Amazon Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Amazon is a multinational technology company based in Seattle, Washington, USA. Over the years, Amazon has expanded its business to various industries, including e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, artificial intelligence, and more. Today, it is one of the largest companies in the world and is considered a leading player in the e-commerce industry, with a wide range of products and services available to customers worldwide. An Amazon interview depends on the position and the level of the job. Whether you're appearing for your first Amazon interview or are looking for advanced Amazon interview questions, we have curated all types of questions. Our set of Amazon interview questions and answers will help you appear and prepare the interview more confidently.

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One of the easiest Amazon interview questions you could come upon is this one. Here is a response to it:

  • Every day, the company's growth is accelerating, and Amazon is causing disruption in every field it has entered. 
  • To gain the faith and confidence of the customer in the business and the personality's talents, it is vitally important to put yourself in their position. 
  • I also do well at learning about new sectors and using what I learn to produce results that are above average. 

A checked exception happens during the compilation process; these exceptions are also known as compile-time exceptions. Exceptions cannot simply be ignored during compilation; instead, the programmer must take care of (manage) these exceptions. For example, if a file is to be opened but it cannot be located, an error is thrown. These exceptions that occurred cannot be simply disregarded during compilation.

An algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions that are often used to solve a set of problems or conduct a calculation. Algorithms are specifications for activities like calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, and automated decision-making. In contrast, a heuristic is a problem-solving strategy that may not be completely characterized or may not guarantee the right or optimum solutions, particularly in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or ideal conclusion.

A common question in Amazon behavioral interview questions, don't miss this one.  

As a recent college graduate, I am looking for opportunities to demonstrate my abilities. As a member of our organization, I will devote all my efforts and skills to helping your firm achieve excellent results, and if you hire me, I will have the chance to expand my professional experience through your company. 

These are some Amazon Interview Questions for Beginners. Now, in this session, move on to the Intermediate level Amazon Interview Questions.

For these kinds of questions, briefly describe the circumstance that irritated you before moving on to the answer. Every interviewer values a problem-solving approach or frame of mind. Do not overstate your ability to remain calm and professional.

class Tree { 
staticintnumberOfPaths(int a, int b) 
if (a == 1 || b == 1) 
return 1; 
returnnumberOfPaths(a- 1, b) + numberOfPaths(a, b - 1);  
public static void main(String args[]) 
System.out.println(numberOfPaths(3, 3)); 

This is the most common Full Stack Developer question that is widely asked. 

There are several approaches to merging two sorted linked lists. One method is to keep the location of the first list's head in a temporary variable and then traverse the lists, adding each member of the first list into the second list before going on to the next element in the first list. 

Another approach would be to create a temporary variable to record the location of the second list's head and then traverse the lists, putting each member of the first list into the second list before going on to the next element in the first list. 

String segmentation is the process of dividing a string into smaller strings or segments. Depending on the desired objective, this can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Character delimitation, word delimitation, and sentence delimitation are all common ways of string segmentation. 

When you segment a string, you effectively divide it into smaller strings. These smaller strings can then be processed one at a time. String segmentation, for example, might be used to separate a list of names into discrete strings. This allows you to loop through the list and handle each name individually.

To determine the kth permutation, use the factorial function to compute the product of all possible permutations of the first k items in the collection, then divide by k!. The brute force technique would need n!/(k! (n-k)!) steps to test every conceivable permutation. However, other techniques can be used to accelerate this process. 

The Knuth shuffle is one such method that takes O(n*k) time. The insertion sort, for example, takes O(n*log(n)) time. Finally, the bubble sort has an O(n*log(n)*k) time complexity. 

The two most significant notions in C++ are classes and objects. A class is an object-creation template. It is a design for a thing. Classes are defined by their members, which comprise the class's data and functions. 

An object is a class instance. It is a special instance of the class-defined template. The new keyword is used to construct objects. When an object is formed, the class members are copied into it.

There are a few crucial things you may do to ensure your success when interviewing with Amazon. First and foremost, investigate the firm and the position you are interviewing for. Understand the company's beliefs and culture and be prepared to discuss how your talents and expertise correspond to those ideals. 

