
Technical Product Manager Interview Questions and Answers

To ace technical product manager interview questions, you must be prepared to answer various interview questions. Although the recruiting process may vary by organization, Hiring Managers will want to understand who you are as a candidate, your experience as a Product Manager, and what you can add to their team. Investigate the firm and become well-versed in its product/service before going for product manager interview. Employers could inquire about how you would enhance their goods. You can try the best Project Management courses to enhance your career. Examine your previous work results. Consider your achievements as a Product Manager and make notes on how many people used your product and how much income you generated. We have created a list of questions you may encounter in technical product manager interview questions, as well as some questions and answers to help you stand out as a product management candidate to assist you with your interview preparation.

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Arrive early and ask them to discuss their knowledge of the position. Many individuals have various expectations for a product manager since each firm is distinct. This inquiry ensures that they are applying for a job that they desire and that they will not be overwhelmed/frustrated/disappointed when they begin working in your open position.

To make excellent judgments and obtain the support of stakeholders, product managers require data and analytics. This frequently necessitates some investigation to develop the necessary facts and data to support their point. A candidate's ability to type a query into Google and perform the upfront thinking on the relevant questions to ask and explain how they got there will be revealed if you ask them how they would locate a fact they don't already know. It is one of the technical pm interview questions.

Because lifers are nearly extinct these days, everyone is always designing a long-term professional path toward their ultimate position. This question indicates if they see this employment as a short-term stepping stone or as something they'll want to stay for a while since it complements their long-term ambitions. It demonstrates humility and drive if they can recognize the professional shortcomings that this job will cover. Keep an eye out for both important characteristics. If they desire your job in six months or don't have a compelling reason to want it, their resume may be pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Product Managers make strategic, creative, and data-driven product choices. Doing user research and market analysis to assist and guide a product team in creating distinctive and appealing products that fulfill the demands of consumers and, ultimately, help a firm reach its commercial goals.

In addition to providing a concise description of what product management is, consider this a strategy question and provide a bit more of your thinking on the value that a product management team can contribute by carefully directing products from the ideation and product design phase to launch.

Product inquiries like this one should be viewed as an opportunity to demonstrate both the method you use to evaluate the performance of your goods and to boast about the success of some of your previous products. 

Discuss how you develop relevant KPIs for each product and project you work on, and how you carefully monitor them to determine whether you're assessing based on: 

  1. The total number of users 
  2. Revenue\sFunnel 
  3. Customer life expectancy 
  4. Results of testing 

You could also highlight analytics tools, user research methodologies, and other tactics in your interviews to gain a better knowledge of how your products are accepted and used. Highlight your attention to detail and agility in making on-the-fly adjustments to improve lagging performance, as well as your commitment to data-driven decision-making. 

A good user interface must be both simple and useful. They should be simple to use and navigate, with a consistent appearance and feel. This technical product owner interview questions and answers type may provide a chance for you to provide a real-life example or two.

Showcase a product that you believe has an especially appealing and functioning interface (you might even try displaying your own work here) and another that you believe does not work.

Varying firms demand various levels of technical know-how from their product managers; for example, Google is reputed to favor Product Managers who have learnt to code like a Software Engineer.

Before your interview, make a list of all the programming languages you believe you are proficient in, as well as other areas of technical competence. Also, bear in mind that your interviewer may not have a technical background, so be prepared to offer a layman's translation of how those talents may be useful in a Product Manager job role.

As a Product Manager, you must be a critical thinker. You must be able to monitor performance and pivot on a dime, as well as test and assess your design concepts and conduct a complete and fair post-mortem. 

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to handle criticism and look critically at your own work. Consider a product concept that did not pan out as expected. What went wrong, and how would you handle it differently the next time? 

It is also an opportunity to demonstrate that you accept responsibility for your mistakes and don't shift blame to others. However, you must ensure that the project you pick to discuss is not a complete disaster. Instead, give an example of a time when you understood, through some type of analytic reflection, that your initial thought was flawed, and you made modifications on the fly to remedy it. 

It is rather normal for PMs to collaborate with more senior staff, ranging from Program Managers to CEOs and top business executives. It is critical for every project manager to understand how to create stakeholder alignment and have not only engineers and development teams on the same page, but also senior business leadership buy-in. 

When addressing a topic like this, specific examples are always a promising idea. Feel free to brag about your experience working with top-level decision-makers! 

It's also a chance to show that you accept responsibility for your faults and don't blame others. You must, however, ensure that the project you choose to discuss is not a total disaster. 

