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  1. Software Testing
  2. ISTQB® Certified Advanced Level Security Tester Training

ISTQB® Certified Advanced Level Security Tester Training


Get the most established global industry qualification for the software testing domain

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ISTQB® Advanced Level Security Tester Highlights

Enhance Your Security Testing Abilities

32 Hours of Live, Instructor-led Training

Course Delivered by ISTQB Certified Instructors

Lifetime Access to Downloadable Material

Course Completion Certificate Awarded

Practical Applications of Automating Test Cases

Exam Prep for the Q20860 ISTQB Exam

Security Testing is a critical component that handles software vulnerability. Such testing is utilized to check how vulnerable a system is to attacks. As a security tester, you will be able to comprehend security threats and know how they can be avoided or minimized. The ISTQB® Certified Tester title is renowned for certifying testing standards.

A highly sought-after credential in the testing world, it demonstrates that you have holistic knowledge and expertise in the software testing domain with a specialty in security features. The Advanced Level has three core modules – Test Manager, Test Analyst, and Technical Test Analyst. A dedicated examination and certification are offered for each module mentioned. On successfully completing certification on all three modules, you will obtain a "Full Advanced" certificate.

With Indeed.com reporting that salaries for Software test engineers are averaging $104,720 per year, this is the right time to get into the security testing space!

This course is being delivered in partnership with SQS Academy.