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HomeBlogProgramming15 Essential Python Tools for Developers

15 Essential Python Tools for Developers

19th Jan, 2024
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    15 Essential Python Tools for Developers

    A Python software developer is a professional who specializes in using the Python programming language to develop software applications. As a Python software developer, on any given day, it may appear that many duties must be performed repeatedly, which can be annoying. We have found a list of such tools in Python that can help you overcome this chaos. Python is an immensely flexible language that is easy to understand and write in the same way as English while still being quite powerful.

    With so many Python tools, libraries, and supported IDEs available, it is simple to locate a Python tools package that can help you tackle any problem. And if you get stuck, the Python community is always willing to help.

    What is Python Language?

    Python is an interpreted, dynamically typed, and object-oriented programming language known for its high-level nature. Its syntax is designed to be concise and easy to learn, focusing on readability and reducing the cost of software maintenance.

    Python's built-in data structures and dynamic binding capabilities make it well-suited for use as a scripting or glue language, facilitating the integration of existing components. Furthermore, Python supports modules and packages, promoting modularity and encouraging code reuse.

    To work easily with Python, several Python tools are also available in the market. You can also take a course on Python Programming for beginners to learn more.

    Essential Python Tools

    Python offers one of the most powerful web development frameworks and machine learning Python tools available. By inputting a few lines of code, you may construct a website, online application, or web API. These Python tools for beginners are suitable and do not necessitate knowledge of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JS.

    1. Keras

    Keras is an open-source, high-level neural network framework built with Python. It provides a powerful platform for machine learning and deep learning tasks. The design of Keras is centered around four key principles: usability, modularity, ease of expansion, and compatibility with Python. These principles ensure that Keras is user-friendly, allows for flexible architectural designs, and facilitates easy integration of new functionalities.


    • Easy to use and quick to deploy
    • High-quality documentation and widespread community support
    • Modularity and several backends
    • Models that have been pre-trained

    Operating System

    Ubuntu 16.04 or later. Windows 7 or later

    2. SciPy

    SciPy is a comprehensive and open-source library ecosystem in Python that caters to scientific and technical computing needs. It finds wide application across various domains such as Mathematics, Science, and Engineering.

    By harnessing the power of other popular Python packages like NumPy, IPython, and Pandas, SciPy provides specialized libraries specifically designed for performing mathematical and scientific programming tasks.


    • High-level commands and classes for data visualization and manipulation
    • Python sessions are both powerful and engaging
    • Classes, as well as web and database operations, are available for parallel programming
    • Simple and quick
    • Open-source

    Operating System

    Python 3.9 requires Windows 8 or later. FreeBSD 10 and later are supported. Snow Leopard (macOS 10.6, 2008) and later are supported.

    3. Robot Framework

    Robot Framework is an open-source, versatile test automation framework primarily used for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It adopts a tabular test data format and follows a keyword-driven approach. By incorporating multiple frameworks, Robot Framework effectively meets various test automation needs.


    • Robot Framework has a keyword-driven strategy that is simple to grasp and apply for both technical and non-technical users
    • Robot Framework is a cross-platform program that works on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux
    • The modular architecture of Robot Framework enables users to construct reusable libraries and components that can save time and effort in test automation

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    4. Beautiful Soup

    Beautiful Soup is a Python data extraction package for HTML and XML files. You can seamlessly integrate it with your preferred parser to efficiently navigate, search, and modify a parse tree using Pythonic idioms. 

    The program, which is used for applications such as screen scraping, can automatically convert receiving documents to Unicode and exiting documents to UTF-8. It is a fantastic Python tools that may save you many hours of labor.


    • Beautiful Soup is simple to use and has a straightforward API
    • It supports HTML/XML Parsing and can handle poorly organized and flawed HTML/XML texts
    • Beautiful Soup makes it simple to navigate the parse tree by utilizing tags, characteristics, and connections
    • It can handle HTML/XML documents that are faulty or incomplete.

    Operating System

    No, Beautiful Soup has nothing to do with operating systems. It is a Python package that was created particularly for web scraping and parsing HTML and XML data. It allows you to easily extract and alter data from web pages or XML files. However, it does not directly interact with or influence the underlying operating system.

    5. LXML

    LXML is a Python-based utility that simplifies XML and HTML processing by integrating the libxml2 and libxslt C libraries. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports advanced features like XPath, RelaxNG, XML Schema, XSLT, and C14N. It combines the speed of these libraries with the convenience of a native Python API.


    • LXML is a high-performance library for swiftly processing huge XML and HTML documents.
    • LXML provides a simple and straightforward API for processing and manipulating XML and HTML documents.

