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Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

27th Sep, 2023
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    Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

    Users can construct, arrange, and manipulate databases using software called database management system (DBMS). By offering features for data storage, retrieval, alteration, and analysis, it acts as a link between users and databases.

     A particular kind of database management system (DBMS) based on the relational model of data is called a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Data is arranged using rows and columns in tables by RDBMS, and connections between tables are made using keys. Through primary keys, foreign keys, and restrictions, it upholds data integrity. In this blog, we will be talking about the difference between DBMS and RDBMS.

    DBMS vs RDBMS Table

    The organisation and management of data distinguish between DBMS and RDBMS.The operations are mostly carried out in SQL so this article will also cover the difference between DBMS and RDBMS in SQL. RDBMS is a particular database management system that adheres to the relational paradigm, whereas DBMS can be of various database management systems. RDBMS handles relational data that is organised in tables, whereas DBMS may manage many data models.

    Through connections and constraints like primary keys and foreign keys, RDBMS enforces data integrity. RDBMS offers a standardised method for storing and retrieving data using the potent querying language SQL. The way that data is organized, how data integrity is upheld, and how they support SQL are where the main distinction between DBMS and RDBMS lies. There is much difference in DBMS and RDBMS.Unlike RDBMS, DBMS may not have built-in techniques for preserving data integrity. Through tables and relationships, RDBMS provides a systematic method for storing and retrieving data. Full-stack Engineer course will help you nail the full-stack developer job and get hired for your dream company.

    Below is the comparison table of DBMS and RDBMS differences:




    Type of Program

    General database management system

    Specific type following relational model

    Hardware and Software Needs

    Might need less hardware and software requirements

    Requires specific hardware and software setup

    Integrity Constraints

    Limited support for data integrity

    Enforces integrity using keys and constraints


    May not support data normalization

    Supports data normalization techniques

    Distributed Databases

    Limited or no support for distribution

    Supports distributed databases

    Data Handling Capacity

    May have limitations on scalability

    Offers scalability options for large datasets

    Data Access

    May have varying access methods

    Standardized access using SQL

    Data Relationship

    May or may not have defined relationships

    Relationships defined using keys and tables

    Data Security

    Basic security features

    Enhanced security with constraints and access controls


    Can handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data

    Organizes data in structured tables

    Database Structure

    Supports various data models

    Follows the relational model of data

    Number of Users

    Can handle multiple users concurrently

    Supports multiple users and concurrent access


    May or may not adhere to ACID properties

    Ensures ACID properties for transaction processing

    Hope, this table successfully differentiates DBMS and RDBMS.

    Differences Between DBMS and RDBMS

    Defining each parameter with difference between DBMS and RDBMS with example:

    1. DBMS versus RDBMS: Type of Program

    Database management systems (DBMS) are a broad class of software applications that manage databases. It comprises a variety of systems, such as object-oriented DBMS, network DBMS, and hierarchical DBMS. Each type has a unique method for organising and managing data. Data is organised into tables with rows and columns and relationships between tables using the relational model, which is followed by RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) kind of DBMS.

    2. DBMS vs RDBMS: Hardware and Software Needs 

    DBMS typically require fewer resources than RDBMS. DBMS may have minimal system requirements and can run on various platforms. To support the relational architecture and its related characteristics like querying language, data integrity, and normalisation, RDBMS, on the other hand, frequently needs hardware and software setups.

    3. DBMS and RDBMS: Integrity Constraints

    The support provided by DBMS for enforcing data integrity may be restricted. It might not have internal controls for preserving data consistency and accuracy. RDBMS, in comparison, provides strong integrity restrictions such referential integrity, primary keys, foreign keys, and uniqueness constraints. These limitations guarantee that data is accurate and consistent across the whole database.

    4. DBMS or RDBMS: Normalisation

    In comparison to RDBMS, DBMS may not have built-in support for data normalisation procedures, according to normalisation. Redundant data is removed during the normalisation process, which also increases database effectiveness. RDBMS has built-in functionality for data normalisation because it is based on the relational model. It offers regulations and recommendations for structuring and normalising data.

    5. DBMS vs RDBMS: Distributed Databases

    As compared to RDBMS, DBMS may or may not enable distributed databases, according to distributed databases. Data can be kept across numerous locations or servers thanks to distributed databases. In contrast, RDBMS frequently offers tools and frameworks to handle distributed databases. For increased scalability and availability, it lets data to be partitioned, replicated, and dispersed over several nodes or servers.

    6. DBMS vs RDBMS: Data Handling Capacity

    DBMS may be limited in its capacity to scale and effectively handle massive volumes of data. RDBMS provides scalability choices to manage massive datasets because of its relational and structured nature. To meet expanding data needs, it can either increase server capacity (vertical scaling) or disperse data across numerous servers (horizontal scaling).

    7. DBMS and RDBMS: Data Access

    Depending on the supported data models, DBMS may offer a variety of data access techniques. Due to its foundation in the relational architecture, RDBMS offers a standardised method for accessing data using SQL (Structured Query Language). Relational database management systems (RDBMS) can be used to access, retrieve, and manipulate data with the help of SQL, which provides a robust and standardised language.