Instead, describe a situation when you realized, through some form of analytic reflection, that your initial notion was faulty, and you made changes on the fly to correct it. 

Product managers oversee goods from concept through commercialization, which entails many choices - and brainstorming sessions. So, if you've been on the job for a while, you've probably had a lengthy list of proposals, thoughts, and even projects that you've had to dismiss as ineffective, unfeasible, or unoriginal.

However, the key to addressing this question in an interview is to demonstrate that you can be courteous and supportive even while saying no. Demonstrate your adaptability and open-mindedness.

As you can see, things are becoming more precise at this stage. 

The interviewer is not searching for a precise answer or a textbook definition. 

Ideally, the candidate's response should not indicate that they would limit themselves to the technical side of things (if selected for the role). 

Sure, they may identify some of the primary tasks, but they must also recognize that amid tight deadlines and hectic stages, everyone ends up doing everything. 

This is their opportunity to demonstrate that they are prepared to go beyond the call of duty and accept additional product management duties that are often not part of the job description. 

The most important aspect of this question – or answer – is not the product itself, but the candidate's description of why they adore that thing. 

This will reveal a lot about the applicants' comprehension of what goes into excellent product creation, as well as their enthusiasm for the area. 

It is a positive if they mention something they'd modify about the product. This illustrates the critical thinking skills required of any effective technical product manager. 

Keep in mind that the interviewer may opt to ask this question straight away (in reality, these questions have not been put in any particular sequence - they have just been classified).

A strong candidate is distinguished by thorough preparation. It will appear horrible if they don't know what they're working on. If they are unfamiliar with the project for which they are being interviewed, they should conduct some preliminary research on their possible employer.

Candidates can use this question to emphasize their strengths and clarify what technical abilities will assist them succeed on the job. It is critical that the candidate's response corresponds to the position criteria. Recruiters will see that the potential hire understands what it takes to thrive in the position.

Recruiters may be able to tell the difference between a decent and a fantastic prospect based on how this question is answered.

It takes time to create a new product from the ground up, whether it is a lightweight B2C SaaS or a full suite for company managers.

But product teams do not have unlimited time. There are deadlines to meet, as well as competition to outperform. People have developed several strategies throughout the years to meet all of these problems and assure the product's success.

The agile technique is the most generally known. A recruiter may inquire if a prospect has extensive expertise with any of the approaches to assess their technical knowledge and amount of hands-on experience.

This returns to the necessity of preparation and assessing the candidate's ability to execute under duress. Recruiters should seek people who can take a decent product and make it great rather than just creating something average.

If they can offer any new potential product features during the interview, they have one foot in the door. At the very least, they should have some new product ideas for any of their favorite items (other than what their potential employer is aiming for).

This question is related to the preceding one in some ways. Because the recruiter is interested in how the prospect would manage a demanding technical circumstance. It might be anything - a glitch in the code, a design flaw, etc. 

They would also want to know if they would employ the best practices to tackle the difficulty with their team (s). While the responses may differ, the best approach to go would be to draw down a rough roadmap or the step-by-step procedure they would use to deal with the scenario. 

Furthermore, the applicant should provide a good reiterative solution/framework to avoid that technical problem from occurring again. 

Another often requested technical product manager interview question is about collaboration. Product management is a hands-on profession. Communication, cooperation, and consistency, or the "3 Cs of product," as I like to call them, are critical to winning the race.

You must be a team player whether you are a conventional PM, a TPM, or a PMM (product marketing manager). Working in silos and refusing to collaborate with other departments is a tried-and-true formula for catastrophe.

A TPM would primarily work with the engineering/design team, but they would also need to collaborate closely with sales, marketing, and other departments to ensure the success of the product.

Prioritization is crucial when developing a new product. Indeed, the capacity to "prioritize work" is frequently listed in the requisite skill sets of TPM job descriptions. 

A unexpected budget drop (or just a particularly tight budget from the start) might stymie progress and push development teams to take shortcuts. However, it can also stimulate creative thought. During the interview, the recruiter may ask this question to determine where the prospect stands. 

This will not only reveal the candidate's thinking, but also their capacity to work with executives. 

This question assesses the subject understanding of your technical and product managers. Interviewers want to discover what you know about the design process and product quality assurance. Consider using an example of an actual product you have produced or worked on with an amazing design to answer and describe your criteria for deciding whether a product is good. 

