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Understanding Concurrency Control in DBMS: A Comprehensive Guide

23rd Nov, 2023
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    Understanding Concurrency Control in DBMS: A Comprehensive Guide

    Concurrency control is an essential feature of database management systems (DBMS) that assures data consistency and integrity in multi-user scenarios. With the growing need for concurrent database access, it is a critical requirement to manage concurrent transactions effectively. Concurrency control in DBMS helps in the prevention of conflicts and the isolation and correctness of concurrent activities. The primary goal of concurrency control is to allow transactions to run concurrently while maintaining the database's ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties. This article explains concurrency control in DBMS and provide a Full-stack Development course with placement assurance.

    What is Concurrency Control in DBMS?

    In simple words, concurrency control is a mechanism that ensures multiple users are able to access and alter the same data without any conflict. When multiple users in an environment access the same data at the same time, one user's changes may be overwritten by another user before the first user has a chance to confirm those changes. This may result in data corruption and other concurrency control problems in DBMS.

    Concurrency control techniques in DBMS help in the prevention of these problems by ensuring that only one user has access to a data item at any given moment. This is accomplished by associating locks with data items. When a user locks a data item, it is unavailable to other users until the lock is released. Locks are classified into two types: shared locks and exclusive locks. A shared lock lets a user read but not modify the data item.

    An exclusive lock stops any other user from accessing or modifying the data item. The concurrency control in DBMS example can be a banking system in which two users attempt to withdraw funds from the same account at the same time. Without adequate concurrency management, both operations could read the account balance at the same time, resulting in a race scenario. The first transaction may subtract the amount from the initial balance and commit the change, while the second transaction is oblivious of the first transaction's update and performs the same, resulting in an inaccurate account balance.

    Hence, there is a need for concurrency control in DBMS. Concurrency control measures such as locks or isolation levels can be used to avoid this. These procedures ensure that only a single transaction can access and change the account balance at a time, preventing data discrepancies and preserving system data integrity.

    Concurrent Execution in DBMS

    In DBMS (Database Management Systems), concurrent execution refers to the ability to perform numerous transactions at the same time. It enables multiple users or programs to access and manipulate the database at the same time, which improves system throughput and responsiveness significantly. Managing concurrent execution, on the other hand, demands careful consideration to ensure data integrity and avoid conflicts. Concurrent execution can be successfully managed by utilizing proper concurrency management in DBMS, maintaining data integrity, consistency, and isolation while maximizing system performance and concurrency.

    Concurrency Control Problems

    Multiple transactions can use the same data concurrently in a concurrent execution environment for concurrency control in a DBMS. If not properly regulated, concurrent access can cause several concurrency control problems in DBMS, which are as follows:

    Deadlocks: Deadlocks arise when two or more transactions are waiting for each other's completion. This can occur when two transactions attempt to lock the same data item.

    Data Corruption: Data corruption occurs when two or more transactions update the same data at the same time, and one transaction overwrites the modifications made by the other.

    Inconsistency: Inconsistency occurs when two or more transactions read the same data at different times and observe different values for the same data.

    Lost Updates: When many transactions attempt to edit the same data at the same time, lost updates occur. If one transaction overwrites another transaction's changes before, they are committed, the first transaction's updates are lost. As a result, data inconsistency and inaccurate outcomes occur. Check Web Development course fees and kickstart your professional career and build essential web development skills.

    Phantom Read Problem

    The "phantom read" problem is a type of concurrency problem that occurs when a transaction reads a collection of data, then reads the same set of data again, but discovers that the second read contains additional rows that were not present in the first read. This can occur if another transaction inserts data into the table in the time between the two reads.

    Let’s understand this with an example: Consider a transaction that reads all of the rows in a table of employees. The transaction scans the first 100 rows before pausing to do other tasks. Meanwhile, another transaction adds 10 new entries to the table. When the first transaction resumes, it reads the following 100 rows but does not see the 10 new rows that the other transaction inserted. This is a case of phantom reading.

