
Turbocharge your web apps with React

KnowledgeHut Trainer
May 09, 2020 15:30 (Irish ST)


Web applications have transformed the way we use the web. But building high performance and scalable web applications for the browser using JavaScript can be quite the challenge. This is where React comes in and saves us from chaos and performance blues. React is a JavaScript library that is used by some of the biggest companies in the world to build and deliver amazing products that we love and use every day.

But why React? What makes it so special? What does it even do, who uses it, and how does a React application look like?

Come join us for an exciting webinar on web applications & React and get answers to all these questions and more! Discover why React should be on your priority list of skills to master in 2020. If you are an aspiring UI or web application developer, a freelance coder, or even an enterprise or a start-up with a team of JavaScript ninjas, come and discover the advantages of React. Learn why you should embrace it for building superlative web applications of tomorrow.

In this one-hour webinar, you will learn about:

  • Discover web applications and how they work
  • Understand the pain points when designing scalable web applications for the browser
  • Discover React and why you should pick it for your front-end stack
  • Discover React’s popularity, customers, and trends
  • Witness a live coding demo where we quickly build a React application
  • Discover KnowledgeHut’s unique React program & how it helps you to master React effectively

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