"My team finished a design for a new portable vacuum cleaner last month." The innovation was unusual, especially for pet owners, because it could clean furniture like a huge vacuum cleaner cleans the floor. 

The design was also dependable, with the prototype performing as expected in nine out of ten tests. According to focus group evaluations, it was also simple to use and store, especially for persons living in flats or other compact places." 

With design and other creative undertakings, it is all too easy to adjust all the time and never finish the product. Interviewers may want to know if you know when and where to draw the line. Consider sharing a narrative about a moment when you wanted to keep developing a design but decided it was best to stop and how you came to that choice. 

"I worked on a desk light project during my first year as a product designer." Every time I went over the blueprints, I found something else to add. My instructor at the time advised me that you couldn't please every customer with your technology, but if you can completely satisfy one group, you're on the right track. Now, I attempt to concentrate on how to gratify 100% of the individuals in my target audience, and that is when I consider my design complete." 

This question assists hiring managers in understanding your strengths as a supervisor. Consider telling a true story about how you worked through a problem with all parties involved. 

"Six months ago, a team member approached me after seeing a flaw in our new stapler design." We manufactured and advertised this product that allowed you to store staples in the tool's base, but we never made a compartment for it. I promptly contacted the other departments involved, got manufacturing to stop production, and assisted in drafting a public apology and recall from the corporation. We then redesigned our design to accommodate the storage capability." 

Interviewers may ask this question to gauge your ability to evaluate a product as both a designer and a customer. This technique may entail seeing the thing from several angles. To respond, draft a story about how your design background affects your buying habits. 

"A team member approached me six months ago after seeing an issue with our new stapler design." I also researched product reviews and business remarks for each model. I went to the home improvement store after narrowing it down to three models. 

While there, I applied the same concepts that I use in the design studio to judge the quality of a product, such as solid construction, dependability, and practicality." 

This question may be asked by interviewers to see whether you monitor a product's progress after it has been launched. Consider the measurements and feedback mechanisms you employ to assess whether your design satisfied the public. 

"My team works with research and development to perform quarterly focus groups on the things we usually make." This allows us to assess which ones are still popular with our target demographic and which may benefit from an update. This also helps us generate fresh design concepts." 

This question might assist interviewers discover more about your product design management training and motivation. Make a written or mental inventory of your sources of inspiration before the interview, especially if you have several inspirations.

Example: "My first boss at my first product design job still has an impact on how I lead a team today. She communicated often and clearly, and she always made time to organize individual meetings for members who had questions. She only offered constructive feedback and made the office a pleasant and secure environment to exchange the latest ideas. I aim to emulate her supervisory techniques."


This is a Netflix problem solving interview question with many answers. As a result, it is vital to develop the proper foundation from the outset. In any critical indicator, a decline of 80% is significant. To begin, I would attempt to narrow down precisely what statistic this is, so I would ask the interviewer if they could tell me if the metric is new user retention, churn, monetization, and so on. 

Second, I'd investigate if the decline was abrupt or gradual. For 80%, that clearly sounds like a rapid decline, or else someone would have mentioned anything. If there's a sudden decline, I'd attempt to find out when it happened and if there were any internal/external reasons that may have caused it. 

Internal factors include: the introduction of a new feature, the failure of a server, and the emergence of a new issue. You may separate the last two by area, browser/device type, and OS kind. The problem might potentially be that the measurements we're collecting are inaccurate. 

External reasons may include: a new rival entering the market, negative PR, or a firmware update that occurred outside of your control. It might also be the result of seasonality or a significant transitory occurrence. If it's a significant transient event, KPIs should begin to return to normalcy quickly. 

Third, I'd check to see if any other relationship KPIs have dropped. It's simpler to know what KPI it is before the user journey; however, we can travel along the user journey and see whether any KPI decreased before it. For example, a user registers for the service, submits a credit card for payment (optional), clicks on a video to view, watches the movie, and then selects another video to watch. This is critical in determining when the problem initially appears. 

For example, if the number of videos seen is an important KPI, perhaps the sign in process is where most people fail. If the problem is a feature, I would try to describe what the feature's aim is. It's likely that when we started running targeted advertisements, conversions declined, but first-time purchases climbed. It would be vital to determine whether the purpose of the feature update was realized despite such a significant decline in KPI. 

If the problem is external, it will be more difficult to remedy immediately and will frequently necessitate going through the typical product development cycle to address it. 

