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Deadlock in DBMS: Understanding the Basics and Causes

05th Sep, 2023
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    Deadlock in DBMS: Understanding the Basics and Causes

    Deadlock is a critical challenge in database management systems (DBMS) that can cause system failure and impact overall performance. The potential for deadlocks increases in a multi-user environment, where multiple transactions compete for shared resources. Understanding the concept of deadlock and its implications is important for DBMS administrators, developers, and users. If you are new to DBMS or a professional who needs to brush up their skills in DBMS and get proficient in handling deadlock in DBMS, we recommend enrolling for with placement to upskill. Whether you are a novice in DBMS or a professional seeking to enhance your skills and proficiency in handling deadlocks in DBMS in a Database course. The Database course fees for such programs may vary, but they are designed to provide valuable upskilling opportunities to individuals like you.

    In this blog, we will discuss the concepts of deadlock in DBMS, its causes, conditions, handling methods, and future scopes.

    What is Deadlock in DBMS? 

    In a simple and informal explanation, a deadlock in DBMS (Database Management System) occurs when two or more transactions are stuck in a never-ending or indefinite waiting state. Each transaction needs a resource that another transaction holds, which is referred to as the locking of resources, thus, creating a deadlock situation. It's like a "standoff" where no transaction can proceed because they're all waiting for resources to get released. In this situation, both transactions will remain paused until the system detects a deadlock and takes suitable action to eliminate it.

    The below figure shows an example where process P2 holds the resource R1, and P1 needs R1. Similarly, P1 holds R2, but P2 needs R2. Both processes are waiting for each other to release the resource to proceed further.

    Let’s understand the deadlock with another example, which targets a database.

    The example involves two Transactions, T1 and Transaction T2, and two resources, Resource X and Resource Y.

    Transaction T1 requests and holds a lock on Resource X in a bank account table.

    Similarly, transaction T2 requests and holds the lock Resource Y.

    Next, transaction T1 requests Resource Y but is forced to wait since transaction T2 holds it.

    Similarly, transaction T2 requests Resource X but is forced to wait since transaction 1 holds it.

    Both transactions will wait for each other to release the lock to complete their task resulting in a deadlock. 

    Let’s now discuss the causes of deadlock in DBMS.

    Causes of Deadlock in DBMS

    Here are a few common causes of deadlock in DBMS

    • Resource Greed: Transactions greedily hold multiple resources without releasing them at proper times, causing deadlock. This cause is also called as Hold and Wait.
    • Circular Dependency: Transactions are stuck in a loop of dependencies, unable to break free.
    • Poor Scheduling: Improper scheduling of transactions leads to conflicts and deadlock
    • Locking Mismanagement: Improper or inefficient use of resources by transactions leads to deadlock.
    • Communication Breakdown: Lack of proper communication and understanding among transactions results in a deadlock.
    • Lack of Deadlock Detection and Handling Mechanism: It means the system does not have built-in mechanism to identify and resolve deadlocks automatically.

    Types of Deadlock in DBMS 

    • Phantom Deadlock: As the name suggests, a transaction waits for a resource that does not exist in this type of deadlock. It can occur when a transaction expects to acquire a resource based on incorrect or outdated information. This can also happen due to improper communication between processes. Even though a resource might be free, no process can hold it as the table needs to be updated properly.
    • Cascading Deadlock: Cascading deadlock happens when a single deadlock triggers a series of additional deadlocks. It occurs when a transaction, waiting for a resource, holds resources that other transactions need, leading to a cascading effect of deadlocks throughout the system. These transactions may or may not be part of the circular wait but still suffer from resource shortages.
    • Syntactic Deadlock: Syntactic deadlock occurs when two or more transactions have conflicting lock requests on the same set of resources but cannot proceed due to conflicting lock modes. For example, if one transaction holds a shared lock on a resource while another requires an exclusive lock on the same resource, it can result in a deadlock situation.

    Example to Understand Deadlock DBMS 

    To better understand deadlock, we will discuss a real-life deadlock in DBMS example.

    Imagine a busy city intersection with four vehicles: A, B, C, and D. Each vehicle wants to cross, but only one can fit at a time on a lane. A and B arrive simultaneously, blocking each other's way. C and D approach later, trying for their turn. However, the deadlock situation has now occurred here, leaving all vehicles trapped, unable to move forward. A is waiting for B to proceed, and B is waiting for A to proceed, creating a circular waiting condition for these vehicles.

    Besides, there is a cascading effect where vehicles C and D cannot proceed just because the other two cars have held the way (a resource).

    Necessary Conditions for Deadlock 

    • Mutual Exclusion: It arises when only one process gets allocated to a single resource at a time. If multiple processes request the same resources simultaneously, deadlock can occur if they are unable to process unless they can lock that resource. In the example that we discussed earlier, cars A and B got stuck in a condition where only one of them could go through the lane, creating a mutual exclusion condition.
    • Resource Hold and Wait: Processes hold resources while waiting for additional resources, creating a situation where everyone is holding onto something and waiting for more. For example, process P1 holds resource R1 and needs resource R2 (held by process P2), and P2 needs R1 (held by P1).
    • No Preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken away from processes, meaning once you hold some resource, you keep it until you're done utilizing it. Preemption can cause resources to get free, and there is no more halt condition.
    • Circular wait: Processes form a circular chain of resource dependencies, where each process waits for a resource held by another process, resulting in a never-ending cycle. We discussed this condition in the example above, where vehicles A and B were “circularly” waiting for each other to release the lane for them to proceed.