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    6. Scikit-Learn

    Scikit-Learn is a data science and machine learning platform which is also open source. It is widely used for data mining and data analysis by developers, ML engineers, and Data Scientists. One of Scikit-Learn's most impressive characteristics is its incredible speed in executing various benchmarks on toy datasets.


    • Scikit-learn is free to use since it is offered under the BSD license.
    • Many research institutions and business sectors have used scikit-learn in their operations, and they all agree on how simple the module is to use.
    • The system is a useful tool that can do a variety of tasks such as developing neuroimages, detecting abusive cloud operations, anticipating customer behavior, and so on.

    Operating System

    Windows, Mac OSX and Linux

    7. Theano

    Theano is a Python module that is specifically developed for expressing multidimensional arrays. It enables you to develop, optimize, and analyze multidimensional array-based mathematical computations. 

    Its close interaction with NumPy, transparent usage of GPU, efficient symbolic differentiation, performance and stability improvements, dynamic C code generation, and comprehensive unit testing are only a few of its distinguishing characteristics.


    • When utilized correctly, it is a flexible performer
    • Theano is designed for rapid numerical calculation and may take advantage of contemporary technology, such as GPUs, to accelerate computations.

    Operating System

    Windows, OS X and Linux.

    8. Selenium

    Selenium is one of the top Python development tools available. It is a web application automation framework that is free source. Selenium allows you to develop test scripts in a variety of computer languages, including Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, and.Net.

    Selenium may also be integrated with Python programming tools such as JUnit and TestNG to manage test cases and provide results.


    • Selenium supports several browsers, allowing developers to examine web applications in a variety of settings.
    • Selenium simplifies the testing process, saving time and effort compared to manual testing.

    Operating System

    Windows, Mac, and Linux

    9. TestComplete

    TestComplete is an automated testing program that provides automation testing on the web, mobile, and desktop. To utilize it, however, you must first get a business license. TestComplete, like Robot Framework, allows you to do keyword-driven testing. It has a simple record and playback capability.

    Many scripting languages are supported, including Python, VBScript, and C++ script. Software testers, like Robot Framework, may do keyword-driven testing. 


    • TestComplete can run tests on a variety of platforms, including desktop, online, and mobile apps.
    • TestComplete supports numerous scripting languages, allowing developers to automate tests in their favorite computer language.

    Operating System

    Windows and macOS

    10. Scrapy

    Scrapy is in the tenth number on top 10 Python tools that serves as an open-source and participatory web scraping and crawling platform. It crawls multiple-page websites quickly, easily, and extensible to retrieve structured data. It is commonly employed in data mining, monitoring, and automated testing.


    • Scrapy is built for handling large-scale web scraping applications, allowing developers to efficiently scrape thousands of web pages.
    • Scrapy is a versatile and configurable framework which enables developers to tailor their applications to their own needs.

    Operating System

    Linux, Windows and OS X

    11. Pip 

    Pip is a Python program installation and management application and one of data science Python tools that makes use of the Python Package Index. There are 393,343 projects available for you to download and install quickly. Python's ecosystem is working on it.

    pip install <package_name>

    Pip is more than simply a package manager. Using URLs, you can establish and manage Python environments, as well as install dependencies and packages from third-party sources. Follow the PIP Python Tutorial to learn more about pip.

    Python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


    • PIP simplifies the installation, upgrading, and removal of Python packages and their dependencies.
    • PIP gives you access to a massive store of Python packages, making it simple to search and install packages for a variety of applications.

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    12. FastAPI

    FastAPI is a web framework that allows you to create high-performance online APIs. Building production-ready web apps, like Streamlit, needs only a few lines of code. After deploying the web app, you may use the GUI interface or make HTTP queries to it. 

    It is quick, intuitive, and durable. You may easily deploy the machine learning model. It is additionally employed in internal crisis management and online application authentication management.


    • FastAPI is built on the Starlette framework, which is noted for its speed.
    • FastAPI is simple to learn and use, with clear syntax and auto-generated API documentation.
    • Because FastAPI is asynchronous, it is perfect for developing high-performance web applications that can manage a high volume of queries.

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS plus Linux

    13. NumPy

    Most recent Python tools are built on NumPy, a key Python module for scientific calculations. You will utilize the Numpy array as a Data Scientist for mathematical computations and data manipulation. It provides multidimensional array objects for performing quick operations as logical, geometric manipulation, sorting, selection, basic statics operations, and random simulation.