In summary, I would first ensure that we can determine if the decline was temporary or permanent, gradual, or rapid, and whether the KPI drop occurred elsewhere in the user funnel. I'd look at both internal and external elements to see if I could pinpoint the problem. Third, if the problem can be resolved promptly, I would call my team to deliver a patch or roll back any changes we may have made. If not, we should thoroughly investigate the problem before acting and inform everyone in the firm of our findings. 

To begin, there are several excellent KPIs to monitor for the feature. Some of these are quite perceptive, going much beyond what one would imagine intuitively. 

However, if I pay great attention to the question, I can see that the request is to quantify the "success" of the feature. Connecting this to other people's input, generating clarity around.

Which measurements provide the most powerful/convincing indications of success (or failure)? 

This should help to cut down the list and solve the issue (and practicalities) of having such a lengthy list in an interview situation. 

Another point is that various measurements, for example, can be generically classed. 

I will compare engagement metrics (like, share, comment, time spent, etc.) on saved articles to those on the usual news stream. 

This technique clearly demonstrates that you are considering this issue (the purpose of the interview, in reality) without asking you to disclose specifics and keeping the list short and reasonable. 

Both approaches will assist you in avoiding the Dilution Effect pitfall, which occurs when essential information is overshadowed by irrelevant/trivial/less significant elements. If you check, you’ll find online technical product manager interview questions and answers pdf. 

Answer this Google product improvement question using the rule of three. Choose three characteristics and apply them to the product you prefer. Here's how I'd respond to this question: 

Grammarly is my favorite product. When I think about why Grammarly is my favorite product, three things spring to mind. 

  • Beneficial - Is the product useful and addresses a major pain point? 
  • Efficient - Does the product solve the problem faster and with less effort from the user? 
  • Innovation - Does the product solve the user's problem in a novel way, making the user smarter? 

Because the interviewee may be unfamiliar with the product, it is an innovative idea to begin the evaluation by providing a brief overview of the product. 

"Grammarly is a spelling and grammar checker available as a standalone desktop program, web application, browser extension, and MS Word plugin." The standalone desktop program and online application have the same look and feel - a basic text editor interface where the user may either upload an existing document or create a new one. As the user enters, Grammarly displays the problems and suggests fixes. The browser extension operates slightly differently, with problems automatically marked with colors and recommendations displayed when the user hovers over the highlighted content." 

Now, I will evaluate Grammarly based on the three essential aspects I indicated before. 

  1. Practical - Grammarly saves time by making precise suggestions. It accomplishes this by utilizing the most recent machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to discover the greatest match/correction. It also increased user vocabulary by suggesting more sophisticated terms for me to utilize in my writing. It also teaches me how to compose phrases that are more grammatically accurate. 
  2. Efficient - Making corrections using Grammarly is a breeze.
    As the application's user, I just click on the recommendation, and it changes the wrong term with the new one. I don't need to open a new window for this (in MS word, user has to click multiple times for correction). It takes as many clicks to correct an entire paragraph as there are grammatical problems. 
  3. Innovation - Grammarly employs cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and predictive technologies to increase the accuracy of recognizing incorrect words and recommending the optimal replacement. Grammarly is also cross-platform.
    To conclude, Grammarly is my favorite program since it is practical, efficient, and novel. 
  4. Calculate the number of inquiries that Google answers every second. You won't be able to respond to this sort of Google estimate query unless you explain a few specifics. 


- Manual searches are conducted via mobile, desktop, app, online, and home device. Ignoring any API-based robo/auto searches. 

- Do we need to look at world population from a geographical standpoint? 

We'll use a top-down strategy for analysis. 

Global Population = 7.5 billion fewer, geography excluded: China, half of Russia (people in this country do not use Google as their major search engine); less than 1.5 billion (remain 6B) 

Less than half of the population has access to the internet (remain 3B) 

 Let's say Google's market share with Bing, AOL, and other regional engines is about 70-80% = 75%. (remain 2.25B) 

We are left with 2.2 billion users who may use Google search as their primary search engine. 

Frequency of Use 

We may categorize them based on their frequency of use. There are three categories of searchers, in my opinion: Passive, Aggressive, Active, Passive searchers are those who do not use the internet to search on a regular basis (such as the elderly, children, our parents, and the bulk of the rural population). Assuming this kind is the majority = 50% = 1.1 billion people. 

People that are active would search once a day. Assumed population of 25% = 550 million people 

Aggressive searchers are extremely active searchers who may conduct 4-8 searches each day. Assuming 25% of the total population Equals 550 million individuals. 

