Learn Bash Shell Scripting Free Course with Certificate

Learn Bash Shell Scripting online and unlock powerful scripting skills!

  • Discover how to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflows 
  • Learn how to write scripts that work seamlessly across different operating systems 
  • Gain insights into common pitfalls, debugging techniques, and troubleshooting methods 
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Navigating the World of Shell Scripting

Welcome to our Bash Scripting free course with Certification for beginners. The course is designed to introduce you to the world of Bash Shell scripting, equipping you with the skills to automate tasks and make the most of Bash Shell's capabilities. Whether you're new to scripting or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience.

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prerequisites for Bash Scripting Free Course


  • Command line familiarity is essential for grasping core concepts 
  • Programming knowledge aids in script comprehension 
  • Having a basic understanding of Linux/Unix commands will be beneficial 

Who Should Attend



System Administrators

DevOps Engineers

Software Engineers

Tech Enthusiasts


Learning Objective:

The Complete Bash Shell Scripting course will give learners a thorough understanding of Bash scripting. The benefits of Bash CLI will be explored, Bash and C will be distinguished, and the learners will learn how to grasp Bash log analysis for effective system troubleshooting and data analysis. 

  • GUI vs CLI 
  • Benefits of Bash CLI 
  • Bash vs C 
  • Bash Log Analysis 

Learning Objective:

Learners will be familiarized with Unix file structure, navigating the Terminal, creating/deleting files and folders, understanding paths, special folders, hidden elements, command options, and summoning the manual. 

  • Understand the Unix file structure 
  • Navigating in a Terminal 
  • Creating Files and Folders 
  • Deleting Files and Folders 
  • Understand Paths 
  • Special Folders and Hidden Elements 
  • Commands Options 
  • Summoning the Manual 

Learning Objective:

Learn to manage strings and redirect content, use advanced redirection techniques like concatenation, handle string delimiters, spaces, escape characters, and special sequences, and perform file operations such as move, copy, and rename elements. Additionally, learners will gain proficiency in chaining commands for enhanced scripting capabilities. 

  •  Overview of Docker Compose 
  • Defining and Running Multi-Container Applications 
  • Overview of Docker Swarm 
  • Build your own Docker Swarm Cluster 
  • Filtering & Scheduling Containers 
  • Case Study 

Learning Objective:

Learn to comprehend data and metadata, control permissions with letters and digits, learn about superuser privileges, modify permissions and ownership, work with wildcards, use sudo for administrative tasks, and understand advanced concepts of redirections and grouping for efficient Bash shell scripting. 

  • Data & Metadata 
  • Permissions Letters 
  • Superuser 
  • Change Permissions 
  • Wildcards 
  • Permissions Digits 
  • Change Owner & Group + Sudo 
  • Redirections 1 
  • Redirections 2 
  • Redirections & Grouping 

Learning Objective:

Learn about pipes, pattern matching, variables, standard input/output, shell built-ins, environment variables, aliases, and Bash configuration to improve scripting efficiency and customizability. 

  • Piping                       
  • Standard Input   
  • Matching Patterns   
  • Variables   
  • Environment Variables 
  • Shell Builtins    
  • Aliases  
  • Bash Configuration 

Learning Objective:

Learn file analysis, executing scripts with shebang, understand Bash options and "set" command, perform command substitution, read and comment scripts, interpret exit status, handle Bash script parameters, customize prompts and colors, and practice script creation using the nano text editor. 

  • File Analysis 
  • Script Execution 
  • Shebang 
  • Bash Options & Set 
  • Command Substitution 
  • Reading & Commenting 
  • Exit Status 
  • Bash Script Parameters 
  • Customize Prompt & Colors 
  • Practice with Nano 1 
  • Practice with Nano 2 

Frequently Asked Questions

Bash Shell Scripting

Writing and running a set of commands in the Bash shell, a command-line interface for Unix-like operating systems, is the process of bash shell scripting. Users can run many commands in succession and automate tasks like system administration. The Bash language, a potent scripting language that supports variables, loops, conditionals, and numerous other computer elements, is used in bash scripting. By enabling users to construct effective and automated workflows, this scripting functionality boosts productivity and efficiency in the command-line environment. 