It's also a good idea to prepare for frequent interview questions. Practice answering questions aloud so you can communicate properly and confidently. Make sure to offer your questions during the interview to demonstrate your interest in the position. Finally, send a thank you message following the interview to express your appreciation.

One of the nicest (and scariest!) features of C++ is the ability to interact directly with a program's memory use. As a programmer, you can go get some memory from the operating system, utilise it, and then release it. However, you must keep an eye out for memory leaks. 

Each process must be allotted memory for execution. This necessitates the deallocation of completed processes in order to liberate memory for new processes. 

We consume memory on the heap when we use dynamic memory (whereas local variables are allocated on the Stack). Figure 1 illustrates how memory translates to code. It's worth noting that heap memory is also known as free memory. 

Consider a memory leak to be an oil change for your automobile. You will leak oil if you do not tighten all the nuts and seals. 

The same is true in C++ for memory. Memory leaks out when you put aside a large amount of memory for usage and never return it. If this continues for an extended period, or if the leaks get large enough, your engine (computer) will seize (crash). 

This is one of the questions in Amazon interview experience for Software Development Engineer 

The malloc() function is a C carryover. You may still use it in C++ to allocate a memory block for your program's needs. In the unlikely case that the allocation fails, you'll want to make sure you can capture the mistake. 

Malloc() has the following syntax: 
void* malloc(size_t size); 

If you wish to build a string for a user name and have allocated 25 bytes for that name, use the following code: 

char *user;  
user = (char *) malloc(25); 

Here is a functioning C++ application that makes use of malloc (). It is worth noting that we have also included the cstdlib header file. The free() method was also utilised. This is required to assist avoid an oil (memory) leak. 

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <cstring> 
using namespace std; 
int main() { 
  char *user; 
  user = (char *) malloc(25); 
  strcpy(user, "Jane_Eyre"); 
  cout << "User Name = " << user << " " << &user << endl; 

While malloc() will work in C++, the new() method is becoming more popular. Instead of malloc, we could use the new function to generate a login name: 

char *login = new char(50); 

Then, after you're finished, you use delete instead of free: 


There are several ways to address this question. One method is to provide an example of when you utilised facts to make a personal decision, such as selecting which college to attend. Another approach is to provide an example of when you used data to address a professional challenge. You may have utilised statistics to determine how to enhance website traffic or improve client retention rates, for example.

This quiz is intended to measure your problem-solving abilities and your ability to think on your feet. The easiest approach to answer this question is to talk about a challenge that you were very interested in fixing. You should go into depth about the problem and how you solved it. Discuss your challenges/difficulties that you faced and how you overcome them. Make a point of emphasising your successes as well as what you gained from the experience.

You can answer it as per your own experience. Now we have one example. The issue I had to tackle was how to enhance website traffic. To reach this aim, I realized I had to concentrate on the appropriate things. I examined the Google Analytics data from my website to discover which pages received the most traffic. Then I examined the data to discover which material drew the most visits. I also utilized Google Search Console to see which terms users used to locate my website. Based on this information, I generated new material that targeted these keywords and published it on my website. 

I also pushed this article on social media and other websites. When I was able to come up with a feasible answer after spending some time thinking about the problem and how to approach it, I felt I was on the right track. This solution was successful. Consequently, I was able to improve website visitors. 

There are several possible answers to this question. One method is to describe a period when you had to work under a tight deadline. You can discuss how you effectively handled your time and resources to fulfil the deadline. 

Another option to respond to this question is to describe a situation in which you had to operate with restricted resources. You might discuss how you were creative and imaginative in getting the most out of your resources. 

This is one of the Amazon leadership principles interview questions to check your capacity to handle things. 

The easiest approach to respond to this question is to provide an example of a time when you had to be very smart with your resources and make the most of every dime. Perhaps you oversaw a project with a limited budget or had to cut back on your expenditures to save money. Focus on the actions you took to succeed rather than the outcome while answering this question. For example, if you were able to minimize prices without reducing quality, emphasize that accomplishment. 

There are several possible answers to this question. One method is to provide an example from a former employment in which you went above and beyond the call of duty. For example, you may discuss staying late to assist a co-worker with a project or taking on additional work when you were already overburdened. 

Another method to respond to this question is to provide an example from a current or previous employment in which you demonstrated leadership abilities. You may, for example, discuss how you led a project or took leadership in a challenging scenario. 