Total daily searches = 550*1 + 550*6 = 3.8B daily searches = 3.8B / 24 hours / 60 minutes / 60 seconds = 44,000 searches per second 

This may appear to be a super-generic and overused question at first. 

But believe me, it is crucial. This is an opportunity to assess the candidate's understanding of what product management entails. 

Recruiters will utilize this question to assess the potential TPM's priorities. They will specifically look to check if the prospect is enthusiastic about: 

  • Creative/Out-of-thinking 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Making new things 
  • Understanding customer demands 
  • Working with different teams 
  • Pushing their mental limitations to accomplish something extraordinary 
  • Everything I described above, I believe, is what makes product management attractive. 
  • If an applicant states the improper reasons, such as a good salary or the opportunity to boss others about, the interviewer may note it as a red flag. 

If you want to learn more about technical interview questions, we have a Technical Product Manager Certification that covers these and other topics. 

Asking someone to explain what they do is a simple approach to determine their level of experience. 

A person with minimal experience will write a lengthy job description peppered with jargon that even they are unlikely to comprehend completely. 

An experienced expert, on the other hand, will provide a much shorter explanation that is free of industry jargon. 

This request is frequently slipped into hiring managers' list of technical product manager interview questions. It's a brilliant (if rather unconventional) method of determining if they genuinely comprehend what the job requires. 

You would be astonished to learn that even smart applicants fail to describe their JD in a straightforward manner. Some may even argue that it is impossible owing to the sole technical nature of the work. 

That, however, is not the case. In case you are curious, here's how I'd explain the function of technical product management to a 7-year-old: "I help make things that make life easier." 

Again, a recruiter may opt to ask this question straight away. While experience leading a team is advantageous, it is not required. It makes a minor difference if the applicant has extensive expertise in their profession, remarkable knowledge, and an established track record if they have never had the opportunity to oversee a team.

This question is much the same as the 9 questions in beginners. The interviewer might utilize this question to learn about the candidate's preferred sort of job (and whether their interests align with that of their organization).

The response to this question will show applicants' experience doing user interviews and how they use input from users. Contrary to popular belief, technical product managers must also be excellent communicators.

Hiring managers should look for established processes that include interviews with individuals and groups, user forums, analytics, and surveys.

The answer to this question will show applicants' experience doing user interviews and how they utilize the feedback of consumers. Contrary to popular belief, technical product managers must also be good communicators.

Individual and group interviews, user forums, analytics, and surveys are all examples of organized procedures that hiring managers should look for. Another one in technical product manager interview questions and answers.

Finally, the recruiter would want to put to the test possibly the most crucial soft talent required to become a technical product manager: leadership. 

When things go wrong, a strong leader doesn't blame their team members. Instead of blaming others, they accept responsibility for their mistakes. And they don't stop there; they go one step farther and devise a method to avoid this happening again.

If the candidate's response checks both of those criteria, they are excellent. 

Hiring managers may ask this question to learn about your philosophies and product management training. Your response might reveal your priorities in terms of quality, leadership, and output.

Example: "The two most essential concepts in product management, in my opinion, are usefulness and dependability. When teaching my employees, I try to emphasize that if a consumer needs a product and finds something they can use for a long time in the future, we have done our job well."

This question might assist hiring managers in determining whether you researched their firm before the interview. It is assumed that you are familiar with not just the company's products, but also with their characteristics and utility to explain or advertise them to a consumer. Before attending the interview, conduct background research and develop a concise sales pitch emphasizing the unique attributes of a couple of their popular items. 

"One of your company's most exciting products is the turbo food processor," for example. If I had to describe this instrument to a layperson, I would highlight its six interchangeable blades and built-in sharpener. 

I'd also compare it to traditional food processors, blenders, and mixers to demonstrate how it does all three duties in a single device." 

Getting stakeholders on the same page, getting engineers on the same page, and overcoming objections are normal stuff for a product manager who isn't just along for the ride. Requesting a concrete example forces them to talk with precision about this critical issue rather than generic platitudes.

Customer research is necessary for the work. This question will reveal how the applicant interacts with actual, live people to get feedback and their customer-centric attitude. They should be familiar with the various approaches for obtaining this information and have some instances from the past. If they don't mention many alternatives, it may be a red sign or just a chance for mentoring and progress.

