Infosys Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Infosys is a global information technology (IT) services company headquartered in Bangalore, India. It provides a wide range of services to clients across various industries, including consulting, software development, engineering services, and business process outsourcing. They conduct interviews for various roles, including software engineers, business analysts, consultants, and project managers. The Infosys interview process varies significantly with the level of experience and designations. Whether you’re a fresher appearing for the first time or appearing for a senior software engineer role, our set of Infosys interview questions will help you prepare for the interview confidently.

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Both are based on the OOPS philosophy. The primary distinctions are as follows: 


It is a platform-dependent programming language. 

The code may be written and run anywhere. Java is platform agnostic. 

C++ is used for system programming; for example, operating systems are developed in C++.

Normally used in s/w programming, such as mobile and web-based apps. 

Pass by value and pass by reference, both are supported here. 

Here, only the value can be used to pass variables. 

Pointers can be expressly coded for by developers. 

Internally, Java use pointers. Developers are unable to develop programmes, implying that pointer support is limited. 

Allows for operator overloading 

There is no support for operator overloading. 

Allows for numerous inheritances 

Multiple inheritances are not supported. (This may be accomplished via an interface) 

There is no right or incorrect response when asked which is superior. You can choose whether you like C++ or Java. For example, because I dislike pointers and Java lacks them, I may vote for Java. C++, on the other hand, offers operator overloading and passing by reference, but Java does not, hence I prefer C++ for this reason. This quiz is just to see if you can examine and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. 

Expect to come across this popular question in Infosys interview questions for freshers.

Friend function - If a function is designated as a 'friend' of a certain class, it has access to the class's protected and private members. 

Friend class - similar to function, if a class is marked as a friend of another class, it has access to that class's protected and private members. 

As an example, 

The computer programming language C is one example. Between 1969 and 1973, Dennis Ritchie worked at AT&T Bell Labs on C. It has software source code in free format. C is often used in desktop computers. 

C can access desktop PC resources such as RAM, operating system, and so on. 

Compilers for C (ANSI C) generally produce executables that are OS dependant. 

embedded C

The language extensions for the C programming language are known as Embedded C. The C Standards committee approved it. The C Standards group intended that the Embedded C extensions would address the commonality difficulties that arise amongst C extensions for various embedded systems. 

Embedded C is intended for use in microcontroller-based applications. 

Embedded C is used on embedded processors with restricted resources such as RAM, ROM, and I/Os. 

Embedded C necessitates the use of compilers to generate files that can be downloaded to the microcontrollers/microprocessors on which it must execute. 

OOPS (or object-oriented programming) is a programming style that considers everything in an application program to be an object. It simplifies programming. The primary oops notions are as follows: 

Class - a collection of methods and variables. A class can be used by generating objects of the class. 

Inheritance - we can build a parent class when there are common attributes that can be utilized. The child classes can then inherit the parent class's shared methods and variables. The Animal class is a popular example. If Dog and Lion are two distinct animals, they can inherit Animal's common methods such as run(), eat(), and makeSound(). 

Because the sounds of Dog and Lion differ, each will have its own implementation. 

Polymorphism is the process of redefining how something works by employing a new implementation. Overloading and overriding can be used to produce polymorphism. 

Abstraction - In sophisticated real-time applications, not all details must be displayed to the user. We can isolate what an item does from how it works via abstraction and display the user merely the 'what'. 

Encapsulation - Encapsulation is the notion of combining data and code into a single unit in order to conceal the underlying workings of the code from an end-user. A class, for example, encompasses multiple member variables and methods that may be inaccessible from outside the class. 

In addition, the interviewer may ask you to describe any or all of these. 

You only need to describe the fundamental notion for any Infosys android developer interview questions. 

A common question in Infosys interview questions, don't miss this one.

Struct is a specialized data type that includes various sorts of data. As an example, 

struct Student { 
int rollNumber; 
char section; 
void getName(); 

Members of a class are by default private; to make a variable public, we must use the public modifier. Members in a struct are always public by default, and we must apply a modifier to make them private. 

Structs cannot be inherited, but classes may. 


  • It is used by the JRE to allocate memory for objects and JRE classes. 
  • Garbage collection takes place in heap memory. 
  • Objects produced on the heap are globally accessible. 


  • Short-term references, such as the current execution thread 
  • The stack stores heap object references. 
  • A new memory block is produced when a method is invoked. The block is utilized by the following program after the method is run. 
  • The size of stack memory is less than that of heap memory. 