The easiest approach to answer this question is to detail a time when you recognized a cost-cutting opportunity and then put a strategy in place. For example, you may have recognized that the firm was routinely overspending on shipping costs and established a strategy to cut those expenditures. Alternatively, you may have discovered that the firm was squandering a lot of money on unneeded inventory and devised a strategy to enhance inventory management. In any case, describe the problem you discovered and how you remedied it.

This is one of the Amazon interview questions for freshers and there are more to go through.  

When responding to this question in an interview, focus on a period when you effectively increased the employee's performance. You may discuss how you detected the problem and what steps you took to resolve it. You might also describe how you tracked and offered feedback on the employee's growth. Finally, you want the interviewer to demonstrate that you can detect and handle problems as they emerge. 

This question might be tough to answer if you have no prior experience mentoring employees. If you have had this experience, there are a few things you can do to properly answer this question. 

The first step is to detail the goals you established for the employee and how you assisted them in achieving them. Next, discuss the tactics you employed to inspire and guide the employee. Finally, describe how the employee's development was tracked and corrected. 

You may discuss a moment when you had to make a difficult decision, or when you needed to decide fast and didn't have time to confer with your boss. Make a point of emphasizing your ability to think on your feet and make judgments under duress. 

You might also discuss a time when you disagreed with your manager's choice and decided to defy them. This demonstrates that you are willing to stand up for what you believe in and are not scared to go against the grain. Explain why you made the decision and what followed from it, whichever way you answer. 

As a research analyst, I was frequently required to assess data fast and generate conclusions. This was especially true when preparing presentations for my team or clients. To be effective, I needed to learn how to swiftly determine the most important concerns at hand and adapt to any scenario or outcome. This required me to think on my feet and make rapid judgments. By exercising these techniques, I increased my analytical ability and became more efficient when working under duress. 

This helped me in my present position as a business analyst, where I frequently need to deliver quick answers to challenges.

There are several ways to address this question. You may describe an instance when you overcame a challenge or went above and beyond to complete a task. 

An example of overcoming a hurdle would be if you were working on a project and the deadline was unexpectedly moved forward, and you still managed to reach the original deadline. If you were working on a project and the customer requested an extra price, you could easily accommodate the request. 

This is a frequently asked question in interviews. Consider a period when you effectively assigned work or established an atmosphere in which others could thrive. 

Assume you were asked to recount a time when you set conditions for others to succeed. In that scenario, you may discuss a project you directed where you efficiently allocated responsibilities and provided individuals the flexibility to work on what they were most interested in. You might also mention a period when you helped to create a healthy and productive work atmosphere in which people felt safe taking chances and cooperating. 


Regardless of the job you're applying for, you'll probably be asked this question, especially because Amazon places a high priority on cost savings and shrinking. In terms of leadership, trust, honesty, and integrity, there is just one way to respond to this: 

Even though it would be challenging, honesty is something I value highly. No matter how little the theft may seem, it is still against business policy and hurts the bottom line. I would report the theft to my department manager or make use of the company's suggested reporting procedure for similar activity. 

Customer support at Amazon is renowned. You may anticipate being asked a question like this if the position you're interviewing for involves working with customers. Use the STAR technique to provide a response to this query: 

I once came across a returning client who was displeased that a product he bought was delayed. When he placed the order, it was supposed to arrive in five days, but the delivery date was changed to 30 days later because of a supplier delay. Less than two weeks had passed since their anniversary, and the item was a gift for his wife. 

He was almost enraged at the situation because it was clear that the 30 days would not be effective for him. I had to think of a strategy to make sure he got the anniversary gift in time. I initially got in touch with the vendor to see if there was a way to speed up the order, but the most they could do was get the item to him a few days ahead of the updated estimated delivery date. 

I thus collaborated with the customer to find a different vendor that offered a nearly equivalent product. He accepted my free offer of expedited delivery, which would have allowed him to get the item in time for his anniversary. 

Along with that, I gave him a voucher for 20% off his subsequent purchase. Given the outcome, he was content and continued to be a devoted client. 

A common question in Amazon technical interview questions, don't miss this one.

