
SQL JOINs Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Learning SQL joins is important for the interview because they are a fundamental aspect of SQL and are used in many database management systems. They allow you to retrieve data from multiple tables and combine it in a single result set. This is useful for creating complex queries and performing data analysis. In an interview, the interviewer may ask you to write SQL queries using different types of joins, such as inner, left, and right joins. Knowing how to use these joins effectively demonstrates your understanding of SQL and your ability to retrieve and manipulate data from a database. Additionally, many companies use SQL in their business operations and may require employees to have a strong understanding of joins in order to work with their databases. Therefore, learning SQL joins can be a valuable skill to have in your job search. Let’s first discuss about some of the general SQL JOINs interview questions and answers with examples.

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A SQL JOIN clause is used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.

Here is the general syntax for a JOIN clause: 

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;

There are several types of JOIN clauses: 

  • INNER JOIN: Returns rows that have matching values in both tables 
  • OUTER JOIN: Returns rows that have matching values in one of the tables 
    • LEFT JOIN: Returns all rows from the left table, and any matching rows from the right table 
    • RIGHT JOIN: Returns all rows from the right table, and any matching rows from the left table 
    • FULL JOIN: Returns all rows from both tables, whether there is a match or not 

Here is an example of an INNER JOIN: 

SELECT customers.customer_id, orders.order_id FROM customers INNER JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id;  

This will return a list of customer IDs and order IDs for any customers who have placed an order. 

A SQL join is used to combine data from multiple tables in a database. Here is an example of a join:

SELECT * FROM customers INNER JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id

In this example, the INNER JOIN clause is used to combine data from the customers and orders tables. The join is based on the customer_id column, which is used to match rows from the two tables.

The resulting query will return a combined list of customers and their orders, with each customer's order data appearing in the same row as their customer data. This can be useful for generating reports or analyzing data from multiple tables in a database. 

This is one of the most frequently asked SQL JOIN query interview questions.

There are several types of SQL joins, including: 

  1. Inner join: An inner join combines rows from two or more tables based on a matching value in a common column. It only returns rows that have a match in both tables. 
  2. Left outer join: A left outer join returns all rows from the left table, and any matching rows from the right table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for the right table's columns. 
  3. Right outer join: A right outer join returns all rows from the right table, and any matching rows from the left table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for the left table's columns. 
  4. Full outer join: A full outer join returns all rows from both tables, whether or not there is a match in the other table. If there is no match, NULL values are returned for the non-matching columns. 
  5. Self join: A self join is a type of inner join where a table is joined to itself. This is useful for comparing rows within the same table. 
  6. Cross join: A cross join combines every row from one table with every row from another table, resulting in a cartesian product. This is often used to generate a list of all possible combinations. 

It is necessary to use a SQL join when combining data from multiple tables in a database. For example, if you want to retrieve data from a customer table and an orders table, you would use a join to bring together the relevant data from both tables.

It may not be necessary to use a SQL join if you are only working with a single table or if you do not need to combine data from multiple tables.

There are several performance considerations and best practices to consider when using SQL joins in a query: 

  • Use the appropriate join type: There are several types of joins in SQL, including inner, outer, left, right, and cross joins. It is important to choose the right type of join depending on the data and the desired output. Inner joins are generally the most efficient, as they only return rows that match the join condition. Outer joins can be slower, as they return all rows from one table and any matching rows from the other table. 
  • Use appropriate indexing: Indexes can greatly improve the performance of SQL joins by allowing the database to quickly locate the rows it needs to join. It is important to create indexes on the columns that are used in the join condition to ensure that the database can quickly find the matching rows. 
  • Use WHERE clauses instead of ON clauses: When specifying the join condition, it is generally more efficient to use a WHERE clause rather than an ON clause. This is because the WHERE clause is applied after the join, whereas the ON clause is applied during the join process. However, modern databases have a planning phase where they optimize the query plan which makes this choice irrelevant.  
  • Use EXISTS instead of IN: When using a subquery in a join condition, it is generally more efficient to use the EXISTS operator rather than the IN operator. This is because the EXISTS operator stops searching as soon as it finds a matching row, whereas the IN operator must search through all rows in the subquery to determine if a match exists. This is true when subquery results is large. In other case IN operator gives better performance. 
  • Avoid using unnecessary columns: It is important to only include the necessary columns in the SELECT statement, as including unnecessary columns can slow down the query. Additionally, it is generally more efficient to use the * operator to select all columns rather than specifying each column individually. 
  • Use table aliases: Using table aliases can make it easier to read and write SQL queries, and it can also improve the performance of the query by allowing the database to identify the tables more quickly. 

To perform an inner join in SQL, you can use the following syntax:

SELECT column1, column2, column3 
 FROM table1 
 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column1 
 WHERE condition;  

Here, table1 and table2 are the two tables you want to join, and column1 is the column you want to join. The ON clause specifies the condition for the join, and the WHERE clause specifies any additional filters or conditions you want to apply to the results. 

For example, if you wanted to join two tables called customers and orders, you could use the following query: 

SELECT customers.name, orders.order_date, orders.total_price 
 FROM customers 
 INNER JOIN orders ON customers.id = orders.customer_id 
 WHERE orders.order_date > '2021-01-01';  

This would return a list of customer names, order dates, and order totals for all orders placed after January 1, 2021. 

