HomeBlogData ScienceFighting Covid-19 Using Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning

Fighting Covid-19 Using Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning

02nd May, 2024
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    Fighting Covid-19 Using Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning

    The world is suffering from a pandemic, the emergence of the novel Coronavirus has left the world in turbulence. COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, has reached every corner of the world. As of April 24th, 2020, COVID-19 had taken the lives of 1,90,872, across at least 79 countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. This makes the coronavirus’ total death toll more than that of its ‘cousin’ SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus in 2003 (774 total deaths) and ‘bird flu’ in 2013 (616 total deaths). So, how the world is handling such a critical condition? Let’s discuss how the world is fighting COVID-19 using Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning. We will look at the current trend of technology that the world is using to fight coronavirus.  

    Role of Technologies during corona pandemic:

    The coronavirus has spread across the world has affected more than 100 countries with more than 191K deaths. This resulted in nations across the world started fighting COVID-19 using AI and other technologies. Now, let us have a look at the use of Artificial Intelligence and various other technologies in tackling the pandemic.  

    Artificial Intelligence in Global Health Emergency 

    Because of the wide-scale spread of the coronavirus, it has gotten important to screen traffic at open places, for example, air terminals, railroad stations, and other transportation centre points. It needs different observing apparatuses furnished with Computerized reasoning, AI, and warm sensors. These instruments can help check 200 individuals/minute. Also, they can perceive the internal heat level and can flag if it is more noteworthy than 37.3°. They can likewise be utilized to identify and isolate the presumes who may be COVID-19 positive. 

    AI helps in the following ways: 

    1. Automating Healthcare Processes 
    2. Predicting the Survival Chances Using AI 
    3. Drug Research Using AI 
    4. Virus Research with Artificial Intelligence 

    Let us look or glance at every single one of them in detail. 

    Automating Healthcare Processes

    As the instances of COVID-19 are expanding quickly, it gets important to play out the analysis of patients at the earliest opportunity. For COVID-19 positive patients, the normal side effect is pneumonia. It is normally distinguished by a CT sweep of the chest of the speculated patients.   

    Since there are a set number of clinical assets, machines outfitted with man-made consciousness and AI can help specialists to recognize the sickness rapidly and precisely and watch the patients with more consideration. For battling COVID-19 utilizing man-made consciousness viably, nations are robotizing their clinical procedures by utilizing machines furnished with man-made intelligence in all sections and leave focuses.

    Predicting Survival Chances Using AI

    For dealing with such a basic circumstance, where a huge number of individuals are influenced, China has made a simulated intelligence instrument that predicts the endurance pace of patients. This computer-based intelligence instrument likewise helps in choosing the medicine to be given to the patient. Besides, it assists specialists with settling on better clinical choices for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Additionally, researchers have assembled the AI frameworks to anticipate the infection of the patients. Thusly, alongside man-made reasoning, the world is battling COVID-19 with AI.

    Drug Research Using AI 

    We are undependable from this novel illness until we create an immunization that can fix it. To locate an appropriate immunization or a viable medication for COVID-19, wellbeing organizations and researchers around the globe are investing their best amounts of energy into an investigation. It is in the testing of antibodies that computer-based intelligence comes into the image.    

    Through a huge number of tests directed with the assistance of simulated intelligence empowered instruments, scientists can demonstrate the viability of medication, and its results too. If it is prepared by people, at that point, it would take over 10 years and would include billions of dollars, which would be deadly in the present situation.

    Virus Research using Artificial Intelligence

    As of late, man-made brainpower has contributed a ton to innovative work in the social insurance area. Presently, in such a crisis, the need for man-made reasoning ascents all things get considered. To discover a remedy for the coronavirus, we must initially comprehend the conduct of the infection. For this, computer-based intelligence is helping us process many experiments on the infection in lesser time when contrasted with the time taken by manual preparing. It can recognize the malady and its degree of results. As of now, for battling COVID-19 utilizing Information Science, artificial intelligence, and AI, researchers and wellbeing scientists are working day and night.

    Big Data and Data Science 

    The primary driver of the spread of the coronavirus is the absence of data about the beginning period indications. This has prompted a circumstance where individuals don't know that they are influenced. They venture out starting with one spot then onto the next with no piece of information that they are conveying the infection with them. 

    Presently, the legislatures have begun gathering the data of residents, for example, their movement history and clinical records. This has brought about the assortment of colossal information of residents. Nations have just begun preparing this information with the assistance of Huge Information devices. The handling of the information of billions of residents includes expelling excess, scaling the information, and organizing it for additional utilization. This is just conceivable with the assistance of different basic devices of Large Information. 

    After the assortment and preparation of such colossal information, the administration specialists examine and envision it. Here, by investigating the information and envisioning the patterns in it, Information Science enables the administrations to make appraises about the extent of further spread of the infection, the accessible clinical framework to concede influenced patients and the financial backing required for the entirety of this. With the assistance of these estimations, Information Science is helping the legislatures choose for clinical offices and money to spend on their residents. This is helping a ton in battling COVID-19 utilizing Information Science. 

    To conclude 

    This is the way the world is dealing with the worldwide health-related crisis and battling coronavirus with Information Science, Computerized reasoning, and huge information. Be that as it may, the endeavours of the legislatures and the wellbeing associations are still in a hurry as it is difficult to battle the coronavirus. Hence, if you are a specialist in Data Science,AI, or Information Science, this is the correct time to enter the field and help experts in battling COVID-19! 


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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