When we are working on a project, life occurs, and Amazon leadership will want to know how you manage these kinds of circumstances when they arise. This query may be asked of you for a variety of occupations, including managerial and technical ones. Your response should demonstrate your aptitude for problem-solving, leadership, and agility: 

oversaw a project at my previous employment that was almost finished. Everything was proceeding without hiccups and promptly. 

Then, one of our partners who were to provide one of the software updates that was scheduled to take place at the 90 percent mark had a breach of their systems, which was projected to cause a two- to four-week delay in the project. 

To maintain the project as close to its intended course as feasible, I had to assess our plans and come up with alternatives. As the foundation had been set for going live with the present supplier, switching to another software provider wasn't an option, and starting again would have further delayed the project. As an alternative, we were able to devote two resources to helping the provider recover from the breach in less time than was anticipated.  

We were able to finish the assignment within two days after the planned deadline as a consequence. Fortunately, we could launch on schedule since we had included a buffer for unforeseen events. 

These algorithms may be used to find low and high indices. 

For the Low Index: 

  • Consider the range of low and high indices at each stage before determining the mid-index. 
  • If the element at the mid Index is less than the key, low is converted to mid + 1. This permits you to travel closer to the start of the range. 
  • If the mid element is greater than the key, the high will be mid - 1. The low Index will remain unchanged. 
  • If the low > high, it indicates the key's initial appearance. 
  • If the key does not match the element at the bottom, return -1. 

For the High Index: 

  • Similar results may be achieved by significantly modifying the previous criterion for high Index. 
  • If the key Index of an element is less than or equal to the Index at mid, change the low Index to middle + 1. 
  • If the key element is greater than the mid, change the high Index to middle -1. 

Amazon grew to prominence in part due to its dedication to customer service. Even when things didn't go as planned, it improved the purchasing experience. 

If your employment requires you to interact with customers in any way, you should be prepared for this inquiry. Dealing with a dissatisfied consumer isn't easy, and Amazon wants to ensure you're ready for the task. 

"In my former employment, a client was dissatisfied because a product they wanted was suddenly put on backorder after they completed their purchase." They required a working version of the item as soon as possible, and the thought that it wouldn't happen escalated their stress levels to the point of becoming angry. 

To fix their problem, I began by listening to their concerns, rephrasing what they said, and asking clarifying questions to guarantee my complete grasp. I then informed them that I would collaborate with them to find a solution. We talked about alternate goods that were in stock that may fulfil their needs. We cancelled the previous order and started the new one as soon as a replacement was found. I used a free shipping upgrade to speed up delivery and ensure it arrived before the customer's deadline. Finally, they were completely happy with the answer." 

Operator overloading is a programming language method in which operators are implemented in user-defined types with customizable semantics dependent on the kinds of arguments given. 

Operator overloading makes it easier to specify user-defined implementations for operations that have one or both operands of a user-defined class or structure type. This allows user-defined types to behave similarly to basic primitive data types. Operator overloading is useful when the operators used for certain types give semantics linked to the domain context as well as syntactic support as found in the programming language. It is employed for syntactical ease, readability, and maintainability. 

Except for string concatenation, which overloads the + operator internally, Java does not provide operator overloading. 

When answering this question, you must describe an instance when you used your problem-solving abilities to tackle a complicated situation. Make sure to emphasise how you can stay calm under pressure and use your critical thinking abilities to find a solution. 

Consider a former employment in which you were entrusted with designing a new software system. In that situation, you may tell a story about how you were able to simplify the process by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable phases. This would demonstrate to the interviewer your ability to think on your feet and generate inventive solutions to challenging situations. 

The interviewer is searching for evidence of your problem-solving abilities, originality, and resourcefulness. When answering this question, you must offer a narrative that displays your ability to think outside the box and generate fresh ideas. 

There are several ways to address this question. One approach would be to discuss how you discovered an issue and came up with a solution. This might include explaining the steps you took to study the topic and devise a strategy. 

Another method to respond to this question is to discuss how you executed a process improvement. 

This may include detailing how you collaborated with your team to create adjustments and then following up to check that the changes were effective. 

When responding to the question, emphasise how you effectively contributed to the organization's goals despite having no prior expertise in that field. You might also discuss how you were able to acquire and develop new talents on the job. Finally, you want the interviewer to see that you are eager to take on new tasks and actively pursue possibilities for advancement. 