Expect to come across this, one of the most important SQL scenario based interview questions on JOINS, in your next interviews.

A must-know for anyone heading into the technical round, this is one of the frequently asked JOIN query interview questions.

Here is an example of a left outer join in SQL:

SELECT * FROM table1 t1  
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 t2  
ON t1.id = t2.id;

This query will return all rows from table 1 (the "left" table) and any matching rows from table 2 (the "right" table). If there is no matching row in table 2, NULL values will be returned for the columns from table 2.

A self-join is a type of join that allows you to join a table to itself. To use a self-join in SQL, you simply specify the name of the table twice in the FROM clause, with different alias names for each instance. You can then use the alias names in the join condition to specify which rows to join.

For example:

 FROM table1 AS t1 
 INNER JOIN table1 AS t2 
 ON t1.column1 = t2.column2;  

An inner join is a type of join in SQL that combines rows from two or more tables based on a matching column in both tables. For example, if we have two tables: "Customers" and "Orders," an inner join could be used to combine rows from both tables where the "CustomerID" column in the "Customers" table is equal to the "CustomerID" column in the "Orders" table. This would result in a table that only includes rows where there is a matching CustomerID in both tables.

A cross join, on the other hand, is a type of join that combines every row from one table with every row from another table, resulting in a cartesian product of the two tables. For example, if we have two tables: "Customers" and "Orders," a cross join would combine every row from the "Customers" table with every row from the "Orders" table, resulting in a table with a potentially very large number of rows.

Here is an example of an inner join and a cross join in SQL: 

Inner join: 

SELECT * FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;  

Cross join:

SELECT * FROM Customers CROSS JOIN Orders;

A common yet one of the most popular JOINS interview questions, don't miss this one.

A left join and a right join are both types of outer joins in SQL.

A left join retrieves all rows from the left table (also called the "outer" table), and any matching rows from the right table (also called the "inner" table). If there is no match, the right table's columns will be filled with NULL values. 

For example, if we have two tables called "Customers" and "Orders," and we want to get all of the customer information along with any orders they have placed, we can use a left join:

SELECT * FROM Customers LEFT JOIN Orders ON Customers.customer_id = Orders.customer_id  

This would return a table with all of the customer information from the "Customers" table, and any orders placed by those customers from the "Orders" table. If a customer has not placed any orders, the "Orders" columns will be filled with NULL values.

A right join works in a similar way, but retrieves all rows from the right table and any matching rows from the left table. If there is no match, the left table's columns will be filled with NULL values.

For example, if we want to get all of the orders placed and the customer information for those orders, we can use a right join:

SELECT * FROM Customers RIGHT JOIN Orders ON Orders.customer_id = Customers.customer_id  

This would return a table with all of the order information from the "Orders" table, and any customer information for those orders from the "Customers" table. If an order does not have a matching customer, the "Customers" columns will be filled with NULL values.

The KnowledgeHut Database course is a comprehensive training program that covers the fundamentals of database management systems. It is designed for professionals who want to improve their knowledge and skills in managing and maintaining databases. The course covers topics such as database design, data modeling, SQL, data storage and retrieval, and database security. It also includes hands-on exercises and real-world case studies to help students apply their knowledge in practical scenarios.

One of the most frequently posed SQL JOIN questions, be ready for it.  

A left join returns all rows from the left table and any matching rows from the right table. If there are no matching rows in the right table, NULL values will be returned for the right table's columns. 

A full outer join returns all rows from both tables, regardless of whether there is a match in the other table. If there is no match, NULL values will be returned for the non-matching table's columns. 

For example, consider the following tables: 

Table A:


Table B:


A left join of these tables would return:


A full outer join of these tables would return:


To perform an outer join in SQL, you use the FULL OUTER JOIN keyword followed by the name of the second table and the join condition.  

For example:

 FROM table1 
 ON table1.column1 = table2.column2;  

A staple in SQL JOIN interview questions, be prepared to answer this one.  

To return all records from the left table and only matching records from the right table using a left join, the syntax would be as follows:

SELECT * FROM left_table
 LEFT JOIN right_table
 ON left_table.column_name = right_table.column_name;

This will return all records from the left table and only those records from the right table that have a matching value in the specified column. All other records from the right table will be NULL.

This question is one of the common JOINs interview questions, be ready to tackle it.  

To use a union join to combine the results of two separate SELECT statements, you would first write each SELECT statement as you normally would, with the necessary columns and criteria specified. Then, you would use the UNION keyword to join the two SELECT statements like this:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = 'value1'  
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column2 = 'value2'

This would return all rows from both table1 and table2 that meet the specified criteria, with duplicates removed. If you want to include duplicates, you can use the UNION ALL keyword instead. 

You can also specify a specific order for the results by using the ORDER BY clause after the second SELECT statement, like this: 

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = 'value1' 
 SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column2 = 'value2' 
 ORDER BY column3 ASC 

This would return all rows from both table1 and table2 that meet the specified criteria, ordered by column3 in ascending order.

To filter the results of a join statement using a join condition, you would include a WHERE clause in the join statement with the desired condition.

For example:

SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id and table1.column1 = 'value'

This would only return rows from the joined tables where the value of column1 in table1 is 'value'.