    Phantom reads can be problematic since they can lead to inaccurate results. There are several methods for preventing phantom reads. One approach is to employ a higher transaction isolation level. A higher isolation level prevents other transactions from changing the data that a transaction is reading. Due to this, phantom reads will be avoided.

    Lost Update Problem

    A lost update problem is a type of concurrency issue that happens when two transactions modify the same data item and one of the updates is lost. This can occur when two transactions execute concurrently and concurrency control in DBMS.

     both read the same data item, but only one modifies it. Let’s understand this with an example: Consider two transactions that update the balance of a bank account. The first transaction reads the account balance, which is $200. The balance is then updated to $300 by the first transaction. Meanwhile, the second transaction reads the account balance, which is still $200. The balance is then updated to $400 in the second transaction. The first transaction then commits its changes, whereas the second does not.

    The account's ultimate balance is $400; however, the first transaction's update was lost. There are several ways to avoid lost update issues. The locking techniques for concurrency control in DBMS is one option. A locking mechanism prevents two transactions from simultaneously updating the same data item. This will avoid lost update issues from arising.

    Incorrect Summary Problem

    The incorrect summary problem is a concurrency issue that happens when two transactions attempt to produce the same data summary but use different versions of the data. This can occur when two transactions execute concurrently and both read the same data item, but only one of them alters it. Incorrect summary problems can be serious since they can result in incorrect results.

    This can lead to poor business decisions. There are several methods for avoiding incorrect summary issues. A locking mechanism is one option. A locking mechanism prevents two transactions from simultaneously updating the same data item. This prevents incorrect summary problems from occurring.

    Dirty Read Problem

    A dirty read problem is a concurrency issue that happens when a transaction reads an item from a database that has been updated by another transaction that hasn't yet been committed. This can occur when two transactions execute concurrently and both read the same data item, but only one of them alters it. The problem with dirty reads is that they can produce inaccurate or inconsistent results.

    Database systems use various isolation levels to overcome the dirty read problem. Isolation levels define and control the degree to which transactions are isolated from one another. Higher isolation levels, like "Read Committed" or "Repeatable Read," minimize dirty reads by forcing a transaction to read only committed data.

    Unrepeatable Read Problem

    An unrepeatable read problem takes place when a transaction reads the same data element twice but receives different values each time. This can occur if another transaction alters the data item in the time between the two reads. Consider the following transaction: accessing the balance of a bank account. The transaction reads the account balance, which is $200. The transaction then comes to a halt to complete another task. Meanwhile, another transaction deducts $100 from the account.

    When the first transaction is resumed, it reads the account balance again, which is now $100. This is an "unrepeatable read" problem. It's important to note that avoiding unrepeatable reads can have a negative effect on performance. Transaction concurrency in DBMS can be slowed by a locking mechanism or a higher isolation level. It is critical to select a locking mechanism or isolation level that delivers the best balance of accuracy and performance.

    Remediation Steps for Concurrency Control

    In the context of concurrency control in database management systems (DBMS), "remediation steps" refer to the activities or measures that can be performed to address or fix concurrency control concerns. These processes are intended to ensure that several transactions accessing the exact same data concurrently do not interact with each other, resulting in data inconsistencies or inaccurate outcomes. They are as follows:

    Locking: It is a method of preventing several users from accessing the same data at the same time. There are two kinds of locks: shared locks and exclusive locks. Multiple users can read the data with shared locks, but only one user can have an exclusive lock on the data. This stops other users from making changes to the data.

    Isolation Levels: In a DBMS, isolation levels determine the degree of concurrency and data consistency. Different levels of isolation provide varying guarantees about the visibility and impact of concurrent transactions on one another. Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, and Serializable are examples of common isolation levels. Each level provides a distinct balance of concurrency and data integrity.

    Optimistic Concurrency Control: This technique considers that conflicts between transactions are uncommon; hence, it permits many transactions to run concurrently without first acquiring locks. However, before committing, the DBMS checks to see whether there are any conflicts. If a conflict is found, suitable steps (such as terminating one or more transactions) are taken to ensure data integrity.

    Serializability: It is a scheduling property that ensures that its execution is identical to a serial execution of transactions, preserving database integrity. To ensure serializability, concurrency management measures like locking and validation procedures are used to prevent data abnormalities.