Scripting vs. coding difficulty varies depending on a number of things. Scripting languages with a simpler syntax and a stronger emphasis on task automation include Bash, Python, and JavaScript. Complex ideas, data structures, and algorithm design may be involved when programming in languages like C++, Java, or Python. The level of difficulty ultimately hinges on your level of language proficiency, the intricacy of the issue you're trying to solve, and your overall programming experience. Scripting and coding both provide difficulties, but with effort and practice, you can master either one or the other. 

Although Bash is frequently utilized in the DevOps sector, it is not categorically required for DevOps. The advanced scripting language Bash is frequently employed in Unix-based systems and is an essential tool for automating procedures, handling configurations, and creating deployment pipelines. DevOps professionals typically employ bash scripts to coordinate tasks, simplify processes, and oversee infrastructure comparably to code. Even if alternative scripting languages exist that can be utilized in the DevOps framework, bash scripting is well-liked and adaptable enough to be beneficial. 

Yes, shell scripts are widely used by hackers in a variety of cyberattacks. Shell scripts offer a practical way to automate routine processes, execute system commands, and take advantage of weaknesses in target systems. These scripts have the capability to alter data, gain unauthorized access, and carry out destructive acts. It is crucial to realize that although shell scripting is a powerful tool for both legitimate system administration and malicious activities, whether it is morally right or wrong depends on the users’ intentions and actions. 

Learning Bash Shell Scripting

For several reasons, learning bash is preferred over simply using the default shell. The conventional Unix shell (sh) has been modified with bash (Bourne Again SHell), which offers additional capabilities, better usability, and interoperability with a variety of Unix-like platforms. It is widely utilized, and many Linux distributions use it as their default shell. Not only will learning bash provide you the ability to create scripts that run on several platforms, but it will also give you access to a large community and a wealth of learning and support resources. 

For a variety of reasons, learning bash shell scripting is crucial. First, by automating repeated operations, it allows time and effort savings. Second, knowing bash makes it easier to administer systems effectively because it is commonly used in Unix-like systems. Bash scripting also gives developers the ability to personalize their work processes, which increases efficiency. Users can also build sophisticated command-line actions, streamlining procedures. Finally, understanding bash is a valuable ability for IT specialists, sysadmins, and developers alike because it serves as a springboard for exploring additional scripting languages and sophisticated programming ideas. 

Acquiring shell scripting can be demanding to different extents depending on an individual's history and former programming abilities. The essential notions may appear tough to beginners at the start, but with persistence and practice, it becomes more graspable. Shell scripts are uncomplicated for beginners to comprehend due to their comparable syntax and rationale to other programming languages. Learners can effectively excel in the concepts with the assistance of assorted online sources, tutorials, and interactive drills. All in all, learning shell scripting may prove advantageous even for persons with no programming background. 

The first step in learning shell scripting is to pick a shell to specialize in, such as bash. Learn the fundamental commands and navigation of the command line. Next, look into beginner-friendly online lessons or courses for shell scripting. Start with straightforward scripts, such as adding and removing files, then work your way up to more intricate tasks including loops, conditionals, and variables. Work on practical tasks and difficulties to strengthen your comprehension. Join discussion boards or online groups to connect with other students and ask questions. Your shell programming abilities will steadily improve with consistency and practical application. 

There are many online tools, classes, and tutorials that you may use to learn bash scripting for free. Websites like KnowledgeHut offer free, in-depth bash scripting training that are suitable for beginners. Additionally, free video lessons and discussion forums for learning bash scripting are frequently available on YouTube channels and in online coding communities. Utilize these tools to learn bash scripting, hone your skills in task automation, and manage Unix-based systems without having to spend money. 

Combining structured instruction with practical application is the best approach to learn bash scripting. Start by taking online classes or tutorials that explain the basics of bash scripting. Apply what you've learned by working on projects and difficulties from the real world. Your understanding and problem-solving abilities will become more solid as you interact with real-world situations. Join forums or groups where you may discuss topics with other learners and exchange knowledge. Effective bash scripting mastery requires consistent practice, involvement, and a willingness to experiment. 