To use a full outer join to return all records from both tables, even if there are no matches in the other table, the following syntax can be used:

SELECT * FROM table1
 FULL OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column

This will return all records from both table1 and table2, even if there are no matches in the other table. If there are no matches, the values for the columns from the non-matching table will be NULL.

To join tables in a many-to-many relationship in SQL, you will need to create a third table, known as a junction or bridge table, which will store the relationships between the two tables. This junction table should have two foreign key columns, one for each of the tables you wish to join.

For example, let's say you have two tables, "Employees" and "Projects," and you want to create a many-to-many relationship between them. You would create a junction table called "Employee_Projects" with two foreign key columns, "Employee_ID" and "Project_ID."

To join the tables, you would use a SELECT statement with INNER JOIN clauses for both the Employees and Projects tables, as well as the junction table. The INNER JOIN clauses should specify the foreign key columns and the primary key columns they reference.

For example:

SELECT Employees., Projects.
 FROM Employees
 INNER JOIN Employee_Projects ON Employees.Employee_ID = Employee_Projects.Employee_ID
 INNER JOIN Projects ON Projects.Project_ID = Employee_Projects.Project_ID

This will return all rows from the Employees and Projects tables that are related through the junction table.

To update data in multiple tables using a join, you can use the following steps: 

  1. Identify the tables that you want to update and the columns that you want to change. 
  2. Determine the relationship between the tables and specify the join condition that will be used to connect the tables. 
  3. Use the UPDATE statement to update the data in the target table. 
  4. Use the JOIN keyword to specify the tables and the join condition. 
  5. Set the values that you want to update using the SET keyword. 

For example, let's say you have two tables: orders and customers. The orders table contains customer ID and order details, and the customers table contains customer ID and customer information. To update the customer's address in the orders table, you can use the following query: 

UPDATE orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id SET orders.customer_address = customers.address WHERE orders.customer_id = 123;  

This query will update the customer's address in the orders table for all orders placed by the customer with ID 123.

To combine two tables with different column names using a natural join, you would need to first specify the common column(s) that the two tables share. Do not use ON operator for joining. For example:


This would return all columns from both tables, with the rows being joined based on the common column(s).

Joins are generally faster than subqueries because they allow the database engine to process the data in a more efficient way. When you use a join, the database engine is able to access the data that it needs from both tables at the same time, which reduces the number of times it has to go back and forth between the tables. This can make a significant difference in the performance of the query, especially when you are working with large tables.

On the other hand, a subquery requires the database engine to execute the inner query first and then use the results to execute the outer query. This means that the database engine has to perform two separate queries and then combine the results, which can be slower than using a join.

In addition, joins can often be optimized by the database engine by creating an execution plan that takes advantage of indexes and other performance-enhancing features. Subqueries, on the other hand, may not be optimized as effectively because they are often more difficult for the database engine to understand and execute efficiently.


Sure. Let's say we have two tables: one containing customer data and one containing order data. The customer table has columns for the customer's name, address, and ID number, while the order table has columns for the order ID, the product being ordered, and the customer ID of the person placing the order.

To retrieve a list of all orders placed by a particular customer, we could use an inner join between the two tables like this:

 FROM customer c
 INNER JOIN order o
 ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
 WHERE c.name = 'John Smith';

This would return a list of all orders placed by the customer with the name 'John Smith', including the order ID, product, and customer ID from the order table, as well as the customer's name, address, and ID from the customer table.

Several types of joins are available in SQL, including inner, outer, and cross joins. The choice of which type to use depends on the specific requirements of the query and the data being queried.

Inner joins are the most commonly used type of join and are used to retrieve only those rows from both tables that match the join condition. This is useful when retrieving only the data in both tables.

On the other hand, outer joins allow you to retrieve all rows from one table and only those rows from the other table that match the join condition. There are three types of outer joins: left, right, and full. Left outer joins to return all rows from the left-side table and only those rows from the right-side table that match the join condition, while right outer joins return all rows from the right-side table and only those rows from the left-side table that match the join condition. Full outer joins return all rows from both tables, regardless of whether they match the join condition.

Cross joins, also known as cartesian joins, return all possible combinations of rows from both tables, regardless of whether they match the join condition. This type of join is generally not recommended for use in production environments due to the high potential for producing large results sets.

This is one of the most frequently asked SQL JOIN interview questions.

Expect to come across this popular scenario based SQL JOINS interview question.

Indexes can significantly improve the performance of JOIN operations by allowing the database to locate the rows to be joined. Without indexes, the database would have to scan through all rows of both tables to find the matching rows, which can be slow for large tables. By creating indexes on the columns used in the JOIN condition, the database can quickly locate the matching rows and perform the JOIN more efficiently. However, it is important to balance the benefits of indexes with the overhead of maintaining them, as they can also impact the performance of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

A self-join is a type of JOIN that is used to join a table to itself. It is often used to compare rows within a single table or to create a hierarchical structure. For example, let's say we have a table of employees with a manager_id column that references the employee's manager. We can use a self-join to create a hierarchical structure that shows each employee and their respective manager:

SELECT e1.name AS employee, e2.name AS manager
 FROM employees e1
 JOIN employees e2
 ON e1.manager_id = e2.employee_id;

A must-know for anyone heading into the technical round, this is one of the most frequently asked SQL JOINs interview questions. 

