications to access and share data concurrently. It improves data consistency and reduces data redundancy.

    Data Security: Databases offer robust security features to protect sensitive data. It provides the mechanism of access controls, user authentication and authorization to perform operations on data. 

    Data Querying: A powerful query language (SQL), can be leveraged to retrieve, manipulate and analyze data efficiently.

    Data Scalability: Databases can handle large volumes of data and scale to support increasing data requirements. The database systems can be optimized for high-speed transaction and retrieval operations.

    Disadvantages of Database

    While databases offer numerous advantages, it does come with some potential disadvantages:

    Single Point of Failure: Centralized databases can pose a threat of a single point of failure. If the database system experiences a hardware failure, it can result in temporary or complete loss of the data.

    Data Security: Storing sensitive data in databases raises security alarm. The system must be robust with security measures such as access controls, encryption etc.

    Performance: Database performance can be impacted especially through complex queries or high transaction volumes. 

    Complexity and Cost: Implementing and managing a database system can be complex and costly. It requires different experts to handle this complete system such as database administration. And an organization may need to invest in hardware, and software licenses and additionally in maintenance.


    Database plays a crucial role in modern data management and every organization uses diverse types of databases based on their requirements or business problem. It does offer some great advantages, which made the life of data engineers, big data analysts, and even data scientists a bit easier. However, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of databases. 

    So, when you are considering using a database system, you should carefully evaluate the specific needs and goals of your organization or team. Web Development course syllabus will aid you to know the topics around database and build essential web development skills.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is a data model?

    Data model is like a blueprint or a plan that describes how the data is structured, organized, and related within a database system. It defines some rules for representing and storing data in a way that can be easily understood.

    2What is database schema?

    Database schema defines table, columns, relationships, constraints, and other properties that make up the database. It is specific to the database instance not to whole database system like data model.

    3What is the purpose of data definition language (DDL)?

    It is the subset of SQL that focuses specifically on defining and altering a database schema. It plays a crucial role in database design.

    4What is replication?

    It refers to the process of creating and maintaining multiple copies of the same database across different servers. It is mainly used to ensure data security and data availability.

    5What is database sharding?

    It is a technique used in database architecture to horizontally partition a large database into smaller, more manageable pieces called shards. It is mainly used in distributed database systems.


    Monica Gupta


    I am Monica Gupta with 19+ years of experience in the field of Training and Development. I have done over 500 Corporate Trainings. I am currently working as a freelancer for several years. My core area of work is Java, C++, Angular, PHP, Python, VBA.

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