
LeSS Framework for Large Scale Product development - An Overview

By Kamlesh Ravlani
Dec 03, 2015 14:00 (GMT)


Large scale product development initiatives involving hundreds of team members spread across geographies are ubiquitous. Scale brings in additional complexity, non-linear behavior and risk. There is less time, less funds and many unknowns to deliver more.

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) is Scrum applied to many teams working on one product. LeSS framework elements are essentially the same as (one team) Scrum. LeSS is well balanced between empirical process control and defined elements to work with multiple teams. From my practical experience working on multiple large scale product development initiatives, and LeSS framework, I will share elements and practices to enhance the focus on whole product, customer value and organizational re-design.

Learning Objectives

After attending this webinar participants will be able to:

  • State the challenges and risk created by complexity at scale
  • Discuss Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) Framework and Principles
  • Identify the need for re-designing the organizational structure


Kamlesh Ravlani

Kamlesh Ravlani


Kamlesh Ravlani is a Certified Scrum Trainer, Agile / LeSS Coach and a practitioner. Kamlesh has trained 2000+ Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Agile Leaders and Team Members across USA, Singapore and India. His trainings are interactive and free of boring powerpoints.

Kamlesh has extensive Agile and LeSS transformation experience with large-scale Product development in global organizations.Kamlesh provides Scrum Training and Coaching services through Agile For Growth - An Agile Coaching and Training company that he found in 2014. 

After working with Kamlesh, his clients significantly improve customer focus, value delivery, and employee engagement. They see improved understanding of customer needs and higher customer delight via valuable and high quality products, delivered rapidly from idea to market. He collaborates with Agile coaches and trainers, organizes and facilitates Scrum and Agile events, and frequently speaks at conferences and user groups.

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