An equijoin is a type of join in which two tables are joined based on the equality of their common columns.

For example, if Table A has a column called "ID" and Table B has a column called "ID", an equijoin would be performed by matching rows in the two tables where the "ID" column values are equal. 

A non-equijoin, on the other hand, is a type of join that does not rely on the equality of common columns to match rows. Instead, it uses a comparison operator such as "less than" or "greater than" to join the two tables. 

For example, if Table A has a column called "Age" and Table B has a column called "Age", a non-equijoin could be performed by matching rows in Table A where the "Age" column is less than the "Age" column in Table B.

Overall, the main difference between an equijoin and a non-equijoin is the type of comparison used to match rows in the two tables. Equijoins use equality, while non-equijoins use a comparison operator. 

One real-world example of using a join to solve a problem is combining customer and order data from separate tables in a retail company's database.

Imagine that a retail company has two separate tables in its database: one for customer information and one for order information. The customer table includes columns for customer ID, name, and address, while the order table includes columns for order ID, customer ID, and purchase date.

To create a report that displays the customer's name, address, and all of their past orders, a join would be necessary to combine the customer and order data. The join would be performed using the customer ID column, which exists in both tables and can be used to link each customer to their respective orders.

The resulting table would include columns for customer ID, name, address, order ID, and purchase date. This would allow the retail company to easily view and analyze customer and order data in one place rather than having to reference multiple tables.

It's no surprise that this can pop up as one of the SQL scenario-based interview questions on JOINs.  

To return every possible combination of rows from two tables using a cartesian join, we would first select both tables and join them using a cross join or cartesian join. This would allow us to return a result set that includes every possible combination of rows from the two tables.

For example:

SELECT * FROM table1
 CROSS JOIN table2

This would return a result set that includes every combination of rows from both tables, with each row from table1 being paired with every row from table2.

There are a few situations where a subquery might be faster than a join: 

  1. The subquery is returning a smaller result set: If the subquery is returning a significantly smaller result set than the join, it may be faster to execute the subquery first and then use the results to join to the larger table. 
  2. The join is on a large, complex table: If the join is on a large, complex table with many indexes and a high number of rows, it may be faster to execute the subquery first and then use the results to join to the smaller table. 
  3. The subquery is using an index: If the subquery is using an index to filter the results, it may be faster to execute the subquery first and then use the results to join to the other table, rather than using a join which may not be able to take advantage of the index. 
  4. The join is using a full outer join: Full outer joins can be slow to execute due to the need to combine both the left and right tables, so it may be faster to execute a subquery first and then use the results to perform a left or right outer join. 

A common yet one of the most popular SQL JOINS interview questions, don't miss this one.

The fastest join to process is typically the inner join. This is because an inner join only returns rows that have a match in both tables being joined. Therefore, the database engine only has to search for matches in the specified columns, rather than searching for matches and also eliminating rows that do not have a match (as is the case with outer joins).

Another factor that can impact the speed of a join is the use of indexes. If the columns being joined have appropriate indexes, the join can be faster as the database engine can use these indexes to more efficiently locate the matching rows.

In summary, the inner join is generally the fastest join to process because it only returns matching rows and the use of indexes can further improve its performance.

  1. First, make sure to properly index the tables you are joining. This will improve the performance of the join and reduce the amount of memory required. 
  2. Consider using a SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE condition1 UNION SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE condition2) as subquery instead of a full outer join if possible. This will allow you to filter out unnecessary rows before the join, which can help reduce the amount of data being joined and therefore decrease memory usage. 
  3. Use LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to break up the full outer join into smaller chunks and process them one at a time. This can help prevent memory issues by limiting the amount of data being processed at any given time. 
  4. If you are using a database management system (DBMS) that supports partitioning, consider partitioning your tables by a common key to improve the performance of the full outer join. 
  5. If you are using a programming language such as Python or R, consider using a library that allows you to perform distributed full outer joins, which can help reduce memory usage by distributing the data across multiple machines. 

Here is an example of a Union All statement and a Full Outer Join:

Imagine we have two tables, Table A and Table B, with the following data:

Table A:


Table B:


We want to join these two tables together to get a result set that includes all the data from both tables, so we could use a Full Outer Join like this:


This would give us the following result set:



However, here is an example of a Union All statement:

Table A:


Table B:

FROM TableA 
FROM TableB  



For example, let's say we have two tables: 

Table 1: Customers 

Customer IDCustomer Name
1John Smith
2Jane Doe
3Bob Johnson

Table 2: Orders

Order IDCustomer IDTotal Amount

We can use an aggregation on a join to calculate the total amount of money each customer has spent. The resulting table would look like this:

Customer IDCustomer NameTotal Spent
1John Smith$250
2Jane Doe$125
3Bob Johnson$25

To achieve this, we can use the following SQL query:

SELECT Customers.Customer ID, Customers.Customer Name, SUM(Orders.Total Amount) AS Total Spent FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.Customer ID = Orders.Customer ID GROUP BY Customers.Customer ID, Customers.Customer Name

One example where a self-join may be better than a subquery is when querying a table to find the names of employees and their managers.

With a self-join, the query would look something like this:

SELECT e.name AS employee, m.name AS manager FROM employees e JOIN employees m ON e.manager_id = m.employee_id

This query will join the employees table to itself, using the manager_id column to connect the employee with their manager.