Product managers assist in all aspects of product design, from concept to launch. This question may be asked by interviewers to understand better how you strategize toward the end of a design cycle. Consider responding with a narrative about a genuine product launch you've managed and explaining why you made the decisions you made. 

"My firm created a new line of energy drinks particularly designed for those who work night shifts, such as truck drivers, first responders, and hospital personnel, two years ago." We began at five areas around the country where these folks congregate. 

I worked with my team to send a group of presenters and promoters to each site, and I collaborated with the marketing team to give incentives to new clients, such as buy-one-get-one discounts." 

Prioritization is a top-level duty for product managers, so they may gain a sense of how they approach it or whether they favor a certain framework. You want to provide more than simply two items, but not so many that the interview is over. To offer some background and to be prepared for some follow-up questions (if they don't ask any, it may be an indication of a major problem straight away). 

For example, how would you prioritize introducing a new feature requested by your top client vs correcting a UX issue that leads to a high volume of support calls? Adding a feature that your top salesman claims would help you close more transactions while also adding functionality that your primary competition currently has? 

This classic scene from The Wolf of Wall Street puts people on the spot to make a persuasive argument for why they should buy a seemingly insignificant item. While you don't have to choose a writing instrument, consider something the interviewee is already familiar with to assess how captivating their messaging is and how quickly they get on their feet. The technical product owner interview questions can repeat.

This question reveals what they value. Inquiring about what they would change reveals where their first inclination leads them. Is it useful? Appearance? Technical? Endurance? This question turns it on its head by challenging people to think critically and identify a problem in something they adore. It's a particularly pertinent activity since we frequently fall in love with our goods yet must always seek methods to better them.

This question has two advantages. For starters, it encourages people to reflect and give critical thinking on why things went wrong, which is useful in a post-mortem situation. However, what people choose as their failure reveals something about them and how extensive and developed their sense of ownership is.

This question delves into the strategies and tools that the candidate employs to complete the job. It also examines if they are using consensus-building strategies or just broadcasting their viewpoint. Are they relying on statistics to back up their claims? Are they meeting with important stakeholders one-on-one or having a massive public forum? Is a roadmap being used to establish a defined schedule, or are they just jumping to the endgame?

This is an important subject, especially given that 56% of product managers are unhappy or feel mediocre about their method of conveying product strategy. As a result, now is the moment to assess their degree of familiarity with one of the most important aspects of their job.

This is a practical question designed to elicit the candidate's approach to their first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job. It will reveal what they value the most and may reveal any concerning actions prior to being hired. For example, if they prefer to make changes and push for new features above learning about the product, process, and people, they may be ego-driven.

On any given day, I perform some or all the following: 

  • Strategizing about my customer's wants, what I can develop, what the need is, and so on. 
  • Attending and leading meetings with people from all throughout the firm. Consider myself a glue and conduit between Engineering (those who make stuff), Marketing / Sales (people who sell stuff), Management (the big bosses), and customers who help us keep the lights on. 
  • I also spend time listening, cooperating, and communicating. A lot of emails, planning, monitoring how things are going, and so on. 
  • I also do exciting stuff like chat to consumers and come up with amazing designs and ideas. 

My usual day consists of a variety of enjoyable and unpleasant activities. One of the common technical questions for a product manager.

Interviewers ask this question to see how much training the candidate would require working at the same pace as the team. Most firms list the tools and software they use in the job description so that the candidate understands the requisite skill set.

Read the description carefully to ensure that your abilities match the level of competency desired by the firm. This is one of Amazon’s technical product manager interview questions.

To assess your grasp of the organization, interviewers inquire about rivals and defects in their own goods. 

To answer this question, conduct a thorough study before the interview and discover market competitors. 

Examine the contrasts between the organization and its rivals and determine who is doing what better. 

Use their goods firsthand to gain an understanding of their strengths and drawbacks from the standpoint of a user. One more from amazon technical product manager interview.


Interviews are one of the last steps in deciding if an applicant is a good fit for the position. This may not be the end of the hiring process. However, you should be able to analyze and compare them to the other applicants. 

While no two interviews are the same, employing the same set of questions with each candidate accomplishes two important objectives. For starters, it ensures that all bases are covered every time. Keep a record of the questions and responses in a document to review and share after the interview. Second, it allows for a standard comparison of candidates. If every interview is different, it is difficult to compare applicants objectively without being swayed by whether they had a good interaction. 

Once you have made the offer and they accept it, it is time to start onboarding and planning your management approach. You can start with KnowledgeHut's best Project Management courses. 

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