OLTP is an abbreviation for On-Line Transaction Processing. Such systems can execute database transactions and are designed to deliver fast database transactions. These systems are mostly used for data entry and retrieval from databases.

FMEA is: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. It's a type of failure analysis that's commonly used in product development, system engineering, and operations management. This analysis is carried out in order to determine the various failure modes and their severity in any system. 

This strategy is used to prioritize various phases in a process. Each group member is expected to allocate points to various phases. Finally, all the points for each step are computed. The phase with the most points is the most important. 

While 8-Omega is a business framework that is mostly used by corporations and organizations to improve their operations. Its primary components are Strategy, People, Process, and Technology.

Pareto Analysis, sometimes known as the 80/20 rule, is a decision-making approach. It is employed in quality assurance and fault resolution. It discusses a few elements that might cause major issues. It is known as the 80/20 rule because it states that 80% of the effects in a system result from 20% of the causes. 

The Agile Manifesto is a roadmap for software engineers to achieve iterative solutions using Agile development principles. 

The main benefits (business process modelling) are: 

  • It is used to represent a thorough grasp of business operations. 
  • It provides uniformity and control over the project's procedures. 
  • It assists you in identifying and removing faults and bottlenecks. 

Process design assists you in analyzing all the difficulties in order to create an effective solution. This method is critical for standardizing workflows. Increasing the same helps to increase the quality, and companies may ensure that you obtain the desired result in the quickest amount of time. 

  • Out-of-the-box features - Angular comes with a variety of built-in capabilities, including routing, state management, the rxjs library, and HTTP services. This indicates that the aforementioned skills are not needed to be sought individually. They are all equipped with an angular. 
  • Declarative UI - Angular renders an application's UI using HTML. HTML is a declarative language that is far more user-friendly than JavaScript. 
  • Google Long-Term Support - Google has announced Long-Term Support for Angular. This indicates Google intends to provide continuity with Angular and expand its ecosystem. 

Expect to come across this popular question in Infosys interview questions for Angular developer.

These are pipelines that just use basic functions. As a result, a pure pipe has no internal state and its output remains constant if the parameters supplied remain constant. When the arguments being given change, Angular invokes the pipe. In all components, a single instance of the pure pipe is used.

AngularJS employs MVC, or Model-View-Controller, architecture, in which the Model holds business logic, the Controller processes data, and the View displays data from the Model. 

Components replace controllers in Angular. Components are just directives that have a preset template. 

AngularJS makes use of the JavaScript language, which is a dynamically typed language. 

Angular employs TypeScript, a statically typed language that is a superset of JavaScript. Angular delivers greater speed when constructing bigger apps by employing a statically typed language. 

  • Mobile Assistance 

AngularJS does not support mobile devices. 

All prominent mobile browsers support Angular. 

  • Structure 

In the case of AngularJS, the process of maintaining code gets onerous while constructing larger projects. 

Because Angular gives a better framework, it is easier to maintain code for larger apps. 

  • Syntax of Expressions 

A developer must remember the correct ng-directive for binding an event or a property while creating an AngularJS application. In Angular, property binding is done with the "[]" attribute, while event binding is done with the "()" attribute. 

Single page apps are web-based applications that only need to be loaded once, and additional capability is represented by modest modifications to the user interface. It does not load new HTML pages to show the new page's content, but instead produces it dynamically. The ability of JavaScript to change DOM components on the current page makes this possible. A Single Page Application technique is faster and provides a more consistent user experience.

These are hard-coded language characteristics. Annotations are just metadata that is applied to a class in order to represent the metadata library. When a user annotates a class, the compiler creates an annotations property, saves an annotation array in it, and then attempts to instantiate an object with the same name as the annotation, passing the information into the constructor. Because annotations in AngularJs are not specified, we can name them ourselves.

A scope in Angular is an object that references to the application model. It is a setting in which expressions can be run. These scopes are organized hierarchically, similar to the application's DOM structure. A scope facilitates the transmission of events and the monitoring of expressions. These Infosys angular interview questions given in this article must be read for Stack developer interview preparation.

A common question in Infosys interview questions for automation testing, don't miss this one.

Automation testing is the practice of automating manual testing of an application or system under test (AUT) (SUT). It incorporates the use of testing tools to assist us in creating test scripts that can be run repeatedly without the need for human interaction. 