Using a subquery, the query might look like this:

SELECT e.name AS employee, (SELECT name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = e.manager_id) AS manager FROM employees e

While both queries will achieve the same result, the self join may be more efficient because it only requires accessing the employees table once, rather than accessing it twice (once for the main query and once for the subquery). This can be especially beneficial when dealing with large tables or when performance is a concern.

There are several ways to avoid many-to-many joins in SQL: 

  1. Use a junction table: This is a table that connects two tables through a many-to-many relationship. Instead of joining the two tables directly, you can use the junction table to join the two tables. 
  2. Normalize the data: Normalization is the process of organizing a database in a way that minimizes redundancy and dependency. By normalizing the data, you can split the data into separate tables and avoid many-to-many joins. 
  3. Use subqueries: Subqueries allow you to include the results of a SELECT statement within another SELECT statement. This can be used to avoid many-to-many joins. 
  4. Use views: A view is a virtual table that is created based on a SELECT statement. You can create a view to avoid many-to-many joins and simplify your queries. 
  5. Use denormalized data: In some cases, it may be more efficient to denormalize the data, meaning that you duplicate data in different tables to avoid many-to-many joins. This can be useful for performance reasons, but it can also increase the risk of data inconsistencies. 


Here is an example of how to update a table called "orders" from data in a table called "customers" in SQL: 

UPDATE orders SET orders.customer_name = customers.name, orders.customer_email = customers.email FROM orders JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id;  

In this example, the "orders" table is being updated with data from the "customers" table by joining the two tables on the "customer_id" column. The SET statement is used to specify which columns in the "orders" table will be updated and with which data from the "customers" table.  


One of the most frequently posed SQL JOIN questions for interview, be ready for it.  

Certainly, I needed to analyze customer behavior and purchase patterns for an e-commerce company in one project I worked on. To do this, I needed to combine data from the company's customer table, which contained customer demographics and account history, with data from the company's order table, which contained information on individual customer orders.

To accomplish this, I used a series of inner and left outer joins to combine the two tables in a way that allowed me to analyze customer behavior and identify trends and patterns in the data. For example, I used left outer joins to retrieve all customer data, even if a particular customer had not placed any orders, and inner join only to retrieve data on customers who had placed orders. This allowed me to analyze the data in a more granular and comprehensive way and helped me to identify key insights and recommendations for the company.

A staple in SQL JOINs interview questions, be prepared to answer this one.  

There are several ways to optimize the performance of SQL joins in large datasets: 

  • Use appropriate indexes: Creating indexes on the columns used in the join condition can improve the join performance. 
  • Use appropriate data types: Using the appropriate data types for the columns being joined can improve the performance of the join. 
  • Use appropriate join types: Using the appropriate join type (e.g., inner join vs. outer join) can improve the performance of the join. 
  • Use appropriate join order: The order in which the tables are joined can impact the performance of the join. It is generally more efficient to join smaller tables with larger tables. 
  • Use appropriate hardware: Using faster hardware (e.g. faster CPU, more memory) can improve the performance of the join. 

A correlated join using a subquery would involve using a subquery in the ON clause of the JOIN statement to link the two tables together. The subquery would reference a column from the primary table, and use that value to filter the results from the secondary table.  

Here is an example of how this could be done:

SELECT department_id, department_name 
FROM departments d 
FROM employees 
WHERE department_id 
= d.department_id); 

In this example, the correlated subquery is used to find the id of the record in table2 that has the same name as the record in table1. The correlated subquery is executed for each row in table1, and the resulting id is used to join the two tables together.

Yes, I have used union and union all in a project before. The scenario was when I was working on a data analysis project for a client. The client had multiple datasets that contained different sets of data, but all the datasets were related to the same topic. The datasets had different structures, and the data was not always consistent.

To analyze the data, I had to combine the datasets into a single table. I used the union and union all functions to do this. The union function combines the datasets and removes any duplicates, while the union all function combines the datasets and keeps any duplicates.

I used the union function when I wanted to ensure that there were no duplicate records in the combined table. This was important because I needed to have a unique record for each data point in the table.

I used the union all function when I wanted to keep all the records, even if there were duplicates. This was useful when I wanted to see how many times a certain data point appeared in the datasets.

To implement the union and union all functions, I used SQL queries to select the data from each dataset and then used the union or union all function to combine the data. I then created a new table in the database to store the combined data.

Overall, using the union and union, all functions allowed me to easily and efficiently combine the datasets and analyze the data.

This question is one of the common JOIN SQL interview questions, be ready to tackle it.  

There are several ways that joins can be used to enrich data for analysis: 

  1. Merging data from multiple sources: Joins allow you to combine data from different sources, such as different databases or tables, into a single dataset for analysis. This can be especially useful if you have data that is spread across different systems or formats and need to bring it all together for a comprehensive analysis. 
  2. Adding contextual information: By joining data from different sources, you can add additional context and information to your data. For example, if you have a dataset of customer transactions and you want to know more about the customers themselves, you could join it with a customer database to get demographic information, purchasing history, and other data points. 
  3. Enhancing data quality: Joins can help you clean and standardize data by matching and combining data from different sources. This can help you remove duplicates, correct errors, and improve the overall quality of your data for analysis. 
  4. Enriching data with metadata: You can use joins to add metadata to your data, such as data on the location, date, or time of a particular event. This can help you better understand the context of your data and make more accurate conclusions from your analysis. 
  5. Identifying relationships and patterns: By joining data from different sources, you can uncover hidden relationships and patterns that may not be immediately apparent in a single dataset. This can help you gain deeper insights into your data and make more informed decisions based on your analysis. 