    Numpy will teach you the principles of mathematics in data science as well as how to translate complicated equations into Python code. It may be used to build machine learning models, bespoke statical formulae, scientific simulations, and sophisticated data analytics activities.


    • Mathematical operations on big arrays and matrices that are efficient.
    • Broadcasting support for array operations of various forms and sizes.
    • A robust linear algebra module for matrix multiplication, decomposition, and other tasks.

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    14. Seaborn

    Seaborn is a high-level interface for making visually appealing statistical visuals based on Matplotlib. You may create interactive visualizations using a single line of code, similar to Matplotlib. 

    It is quite customizable and works well for those who are new to data visualization. You can always use matplotlib to make numerous graphs, change the axis, title, or even the colors. Seaborn will compute everything for you and present distplot, violin plot, residplot, implot, joint plot, and boxplot in some circumstances.


    • Complex statistical visualizations, such as heatmaps, kernel density estimates, and regression models, are supported.
    • Data manipulation is made easier with the integration of Pandas data structures.
    • Possibility of visualizing and analyzing univariate and bivariate data distributions.

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    15. Plotly

    You use the Plotly Python module to show interactive and publication-quality graphs when you desire the functionality of Tableau or PowerBI. You may zoom into a graph, isolate a single bar, filter it, and even animate it to your specifications. 

    It has configurable controls and enables you to animate your visualizations as well as work on data processing. Jupyter widgets, 3D charts, AI charts, financial charts, and scientific charts are also available in Plotly. 

    Plotly is the greatest Python tools for creating Jupyter-based data analytics reports. Instead of making numerous static charts, create one with custom controls for investigating and clarifying data insights.


    • Chart types include scatter plots, bar charts, and others.
    • Simple interface for building sophisticated visualizations with little coding.
    • cooperation capabilities such as visualization sharing and real-time cooperation

    Operating System

    Windows, macOS, and Linux

    You can do some programming courses in case you plan a career as a Data Scientist.

    Advantages of Python Tools

    Python has a large ecosystem of Python tools and modules that provide several benefits to developers. Here are a few significant benefits of Python tools:

    • Cross-platform: Python is a cross-platform language, which means it can operate on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This enables developers to create code on one platform and run it on another without making substantial changes.
    • Integration Capabilities: Python's integration capabilities allow it to quickly integrate with other languages and systems. It allows developers to use existing codebases and capabilities by supporting seamless interface with languages such as C/C++, Java, and.NET.
    • Interpreted Language: While Python is an interpreted language, it provides a number of Python tools for data science and strategies for improving efficiency. NumPy, Pandas, and Cython libraries improve computational performance, and Python tools like PyPy and Numba allow just-in-time (JIT) compilation for speedier execution. Furthermore, frameworks such as Django and Flask increase Python's scalability by facilitating the building of scalable online applications.
    • Testing and Debugging Python tools: Python provides powerful testing and debugging best Python tools for data science such as unittest, pytest, and pdb (Python debugger). These Python tools assist developers in effectively writing and running unit tests, doing code coverage analysis, and identifying and fixing errors.


    Regardless of who uses them, these Python tools may address a wide range of demands and functionality. These are some of the top Python tools used by IT professionals all around the world, whether you're a Data Scientist, a Developer, or a Software Engineer. 

    Check out KnowledgeHut Python Programming for beginners and master the core concepts of Python programming, numerous Python tools and languages.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What Python tools are used in Python?

    There are a number of Python Tools like:

    • SciPy
    • Scrapy
    • NumPy
    • Matplotlib
    • Beautiful Soup
    • Scikit-learn
    2What is the best tool to use Python?

    Selenium is without a doubt one of the best Python tools available in the development market. It is a web application automation framework that is free source. Selenium allows you to develop test scripts in a variety of computer languages, including Java, C#, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, and.Net.

    3What is the best way to run Python?

    The Python command is the most basic and straightforward way to launch a Python script or any free Python tools. To begin, open a command prompt and type Python and then the path to your script file, as shown below: Python first_script.py Hello there, World! Then you press the ENTER key on your keyboard, and that's all.


    Ramulu Enugurthi

    Blog Author

    Ramulu Enugurthi, a distinguished computer science expert with an M.Tech from IIT Madras, brings over 15 years of software development excellence. Their versatile career spans gaming, fintech, e-commerce, fashion commerce, mobility, and edtech, showcasing adaptability in multifaceted domains. Proficient in building distributed and microservices architectures, Ramulu is renowned for tackling modern tech challenges innovatively. Beyond technical prowess, he is a mentor, sharing invaluable insights with the next generation of developers. Ramulu's journey of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence continues to inspire aspiring technologists.

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