Selenium RC is referred to as Selenium 2.0, and the combination of Selenium RC and WebDriver as a single tool is referred to as Selenium 3.0.

  • Rational Robot  
  • Selenium 
  • Unified Functional Testing from HP (UFT) 
  • Rational Functional Tester by IBM 

Selenium is ideal for test automation since it: 

  • It is free and open-source. 
  • It has a vast user base and strong community support. 
  • Is cross-browser compatible (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.) 
  • Has excellent platform compatibility (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc.) 
  • Multiple programming languages are supported (Java, C#, Python, Perl, Ruby, and so on). 
  • Has new and consistent repository developments 
  • Distributed testing is supported. 

An object repository enables testers to collect web elements of the application under test (AUT), as well as associated locator values, in one or more centralized places rather than hard-coding them within test scripts.

TypeKeys() will cause JavaScript events, whereas type() will not. TypesKeys uses JavaScript to collect various value properties. The type instructions, on the other hand, simulate genuine user typing.

Some merits of Selenium are: 

  • Selenium is a free and open-source automated testing tool. 
  • It supports several programming languages, including C#, PHP, Java, Perl, Python, JS, and Groovy. 
  • It also supports a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS. 
  • It includes strong techniques for locating items, such as Xpath, DOM, and CSS. 
  • Developers can alter the code because it is an open-source tool. Google also supports the developer community. 

Selenium requires four arguments to be passed: 

  • Browser  
  • URL  
  • Host 
  • And a Port Number

If the file is on the same system or in a mapped network drive, it is quite simple: simply enter the file's 'path' into the FileUpload control. 

driver = webdriver.Firefox() 
element = driver.find_element_by_id("fileUpload") 


A business analyst should be familiar with the procedures that are used to develop and implement strategies for recognising and meeting the needs of a company and achieving the best results. 

The recruiter wants to determine if you understand these concepts and can implement them into your work policies with this inquiry. 

MoSCoW is an acronym that stands for Must or Should, Could or Would. A business analyst should carry out this procedure by evaluating each demand with other requirements in order to prioritise the framework requirements. For example, is this a must-have or a desirable requirement? 

SWOT Analysis, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, is the most extensively utilised approach in businesses for proper resource allocation. 

A business analyst should be able to detect and interpret the strengths and weaknesses of any company structure into opportunities and threats. 

Pro Tip: You may read more about different business strategies like as MOST and PESTLE to help you prepare for your Infosys business analyst interview questions. 

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in Infosys interview questions for experienced.

Both slow down the execution pace. 

Thread.sleep(): This function will pause the current (java) thread for the provided amount of time. It is only done once. 

It accepts a single integer parameter. 

For example, thread.sleep(3000) will wait 3 seconds. 

It just waits once for the instruction issued during sleep. 

SetSpeed(): Stops the execution of all Selenium commands for a specified length of time. 

It accepts a single integer input = For example, selenium.setSpeed("3000") will wait for 3 seconds. 

Each instruction is executed after setSpeed has been delayed by the amount of milliseconds specified in set Speed. 

This command is handy for demonstrations or when using a sluggish online application. 

Agile is a software development methodology that uses an iterative approach to software development to enable teams offer value to their customers faster, with higher quality, fewer mistakes, and greater flexibility to adjust to change. 

Instead of a "big bang" launch, an agile team offers a product in modest increments. Teams have a natural method for responding quickly to change since requirements, plans, and results are regularly evaluated. 

Scrum and Kanban are the most popular Agile techniques. 

To manage exceptions, C++ and Java employ the try/catch and throw keywords. However, 

in Java, exceptions can only be thrown by instances of Throwable or subclasses of Throwable. Even primitive types and pointers can be thrown as exceptions in C++. 

Finally, following the try-catch block, Java executes the finally block. This block is used to run instructions regardless of what happens within the code (clearing variables, etc...). C++ does not have such a provision. 

To list the exceptions that a method can throw, Java utilizes the 'throws' keyword, whereas C++ uses throw. 

In C++, all exceptions are unchecked. Checked and unchecked exceptions are both possible in Java.

One of the most frequently posed Infosys technical interview questions, be ready for it.

When a non-primitive variable does not point to or relate to any object, it is referred to as null. 

String str = null; //declaring null 
if(str == null) // 

determining whether or not value is null  

int length = str.length(); 
//using a null value will result in an error NullPointerException; 

A class encapsulates variables of various types and functions that may be combined. 