A staple in SQL JOINs interview questions and answers, be prepared to answer this one using your hands-on experience.

Yes, I have used advanced join techniques such as nested joins and hierarchical joins in my work as a data analyst. 

An example of when I would use a nested join is when I need to combine data from multiple tables that are not directly related to each other. For example, let's say I have a table of sales data and a table of customer data, and I want to join them together to get a complete view of each customer's sales history. In this case, I would first join the sales table to the customer table on the customer ID column, and then I would nest this join within another join to the product table on the product ID column. This would allow me to get all of the sales data for each customer, along with the corresponding product and customer information.

An example of when I would use a hierarchical join is when I need to combine data from a parent-child relationship within a single table. For example, let's say I have a table of employees and their managers, with each employee having a unique ID and their manager's ID listed in a separate column. In this case, I would use a hierarchical join to create a self-referencing relationship between the employee and manager IDs, allowing me to easily query the table to get the managerial hierarchy for each employee.

The KnowledgeHut Database course is a comprehensive training program that covers the fundamentals of database management systems. It is designed for professionals who want to improve their knowledge and skills in managing and maintaining databases. The course covers topics such as database design, data modeling, SQL, data storage and retrieval, and database security. It also includes hands-on exercises and real-world case studies to help students apply their knowledge in practical scenarios. 

Yes, I have had to troubleshoot issues with join logic in a project. One issue I encountered was when I was trying to join two tables based on a common column, but the values in the common column were not matching between the two tables. This resulted in a lot of null values in the joined table.

To resolve this issue, I first checked the data types of the common column in both tables to make sure they were the same. I also checked for any spelling or formatting differences in the values in the common column. If I still couldn't find the issue, I used a process of elimination to narrow down which rows in the tables were causing the issue by performing a series of inner and outer joins.

Ultimately, I found that there were some special characters in the common column in one of the tables that were not present in the other table. I cleaned up the data by removing these special characters and reran the join, which resulted in a successful join without any null values.

Expect to come across this, one of the most popular SQL JOINs interview questions.

A cross join, also known as a cartesian join, is a type of join in SQL that combines every row from one table with every row from another table. This results in a cartesian product of the two tables, which means that each row in the first table is paired with every row in the second table. For example, if table A has three rows and table B has four rows, the cross join would result in a table with 12 rows (3 x 4). Cross-join is SQL 99 join and Cartesian product is Oracle Proprietary join.

There are several ways to handle null values in a join: 

  • Use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operator to filter out null values in the join condition. For example:
SELECT * FROM table1 
 INNER JOIN table2 
 ON table1.column1 = table2.column1 
 WHERE table2.column2 IS NOT NULL; 
  • Use the COALESCE function to replace null values with a default value in the join condition. For example: 
SELECT * FROM table1 
 INNER JOIN table2 
 ON table1.column1 = COALESCE(table2.column1, 'default value');  
  • Use the NULLIF function to convert null values to a different value in the join condition. For example:  
SELECT * FROM table1 
 INNER JOIN table2 
 ON table1.column1 = NULLIF(table2.column1, 'null value');  
  • Use the LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN instead of INNER JOIN to include null values in the results. For example:  
SELECT * FROM table1 
 LEFT JOIN table2 
 ON table1.column1 = table2.column1;  

To perform data transformation tasks using SQL joins, you would use a SELECT statement to select the data from the relevant tables and then use various types of joins (e.g. INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN) to combine the data from those tables in a specific way. For example, you might use an INNER JOIN to only include data from both tables that matches on a certain column, or a LEFT JOIN to include all data from the left table and any matching data from the right table. You can then use the resulting data to transform it in various ways using additional SELECT clauses (e.g. using aggregates, CASE statements, etc.) to create a new transformed dataset.

A cartesian join, also known as a cross join, is a type of join in SQL that retrieves all possible combinations of records from two tables. To perform a cartesian join, you would need to use the CROSS JOIN keyword in your SELECT statement, followed by the names of the two tables you want to join.

For example, let's say you have two tables: Table A and Table B. Table A contains a list of products and Table B contains a list of colors. To retrieve all possible combinations of products and colors, you could use the following SQL query:


This query would return a result set containing every combination of a product from Table A and a color from Table B. For example, if Table A had 3 products and Table B had 2 colors, the result set would contain 6 rows (3 products * 2 colors).

It's important to note that cartesian joins can result in very large result sets, especially if the two tables have a large number of records. As a result, it's usually best to use more specific join conditions to limit the number of records returned. 

A WHERE clause is used to filter the rows returned from a SELECT statement, whereas an ON clause is used to specify the join criteria in a JOIN operation. 

The WHERE clause is applied after the data has been retrieved from the database, whereas the ON clause is used to determine which rows are included in the join before the data is retrieved. 

For example, in the following query: 

SELECT * FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id WHERE t1.name = 'John'  

The ON clause is used to specify that the rows from table1 and table2 should be joined on the id column, while the WHERE clause filters the results to only include rows where the name in table1 is 'John'.

