Accreditation Bodies
Accreditation Bodies
Accreditation Bodies
Supercharge your career with our Multi-Cloud Engineer Bootcamp
KNOW MOREScope creep is a dreaded thing to happen to any project. Also called requirement creep, kitchen sink syndrome or plainly, “the devil”, scope creep ends up wasting money, decreasing satisfaction, and causing the expected project value to not be met. Most projects tend to suffer from scope creep, frustrating both project teams and stakeholders. In this webinar, we explore Cumulative Flow Diagrams (CFD) as an effective tool to guard against scope creep.
CFDs help us zoom out and look at the whole project instead of focusing on the day-to-day tasks, effectively ringing the warning bell on scope creep. Join Padma Priya, a seasoned and accredited practitioner of Scrum since 2007, to understand how to leverage CFDs. Learn to use CFDs to get a quick peek of what’s happening in a project; explore the various types of CFDs and how they can help you diagnose issues with your project and make Scrum Teams more efficient.
What you will learn:
Webinar attendees will also get a Certificate of Participation from KnowledgeHut upon successful completion of the session.