As an example, 

Class All variables and techniques connected to a student, such as name, roll number, marks, subjects chosen, and so on, can be used. When an application needs the details of a Student, an object of this class may be constructed to retrieve all of the student's information. 

Student student1 = new Student(); 

Only nested classes in Java can be static. A static top level (outer) class is not possible. 

public class Outerpublic static class Nested { 

 Yes, a static class object may be generated directly in another class without generating an instance of the outer class. 

public class Test { 
Outer.Nested obj = new Outer.Nested(); 

Joins are used to retrieve information from many tables by utilizing the main and foreign keys of the associated tables. As an example, 

table – student
table - books

student_id (primary key) 

book_id (primary key) 




student_id (foreign key) 



To find out what books a student has read, we can simply type a query like - 

select from student, book student.student name, student.student batch, title, author where student.student id=book.student id; 

The end outcome will be - 




C++ for beginners 

Yashwant Kanetkar 



Java for dummies 

Kathy Sierra 

The Pugh Matrix is used to determine the best and alternate options. This approach is now an integral element of the Six Sigma methodology. It is also known as a problem /design matrix. This is commonly asked to students appearing in Infosys business analyst interview questions.

  • BPMN is an abbreviation for Business Process Model and Notation. It represents business processes graphically. 
  • BPMN Gateway is a component of processing modeling that is used to govern the flow of interaction and the sequence of operations. 
  • Flow Objects, Data, Connecting Objects, Swimlanes, and Artifacts are the five core element categories in BPMN. 

Yes, Kano Analysis was used in one of my previous jobs. Kano Analysis is used to assess the impact of a system on customer satisfaction by analyzing it in terms of its requirements. 

Kano Analysis is divided into three sections: Unexpected Delighters, Performance Attributes, and Must-Have Attributes. 

A staple in Infosys interview questions with answers, be prepared to answer this one.

Yes, I would recommend drawing two separate diagrams. The first is a use-case, and the second is an actor diagram. So that we can highlight all possible activities in a use case and in an actor diagram, and then combine both diagrams to create an effective use-case diagram. 

The pair-Choice Technique is used to prioritize different items in a process. It is mostly used when there are multiple stakeholders involved in the project. The group is asked to compare each item to others and choose the one with the highest priority. 

  • It is an abbreviation for Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. 
  • GAP Analysis is the process of comparing and differentiating two things or processes. 
  • As a business analyst, I would create a document that clearly states that no changes will be accepted after a certain period of time and have the user sign it. 

Use-case points are used to calculate the cost of developing the system. 

PEST (an acronym) for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological. It is used to assess the business environment in which it must function. 

JAD is an abbreviation for Joint Application Development. 

Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL) is a data processing method that is primarily used in data warehousing. 

Eliciting requirements assists you in gathering information from users and stakeholders. It is beneficial to understand what people expect from a system. It also includes several tactics that work directly with users or clients. 

Configuration management includes version control. In comparison to configuration management, which manages individual components, it is primarily concerned with the processing of changes emerging from the prior document. 

Problem-solving abilities, as well as management and communication abilities 

IT knowledge and elicitation skills are all required in a good business analyst 

Being a business analyst, Scope creep may be avoided by using the following technique: 

  • Documenting the project's scope. 
  • By employing suitable change management techniques. 
  • Before implementing a change, notify the impacted parties of the consequences. 
  • Adding additional requirements to the project log. 

A project that included a series of actions from beginning to end. A crucial route is a combination of actions that encompasses the project's longest path. 

Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an approach for improving product applications. It is an object-oriented strategy that is used to ensure effective project management and high-quality software creation. 

The project deliverables are a set of measurable products and services that are supplied to the end customer as an output at the end of the project. 

Previously, web developers utilized VanillaJS and jQuery to create dynamic websites, but as the logic of a website expanded, the code became increasingly difficult to maintain. For apps that employ complicated logic, developers have to work extra hard to keep the app's separation of concerns. Furtherly, jQuery did not  give data management facility across views. 

Client-side frameworks such as Angular came into play to address the aforementioned issues, making life easier for developers by managing the separation of responsibilities and separating code into bits of info (In Angular, called Components). 

Client-side frameworks enable the creation of complex web apps such as Single-Page-Application. Not that we can't build SPAs using VanillaJS, but doing so slows down the development process. These specific business analyst Infosys interview questions for fresher and experienced are asked many times. 