On the other hand, the ON clause can also include a condition to filter the rows that are included in the join, as in the following example:

SELECT * FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.id AND t2.status = 'active'  

In this case, the ON clause is used to specify that the rows from table1 and table2 should be joined on the id column, and only rows where the status in table2 is 'active' will be included in the join. 

The JOIN USING clause allows you to join two tables by using a common column that they both have. Here is the syntax:

SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (column);

This will return all rows from both tables where the values in the column are equal. The resulting table will contain all columns from both table1 and table2, with any duplicate columns being renamed with a suffix to make them unique. 

For example, consider the following two tables: 



Table 2

2New YorkUSA

We can use the JOIN USING clause to join these two tables on the id column like this:

SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (id);

This will return the following table:

2Bob22New YorkUSA

The JOIN USING clause is equivalent to the INNER JOIN ON clause, which you can use like this:

SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id;

There are several ways to optimize query performance when working with large data sets and multiple joins: 

  1. Use appropriate indexes: Indexes help improve the performance of queries by allowing the database to quickly locate and retrieve data. When creating indexes, make sure to choose the right columns and use the correct index type (e.g. b-tree, hash). 
  2. Use efficient join algorithms: Different join algorithms have different performance characteristics. Make sure to choose the right algorithm for your data and query requirements. 
  3. Use appropriate data types: Using the right data types can improve query performance by reducing the amount of memory and disk space needed to store and manipulate data. 
  4. Use appropriate hardware: Having the right hardware (e.g. fast CPUs, plenty of RAM) can significantly improve query performance. 
  5. Use appropriate database design: Proper database design can improve query performance by reducing the number of joins needed, optimizing data layout, and minimizing data redundancy. 
  6. Use appropriate database settings: Configuring the database properly (e.g. setting the right cache sizes, configuring parallel query execution) can improve query performance. 
  7. Use appropriate query optimization techniques: Techniques such as using subqueries, using materialized views, and using hints can improve query performance. 
  8. Use appropriate query monitoring and tuning tools: Tools such as explain plans, query profiling, and performance metrics can help identify and fix performance bottlenecks.

There are a few steps that can be taken to ensure data security when using a join clause: 

  1. Use a SELECT statement to limit the number of rows that are returned: Using a SELECT statement can help to reduce the amount of data that is returned, which can help to reduce the risk of data breaches. 
  2. Use a WHERE clause to filter the data that is returned: The WHERE clause can be used to filter the data that is returned, which can help to reduce the risk of data breaches. 
  3. Use a LIMIT clause to limit the number of rows that are returned: The LIMIT clause can be used to limit the number of rows that are returned, which can help to reduce the risk of data breaches. 
  4. Use a HAVING clause to filter the data that is returned: The HAVING clause can be used to filter the data that is returned, which can help to reduce the risk of data breaches. 
  5. Use a GROUP BY clause to group the data that is returned: The GROUP BY clause can be used to group the data that is returned, which can help to reduce the risk of data breaches. 

PostgreSQL allows you to install and use extensions to add additional functionality to the database. Extensions are installed in a specific database, and once installed they can be used like any other database object. 

To install an extension, you will need to use the CREATE EXTENSION statement. This statement has the following syntax: 

CREATE EXTENSION [ IF NOT EXISTS ] extension_name [ WITH ] [ SCHEMA schema_name ] [ VERSION version ] [ FROM old_version ] 

The extension_name is the name of the extension that you want to install. The IF NOT EXISTS clause is optional, and it specifies that the extension should only be installed if it does not already exist in the database. 

The WITH clause is optional, and it allows you to specify additional options for the extension. The SCHEMA option allows you to specify the schema in which the extension's objects should be created. The VERSION option allows you to specify the version of the extension that you want to install. The FROM option allows you to specify the version of the extension that you are upgrading from. 

For example, to install the my_extension extension in the public schema, you could use the following statement: 


To uninstall an extension, you can use the DROP EXTENSION statement. This statement has the following syntax: 


The extension_name is the name of the extension that you want to uninstall. The IF EXISTS clause is optional, and it specifies that the extension should only be uninstalled if it exists in the database. 

The CASCADE and RESTRICT options allow you to specify what should happen to objects that depend on the extension. The CASCADE option will automatically drop any objects that depend on the extension, while the RESTRICT option will prevent the extension from being dropped if there are any dependent objects. 

For example, to uninstall the my_extension extension, you could use the following statement: 


To list all installed extensions in a database, you can use the \dx command in the psql command-line interface. This will show you the name, schema, and version of each installed extension. 

To check the status of an extension, you can query the pg_extension system catalog table. For example, the following query will show you the name, schema, and version of the my_extension extension: 

SELECT extname, extnamespace, extversion FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'my_extension'; 

To check for available updates to an extension, you can use the CREATE EXTENSION statement with the VERSION option. For example, the following statement will check for an update to the my_extension extension: 

CREATE EXTENSION my_extension WITH VERSION 'latest'; 

If an update is available, the extension will be upgraded to the latest version. If no update is available, the extension will remain at its current version. 