The best website for learning shell scripting depends on the learners' tastes and preferred method of instruction. There are many reputable websites which provide in-depth lessons and courses. Consider your degree of expertise when choosing a website, and make sure it offers interactive exercises, detailed explanations, and real-world examples to help you fully understand shell scripting ideas. Making an informed decision might also be helped by online testimonials and suggestions. The secret to effective learning is to discover a website that fulfills your demands and maintains your attention throughout the learning process. KnowledgeHut provides specific courses and materials to assist you in mastering this area of shell scripting if you wish to study bash scripting online. 

Command line experience is a must for learning bash shell scripting as it is necessary for understanding fundamental principles. Additionally, understanding programming concepts helps to comprehend scripts by helping the learner understand variables, loops, and conditionals. As bash scripting is frequently used in these contexts, it will be advantageous for learners to have a fundamental understanding of Linux/Unix commands. This will help them effectively explore file systems and run commands. If you are looking to embark on your shell scripting journey, you can easily find online resources and courses to learn shell scripting at your own pace. 

The self-paced Shell Scripting course is free. The length of time it takes you to finish the course will therefore depend on how much time you spend on each module and the activities. Three months should be more than enough if you commit a few hours each day to the course and use some of that time to put what you've learned into practice.    

You can broaden your skill set by putting the many ideas you learn in class to use and by utilizing additional course materials. As a result, learning will continue long after the course is done, even if you complete it in three months or less. 

Career in Bash Shell Scripting

Absolutely, especially for jobs in DevOps, automation, system administration, and cloud computing, bash scripting skills can help you acquire a job. A crucial skill is the ability to manage and automate operations in Unix-based systems. Employers typically look for people who can write and maintain bash scripts efficiently in order to improve operations and increase productivity. By showcasing your command-line bash scripting skills in job applications and interviews, you can significantly improve your chances of getting hired for positions that require automation and system management knowledge. Along with other programming skills, understanding bash scripting can be helpful in a range of IT-related roles. 

Shell scripting is a fun and helpful aspect of working in the IT industry. As automation and system administration become more important across a variety of industries, professionals with strong shell scripting skills are in high demand. Careers in DevOps, cloud computing, system administration, and cybersecurity frequently involve using shell scripts. Process simplification, task automation, and efficient infrastructure management can all lead to better career opportunities. Learning shell scripting may also open the door to exploring other programming languages and expanding ones’ technical skills. 

The salary of a shell script programmer can vary depending on factors like industry, location, and experience. An entry-level shell script programmer in India might make between ₹4,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 annually. Mid-level professionals can anticipate incomes between ₹6,00,000 to ₹10,00,000 per year as they gain more experience and skills. Senior shell script programmers or those in managerial positions may make up to ₹10,00,000 or more per year. Depending on the organization, the person's qualifications, and their performance, the real wage may vary. 

Shell scripting is in demand due to the following reasons: 

  • Shell facilitates the completion of repetitive tasks. For instance, shells can frequently run a group of instructions directly from a saved file rather than having to write them out anew each time. 
  • Admins utilize them to obtain regular backups. 
  • In comparison to other programming languages like C or C++, they are simpler to write and debug. 
  • The shell script can be copied to other UNIX and related operating systems and run there. 
  • Shell scripts are also employed for routine system monitoring. 

What Learners Are Saying

Anup Shetty Software Engineer

I enjoyed the nano practice sessions. It's a fantastic text editor, and the instructor's advice helped me write scripts much more quickly.  

Vikas Dahiya DevOps Engineer

From the fundamentals to more advanced skills, the training covered a lot of material. Anyone who is committed to mastering Bash scripting must do this. 

Sri Sai Pallavi Programmer

This course made Bash seem quite approachable even if I had no prior knowledge of it. I was able to improve my confidence in my screenwriting skills because of the practical exercises.   

Karthik Reddy Software Engineering Student

The instructor's teaching method was interesting and simple to understand. Because of the well-organized course format, learning at my own pace was simple.  

Samantha Kingston Systems Administrator

This course was just what I needed as a systems administrator. Bash has helped me automate processes and solve problems more quickly. Very strongly advised! 

Lawrence Potter Software Engineer

For me, The Complete Bash Shell Scripting course was really essential! The concise explanations and useful examples definitely helped me to grasp the concept.