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    Deadlock Handling in DBMS  

    There are four ways to deal with deadlock:

    1. Deadlock Prevention in DBMS 

    This strategy aims to reduce the possibility of deadlock conditions by designing the algorithms in such a manner that DBMS analyzes the operations and whether they can create a deadlock situation, based on which the transaction executes or stops. Two known schemes prevent deadlock in DBMS by dynamically allocating resources based on process timestamps:

    a. Wait-Die Scheme

    When a process requests a resource, it will wait if its timestamp is less than the process currently holding the resource. The process will wait until the resource becomes available. However, if the requesting process has a higher or equal timestamp than the holding process, it aborts itself, rolls back, and restarts later with a new timestamp.

    For example, consider two transactions, T1 and T2, where T1 has a lower timestamp than T2. If T1 requests a resource held by T2, T1 waits until T2 releases the resource since T1's timestamp is lower. On the other hand, if T2 requests a resource held by T1, it would abort itself, roll and restart with a new timestamp later.

    This ensures that transaction T1 doesn’t keep waiting indefinitely for the requested resource, thus preventing deadlock situation.

    Note that this scheme comes under non-preemptive scheduling as the system kills the process and restarts it later.

    b. Wound Wait Scheme

    A process requesting a resource waits if its timestamp exceeds the timestamp of the process holding the resource. If the requesting process has a lower or equal timestamp, it can preempt the resource from the holding process, causing the holding process to get wounded (preempted) and restarted.

    For instance, consider two transactions, T1 and T2, where T1 has a higher timestamp than T2. If T1 requests a resource held by T2, T1 can preempt the resource from T2, causing T2 to get wounded and restarted. However, if T2 requests a resource held by T1, T2 waits for the resource since T2's timestamp is lower.

    2. Deadlock Avoidance in DBMS 

    This approach focuses on carefully allocating the resources to the processes that are requesting it. The system does this by analyzing the resource requests and availability in advance to identify potential deadlock conditions. There are different methods involved in deadlock avoidance, including resource allocation graphs, bankers' algorithm, or dynamic resource scheduling to keep track of resource allocation.

    Here is a sample table to show how the system keeps track of the resources requested and allocated to different processes at a time:



    This table estimates the number of resources available and allocates to the requesting processes. Here the legends mean the following:

    P1: Process 1

    P2: Process 2

    P3: Process 3

    P4: Process 4

    P5: Process 5

    While A, B and C are Resource A, Resource B and Resource C respectively.

    3. Deadlock Ignorance in DBMS 

    Refers to a situation where someone is unaware or chooses to ignore a deadlock’s existence or potential consequences. In such a scenario, the system does not implement proper measures to detect, prevent, or resolve deadlocks because they occur less often. This category of an algorithm is the “Ostrich Algorithm” inspired by the Ostrich bird, which hides its face under the sand and “pretends” there is no problem.

    4. Deadlock Detection in DBMS 

    Involves periodically examining the state of resources, processes, and their dependencies to determine if a circular waiting condition exists. This condition is a key indicator of a potential deadlock. The system can detect if processes are stuck in a deadlock by analyzing resource allocation graphs or using algorithms such as the Banker’s algorithm. Once the system detects a deadlock, it takes appropriate actions to resolve it, such as terminating specific processes or releasing resources to break the deadlock and restore normal system operation.

    1. Distributed Deadlock Management: There is a growing need for handling the deadlocks in distributed nodes rather than a single machine. This will help to revolutionize the handling of resources in distributed computing.
    2. Adaptive Deadlock Handling: Rather than performing classic approaches to handle the deadlock, future approaches will dynamically adapt and take action based on the given deadlock situation.
    3. Intelligent resource allocation: AI/ML technology will carefully analyze the allocation patterns and manage deadlocks in the systems.
    4. Deadlock Management in Cloud: Future trends involve developing specific deadlock avoidance techniques that address the characteristics and complexities of cloud environments, such as multi-tenancy and elasticity.


    Deadlock involves multiple processes being stuck in a circular wait for shared resources. There are four primary conditions for the deadlock: mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait. Deadlock can cause system failure and reduced performance. There are different methods to manage deadlocks, including their prevention, avoidance, detection, or simply ignoring it. The methods for deadlock will become more advanced by incorporating strategies like distributed deadlock management, AI/ML, and adaptive methods.
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do you manage deadlocks in multi-user environments?

    The probability of deadlock increases in multi-user environments due to more requests. For this case, you should implement proper algorithms to avoid race conditions, periodically check for the occurrence of deadlock, and preempt the resources at necessary times.

    2What is the impact of deadlocks on query optimization?

    The deadlock results in blocked processes and resources, causing delays in query execution. The database optimizer may need to wait for the resolution of the deadlock before proceeding with optimization.

    3How do you avoid deadlock in a distributed database system?

    You should implement distributed transaction management algorithms to handle the transactions across multiple nodes. Besides, using advanced load balancing methods can also help you balance resource usage across multiple nodes.

    4How do you handle deadlock in real-time database systems?

    One common strategy is to prioritize transactions based on their deadlines and criticality. You should also monitor the resource allocation regularly to handle deadlock scenarios.


    Simran Kaur Arora

    Trainer & Consultant

    Experienced Senior Content Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Enthusiastic and dedicated person in the field of Computer Science. Skilled at my work area and believe in working with passion and work ethics. Have a good understanding of programming languages, operating systems, and databases. I have good communication skills and interested in staying updated with technology and learning new things.

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