Top SQL Joins Interview Questions Tips and Tricks

  1. Use INNER JOINs whenever possible: INNER JOINs are the most efficient type of join because they only return rows that match in both tables. This means that you don't have to worry about NULL values or unnecessary data being returned. 
  2. Use LEFT JOINs when you want to include all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table: This is useful when you want to see all of the data from one table but only the matching data from another table. 
  3. Use RIGHT JOINs when you want to include all rows from the right table, even if there are no matches in the left table: This is the opposite of a LEFT JOIN and is useful in similar situations. 
  4. Use FULL OUTER JOINs when you want to see all rows from both tables, even if there are no matches: This is the most comprehensive type of join, but it can be slower and more resource-intensive than INNER JOINs. 
  5. Use CROSS JOINs when you want to create a cartesian product of two tables: This is useful when you want to see every possible combination of rows from two tables, but it can also be very resource-intensive and should be used with extreme caution. 
  6. Use the ON clause to specify the conditions for a join: This allows you to specify exactly which rows should be matched in the two tables. Without the ON clause, the join will simply return all possible combinations of rows. 
  7. Use the USING clause to specify the column or columns that should be used for matching: This shortcut allows you to specify the matching columns without using the full ON clause syntax. 
  8. Use the WHERE clause to filter the results of a join: This is useful when you want to see only a subset of the data returned by a join. 
  9. Use parentheses to specify the order in which multiple joins should be executed: This is especially important when you have multiple joins with different types (e.g., INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, etc.). 
  10. Test your queries carefully to make sure they are returning the expected results: Always make sure to verify the results of your queries before relying on them in production environments. 

How to Prepare for SQL JOINs Questions?

Some of the concepts and techniques to design a SQL joins interview: 

  1. Familiarize yourself with the different types of SQL joins: inner, outer, left, right, cross, and self. Understand the differences between them and when to use each type. 
  2. Practice writing and explaining SQL join queries using tables and data sets. 
  3. Review and understand the concept of relational databases and how they work. 
  4. Understand the importance of proper data normalization and how it affects the use of joins. 
  5. Review and understand the various SQL aggregate functions, such as SUM, AVG, and COUNT, and how they can be used in conjunction with joins. 
  6. Practice optimizing SQL join queries for performance, including using indexes and other techniques. 
  7. Familiarize yourself with common SQL join pitfalls, such as cartesian joins and null values, and how to avoid them. 
  8. Practice explaining your thought process and reasoning behind using specific SQL join syntax and techniques. 
  9. Review any relevant documentation or resources on SQL joins, such as the official SQL documentation or online tutorials. 

Job roles where SQL joins are used daily to gather insight or retrieve information or data processing or cleaning: 

Top companies which give great importance to SQL as a technical skill while hiring for the roles mentioned above. You can apply for the roles with confidence once you have mastered SQL, and SQL joins are a major part of the interview process. Here is the list of some of the companies: 

  1. Microsoft 
  2. Oracle 
  3. Amazon 
  4. Google 
  5. IBM 
  6. Accenture 
  7. Deloitte 
  8. SAP 
  9. Intel 
  10. Cisco Systems 

An SQL certification is a formal recognition given to individuals who have demonstrated a level of proficiency in the Structured Query Language (SQL). This certification is often sought by professionals working in the field of data management, as it can be used to validate their skills and improve their career prospects. 

What to Expect in Join SQL Interview Questions?

During a SQL Joins interview, the interviewer may ask you questions about your knowledge and experience with different types of SQL Joins, such as: 

  1. Inner Joins: You may be asked to explain the difference between inner and outer joins, and when you would use an inner join. 
  2. Left Joins: The interviewer may ask you to explain the difference between a left and right join, and when you would use a left join. 
  3. Right Joins: The interviewer may ask you to explain the difference between a right and left join, and when you would use a right join. 
  4. Full Outer Joins: You may be asked to explain the difference between a full outer join and other types of joins, and when you would use a full outer join. 
  5. Self Joins: The interviewer may ask you to explain what a SQL self join is, and when you would use a self join. 
  6. Cross Joins: You may be asked to explain what a cross join is, and when you would use a cross join. 

The interviewer may also ask you to write SQL code to demonstrate your understanding of different types of joins or to solve a problem using SQL joins. You may be asked to explain your thought process and why you chose a specific join type. 


In conclusion, SQL JOINs practice questions and answers in this article are helpful in practicing SQL JOINs, which is an essential skill for any professional working with databases. It allows for the efficient merging of data from multiple tables, resulting in more accurate and comprehensive information. There are various types of joins, including inner, outer, self, and cross, and it is important to understand the differences between them in order to effectively use them in queries. 

During an interview, you may be asked a range of questions on SQL joins, including basic queries, SQL scenario-based interview questions on joins, and complex queries. It is important to be able to explain your thought process and reasoning behind your solutions, as well as provide examples to demonstrate your understanding.

In addition to these basic SQL join query interview questions, you may also encounter more advanced queries, SQL JOINs tricky questions, and complex SQL join queries for interviews that require a deeper understanding of SQL and the use of joins. These may include scenarios where you need to use multiple joins in a single query or where you need to manipulate the data in specific ways using joins.

Overall, it is crucial to have a strong foundation in SQL and practice using joins in order to excel in a SQL interview. By familiarizing yourself with various join types and practicing with a variety of questions and scenarios, you can increase your confidence and improve your chances of success in an interview. 

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