This is one of the Amazon behavioral interview questions and there are more to go through. 

There are several ways to address this question. 

One approach is to tell a story of a time when you were under a lot of strain and feared you wouldn't be able to meet a promise, but you did, nevertheless. Another option is to describe a moment when you didn't believe you'd be able to meet a promise due to unanticipated circumstances, but you did. Finally, you may describe an instance when meeting a promise seemed unattainable, but you were able to pull it off in the end. 

When asked about a critical piece of criticism you got, be prepared to discuss an instance in which someone provided you honest and constructive critique that you took to heart. You may structure your response around the four phases below: 

  • Explain the scenario. 
  • Describe how you felt about the feedback at the time. 
  • Discuss how you digested the comments and what you did with it. 
  • Explain the outcome and what you learnt from the experience. 

The interviewer wants to know if you can be alert and identify when someone is struggling, whether at work or at home. They also want to know whether you can intervene and assist.

Your response should demonstrate your capacity to solve problems and lead others. You should explain an instance when you spotted someone struggling and acted to assist them. Describe the procedures you took to determine the root of the problem and how you remedied it. Finally, discuss how your activities resulted in a favourable outcome. 

The interviewer inquires about your interpersonal abilities and how you've used them previously. Consider a time when you had to establish trust with someone new. Perhaps you were working on a project with a team member you'd never met before, or perhaps you were starting a new career and needed to build trust with your new employer and co-workers.

Then, explain what you did to earn trust. Perhaps you took the time to learn about their past and shared some of your own personal tales. Maybe you demonstrated dependability by consistently following through on your obligations. 

Expect to come across this popular question in Amazon interview questions with answers.

Example Response: 

When I was working at my prior job, I was the odd man out at a meeting. We discussed a new initiative, and I was the only one who opposed it. My employer and co-workers were forceful and attempted to get me to join the project, but I stood firm and said no. They proceeded with the project without consulting me, and it failed spectacularly.

That incident taught me two things. First and foremost, always trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, there's generally a solid reason for it. 

Second, it is critical to be forceful and stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the mainstream. 

There are several ways to address this question. One method is to recall a moment when you disagreed with the rest of the group but opted to follow their lead, nevertheless. This might demonstrate that you are a team player who is prepared to compromise to complete the task.

Another method to respond to this question is to recall a moment when you agreed with the collective decision, even if you didn't always agree with it. This might demonstrate that you have strong judgement and make swift judgments. 

There are several ways to address this question. One approach is to remain professional and cool while explaining your rationale clearly and concisely. Another approach is to be open and honest, saying that while you disagree with the manager's choice, you are still prepared to try your best to complete the work. Finally, you might reach an agreement or find a middle ground between the manager's choice and your convictions. Whatever response you choose, keep it courteous and kind.  

When addressing this question in an interview, consider when you realised it had an environmental impact. You want to tell a positive narrative and demonstrate your commitment to incorporating environmental considerations into your decision-making process.

For example, you might have chosen an ecologically friendly product over a less sustainable choice, or you could have lowered your company's carbon footprint by modifying the way it works. Whatever the tale, emphasise how your activities benefited the environment.

I always do a few important things to ensure that the customer experience is a top priority. Always be willing to go above and above for a consumer. If they require something, I will try my utmost to obtain it for them. Another important aspect is to be proactive in responding to any complaints or issues that a client may have. I need to hear about them as soon as possible so that I can solve the problem and keep it from happening again. Finally, I always try to be polite and approachable to consumers. 

This question has several viable responses. You might say that you would speak with the team member to better understand the problem and try to remedy it. If the problem is still not resolved, you may opt to reassign that individual to a new assignment or team. Alternatively, you may clarify that if the team member did not fulfil expectations, you would fire them.

Introduce yourself and show that you care about them as individuals, not simply employees. Be respectful and thoughtful and avoid gossiping or discussing others.

Try to be encouraging and helpful and offer to assist with activities or projects. Positive and constructive feedback is preferable to negative and critical input. Celebrate triumphs together and lend a shoulder to cry on when times are rough.