While the DOM is the accepted standard method for traversing an HTML element tree, XPath is the navigation tool used to identify a web element based on its XML path. 

XML, which stands for 'Extensible Markup Language,' is a data storage, organization, and transfer protocol. It holds data as a key-value pair, which is comparable to HTML tags. Because they are both markup languages and come under the same umbrella, XPath and HTML may be used to locate elements. 

The basic idea behind identifying elements with XPath is to traverse between numerous elements throughout the full page, allowing a user to discover an element by referencing another element. 

Single slash (/): A single slash is used to create an absolute path in an XPath. In this scenario, the XPath would begin selection at the start node of the document. 

The double slash (//) character is used to build an XPath with a relative path. In this scenario, the XPath would begin selecting wherever in the document. 

Yes, selenium has several drawbacks: 

  • Selenium can solely be dedicated to test web applications. 
  • It is not feasible to test mobile or desktop applications. 
  • Selenium cannot test captcha and barcode readers. 
  • To create reports, a third-party tool such as TestNG or JUnit should be utilized. 
  • Because Selenium is a free technology, there is no ready vendor support to assist users locate various helpful groups. 
  • Users are assumed to have prior programming language experience. 

The original version of Selenium featured only three tool sets: Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, and Selenium Grid. The initial version did not have a WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver was later introduced and so included in Selenium V2. However, since the inclusion of WebDriver, the usage of Selenium RC has been discouraged and is no longer widely used. Selenium 3 is currently in use. Selenium functionality such as IDE and WebDriver have just been introduced. The most recent version is Selenium 4.

Selenium is more commonly used than QTP because: 

  • Selenium is a free and open-source tool, whereas QTP is a paid tool. 
  • Selenium is used exclusively for testing web-based applications, although QTP may also be used to test client-server applications. 
  • Selenium works with a variety of browsers, including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari, as well as operating systems. Windows, Mac, Linux, and other operating systems are supported by Selenium. QTP, on the other hand, is restricted to Internet Explorer on Windows. 
  • Selenium provides the interoperability of several programming languages. Python, Ruby, Perl, and more programming languages are supported by Selenium. However, QTP only supports VBScript. 
  • getwindowhandles(): Its return data type is SetString>, and it is used to obtain the addresses of all open browsers. 
  • getwindowhandle(): It is used to obtain the current browser's address where the control is located, and its return type is a string data type. 

Selenese is a Selenium command set for executing tests. 

Selenese is classified into three types: 

  • Actions: They are used to interact with and operate on the target items. 
  • Accessors: used to store values in variables. 
  • Assertions: serve as a stopgap measure. 

To add a breakpoint: 

  • To begin, right-click on the command in Selenium IDE and select 'Toggle Breakpoint.' 
  • Then, on the keyboard, hit 'B' to pick the command. 
  • The same procedure should be used to remove a breakpoint. 



Working hard and going through the selection process with sincerity and devotion will offer you an advantage over your competition in Infosys interview questions. When combined with rigorous preparation in computer fundamentals or any field job, depending on your choice, at Infosys will be a dream come true job. 

Infosys is a multinational IT consulting firm that offers end-to-end solutions in the areas of business consulting, information technology, and outsourcing, allowing customers from a variety of industrial segments to improve their company performance. Infosys primarily provides software development, product maintenance, and independent validation services to businesses in finance, manufacturing, insurance, and other industries. 

Infosys has competence in a variety of sectors. From assisting in the development of more fuel-efficient smart cars and lighter and stronger passenger jets to enabling banks to provide financial inclusion to the most remote parts of the world and assisting technology professionals with solutions to maximize their global reach, Infosys delivers very powerful, innovative products and services. Infosys changes the way the world works and lives through this rigorous approach. 

Keeping all this in mind, we compiled the above list of questionnaires to help you with Infosys interview questions for freshers, advanced or experienced candidates. You can enroll in our front-end developer course to prepare yourself more effectively for the interview. 

More than simply innovation, trust helps earn Infosys from its stakeholders. They think that their obligations go beyond the scope of business. Under the banner of corporate social responsibility, the Infosys Foundation assists some of the most impoverished parts of the communities in which they work. 

If you desire to be a part of it, then you can join a training program in your dominant field. Join KnowledgeHut's web developer course to upskill yourself for the Infosys interview round. 

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