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    How they are Similar?

    Despite so many differences between DBMS and RDBMS, and differences between RDBMS and non-relational database are comparable in certain ways. The following are some of the main parallels between the two:

    1. Data Management: The software systems DBMS and RDBMS are both used to manage databases. They offer ways to effectively create, organize, store, and retrieve data.

    2. Data Manipulation: Users can insert, edit, remove, and retrieve data from the database using any system. They offer a way to carry out various operations on the data, allowing users to successfully interact with the database.

    3. Data Integrity: Both DBMS and RDBMS have security mechanisms to guard the database from unauthorized access. To protect sensitive information, they offer tools for setting up access controls, user permissions, and data encryption.

    4. Data Security: Both DBMS and RDBMS have security measures to guard against unauthorized access and guarantee data integrity. To protect sensitive information, they offer tools for setting up user permissions, data encryption, and access controls.

    5. Querying Language: RDBMS is specifically linked to SQL (Structured Query Language), however depending on the implementation, DBMS can also support SQL or other querying languages. In both DBMS and RDBMS systems, data retrieval and manipulation are done using SQL, a standard language.

    6. Concurrency Control: Both DBMS and RDBMS offer tools for controlling multiple users' simultaneous access to the database. They manage concurrent data access from numerous users and modifications, ensuring that transactions are reliable and conflict-free completed.

    7. Backup & Recovery: Backup and recovery features are provided by both systems in case of a system crash or corrupted data. They offer ways to maintain data durability and restore the database to a previous stable state.

    While there are clear variations between DBMS and RDBMS in terms of data organization, integrity requirements, and normalization, they both share the same basic functionalities for managing, manipulating, protecting, and concurring with data. They are crucial tools for good database management in a variety of applications because of their similarities.

    What Should You Choose Between: DBMS or DBMS? 

    A number of variables and considerations affect the decision between a DBMS (Database Management System) and an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). You can use the following important information to make an informed choice:

    1. Data Structure: Take your data's structure into account. An RDBMS is a good option if your data predominantly follows a relational model with distinct relationships between entities. On the other hand, a DBMS that supports the particular model might be more appropriate if your data doesn't fit well into a tabular structure or calls for a different data model (such as hierarchical or object-oriented).

    2. Data Integrity and Normalization: An RDBMS is the suggested choice if maintaining data integrity through the use of constraints, such as primary keys and foreign keys, is essential for your application. Data correctness and consistency are ensured by the built-in methods provided by RDBMS systems, which also allow normalization procedures.

    3. Scalability and Performance: Take into account the volume and anticipated expansion of your data. An RDBMS has capabilities like distributed databases and vertical or horizontal scaling if you expect to work with enormous datasets or need scalability alternatives. The scalability of DBMS may be constrained, thus take into account the amount of data handling your application will need.

    4. Data Access and accessing: An RDBMS with SQL support is the best option if you require a standardized and robust language for accessing and altering data. It is simpler to deal with relational databases when a uniform and commonly used language for data access is available, such as SQL.

    5. Special Application Requirements: Consider your application's special requirements. Think about aspects like data security, transaction processing, concurrency control, and the accessibility of features and extensions that may be unique to either a DBMS or an RDBMS. Select the system that best meets the requirements of your application.

    Ultimately, the decision between DBMS and an RDBMS comes down to the type of data you have, the functionality you want, and the needs of your application. Telling the difference between DBMS and RDBMS is not a straightforward thing to decide. Make an informed choice by carefully evaluating your data structure, integrity requirements, scalability needs, querying capabilities, and other application-specific variables.


    The comparison between DBMS and RDBMS, regarding data organization, integrity restrictions, normalization, data access, and other criteria, reveals their similarities and differences. RDBMS is a particular kind of database management system that adheres to the relational paradigm, whereas DBMS is a broader category that includes numerous database management systems.

    DBMS and RDBMS are both useful database management systems, each with specific advantages and applications. You can choose wisely to meet your data management demands by being aware of their distinctions and assessing your unique requirements. Go for Database courses for beginners and explore the most popular databases leveraged by organizations.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can an RDBMS be used for non-relational data?

    No, assuring data integrity by key-defined relationships and constraints, an RDBMS is a system created to manage relational data arranged in tables with rows and columns. It concentrates on using the relational paradigm for data maintenance and querying.

    2Can a DBMS be used for relational data?

    A DBMS (Database Management System) is a more general term for software programmes that can manage numerous types of data models, including relational data. Regardless of the data model, it offers features for creating, organizing, and managing databases.

    3What are some examples of popular RDBMS systems?

    Some popular examples of RDBMS systems are MySQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM Db2, and SQLite.

    4What is a foreign key in an RDBMS?

    By connecting a column to a primary key in another database, a foreign key in an RDBMS establishes a relationship between tables. It guarantees data consistency and integrity. By requiring entries in the child table to match the primary key values in the parent table, the foreign key constraint protects referential integrity.


    Rohit Verma


    I am currently pursuing an engineering degree in data science and AI. worked on projects involving data science and full-stack web development (MERN). writes articles on web and data science technologies with passion.

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