There are several methods for keeping yourself, your team, or your co-workers motivated. Setting objectives and rewarding yourself for achieving them is one method. For example, if you need someone to complete a job by a specific date, you may reward them with a bonus or a gift card if they succeed.

Offering praise and acknowledgment when they do a good job is another approach to keep individuals engaged. This might be as basic as saying "thank you" or as extensive as a public acknowledgement. Positive reinforcement, in any case, is an excellent technique to motivate individuals to keep up the good job.

This is to check leadership skills via Amazon leadership principles interview questions 

When I was working as a sales representative for a firm, I had to determine whether to give a possible customer a discount. I didn't sure how much profit the firm would gain if the deal went through because the customer had requested a discount. Offering a discount would benefit the consumer, but it would have a detrimental influence on the company's profitability. Before deciding in this case, examine the benefits and drawbacks of granting a discount. 

Tell me about a moment when you oversaw a project that was outside the scope of your responsibilities. How did you deal with it? 

In my former employment, I oversaw a project that was outside of my scope of work. The project plan had altered, and I was unaware of it. As a result, I was unable to adequately prepare for the assignment.

I handled the matter by talking to my boss and the client. I described the problem and requested assistance in becoming acquainted with the new project plan. I also made it a point to maintain in contact with my staff in order to be productive in my profession. 

The interviewer is searching for evidence of how you deal with constructive criticism. This is significant since no one is flawless, and you will make mistakes as a future employee. The firm needs to know that you can handle criticism (even unfavourable feedback) professionally.

It's critical to grasp the interviewer's concept of "positive change" when asked this question. Some interviewers may inquire about measurable outcomes, such as increased sales or profits. Others may be more interested in softer indicators like employee or customer happiness. 

You should always have at least one measure to track progress and success, regardless of what the interviewer is looking for. 

To traverse a (non-empty) binary tree in pre-order fashion, we must do the following three things for each node N, beginning with the root node of the tree: 

  • (N) Run N by itself. 
  • (L) Traverse its left subtree recursively. When this stage is completed, we will be back at N. 
  • (R) Traverse its right subtree recursively. When this stage is completed, we will be back at N. 
# Recursive function to perform pre-order traversal of the tree 
def preorder(root): 
# return if the current node is empty 
if root is None: 
# Display the data part of the root (or current node) 
print(, end=' ')  
# Traverse the left subtree 
# Traverse the right subtree 

 The Backend Developer questions involve such kind of questions to check their skills. 

  • A binary search tree is a data structure that makes it simple to keep a sorted list of numbers. 
  • A binary tree gets its name from the fact that each tree node may only have two progenies. 
  • A search tree gets its name from the fact that it may be used to search for the presence of a number in O(log n) time. 
  • A binary search tree differs from a standard binary tree in the following ways: 
  • The left subtree has nodes that are all smaller than the root node. 
  • The root node is greater than all nodes in the right subtree. 
  • Each node's subtrees are both BSTs, which implies they have the two properties specified above. 



This article contains a collection of frequent Amazon interview questions. If you desire to become a software engineer at Amazon you can take the best Web Development course to become a full fledge developer and nail your interview for Amazon. 

Amazon leadership principles interview questions include the following: 

  • Ownership 
  • Innovate and simplify 
  • Leaders are frequently correct. 
  • Learn and Be Inquisitive 
  • Employ and train the best. 
  • Demand the Highest Standards 
  • Consider Big Bias for Action. 
  • Frugality 
  • Earn trust   
  • Dive Deep
  • Be courageous; disagree and commit 
  • Produce Results 
  • Strive to be the best hiring employer on the planet.  
  • Bring Significant Responsibility 

The questions in this guide are a blend of Questions Based on the following roles  

  • Software Development Engineer 
  • Full Stack Developer 
  • Backend Developer 

 If you're applying for a job at Amazon or just wondering about what they could ask, this is an excellent resource. The answers to these questions will help you prepare for your interview and show you what Amazon looks for in applicants. In case you want to prepare for software development engineer, full-stack engineer, and backend engineer roles, the above-mentioned questions can really make a difference. These are also good even if you want to go for other roles as Amazon searches talent on other terms too like behavioral, technical, and leadership. If not sure what to do to become a web developer you can try KnowledgeHut Web Development course

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