    Deadlock Detection: It occurs when two or more transactions wait indefinitely for one another to release resources. Deadlock detection approaches aid in the identification and resolution of deadlocks by analyzing the resource allocation graph and using algorithms such as the wait-for graph algorithm or the resource allocation graph algorithm.

    Application Design and Tuning: The design of an application is critical in handling concurrency control. You may limit the chance of conflicts and improve concurrency by carefully structuring the application's data access patterns, transaction boundaries, and synchronization techniques. Tuning the application includes optimizing queries, indexes, and other performance-related features in order to reduce contention and increase overall concurrency.

    Concurrency Control Protocols

    Concurrency control protocols in DBMS are procedures that maintain data integrity and consistency when multiple operations are running concurrently. These protocols regulate the interleaving of transaction operations to avoid conflicts and maintain the database's accuracy. To achieve these objectives, concurrency control protocols employ a variety of methods. The main objective of concurrency in DBMS is to allow concurrent execution of transactions while preserving the ACID properties of the database.

    Time-based Protocols

    Time-based protocols are one of the types of concurrency control in DBMS that employs timestamps to organize transactions so that older transactions have precedence over younger transactions. This ensures that concurrent transactions are not in conflict and that the database remains consistent. In this technique, each transaction gets a unique timestamp that specifies its sequence of execution. Transactions use timestamps to evaluate their eligibility to read or write data objects. The most used timestamp-based protocol is the Thomas Write Rule, which establishes rules for read and write operations according to transaction timestamps. Time-based protocols are classified into two types:

    Timestamp Ordering Protocol: When a transaction begins, it is assigned a unique timestamp. Transactions with older timestamps take precedence over those with newer timestamps. If two transactions try to access the same data item, the transaction with the oldest timestamp wins. The newer transaction is blocked until the older transaction has finished accessing the data item.

    Multiversion Concurrency Control MVCC: The multi version concurrency control in DBMS keeps multiple versions of each data item. A timestamp is associated with each version of a data item. Transactions can read and write to their individual versions of the data item without affecting other transactions. When a transaction tries to write to a data item, the DBMS tries to determine if any other transactions have read the same data item. If there are, the DBMS generates a new version of the data item to which the transaction can write. This ensures that any other transactions that have read the data item are not impacted by the transaction's write operation.

    Characteristics of Good Concurrency Protocol

    A good concurrency protocol should have the following characteristics:

    • Correctness: The protocol must ensure that the database stays consistent even when many transactions access it at the same time.
    • Robustness: The protocol should be resilient and capable of gracefully handling failures.
    • Flexibility: The protocol should be adaptable enough to work with a wide range of applications.
    • Scalability: The protocol should be scalable to work with huge databases.
    • Efficiency: The protocol should be both time- and space-efficient. It should not impose an excessive burden on the system.

    A good concurrency protocol in DBMS ensures the efficient and proper transaction management and concurrency control in DBMS by incorporating these above features.

    Why Use Concurrency Method?

    Concurrency control is required in database management systems (DBMS) to allow multiple transactions to run concurrently without impacting data integrity. The concurrency technique assures that transactions run consistently and independently. It improves system throughput and overall performance by allowing concurrent execution. Simultaneous transactions without concurrency management may result in problems like lost updates, dirty reads, and inconsistent outcomes.

    Concurrency control mechanisms such as locking, timestamp ordering, and optimistic concurrency control in DBMS are used to manage access to shared data and coordinate transaction execution, ensuring that they do not interfere with one another, and that the database's integrity and consistency are maintained.


    Concurrency control techniques are critical in maintaining data integrity and consistency in a database management system (DBMS) when many transactions run concurrently. These protocols allow for efficient and reliable execution of transactions while maintaining the database's ACID features. The protocol to choose is determined by several criteria, including the type of database, the number of transactions, and the required level of performance.

    A good concurrency control protocol has several critical qualities. It ensures consistency by preventing conflicts and ensuring data concurrency in DBMS. The protocol includes tools for avoiding and detecting deadlocks, ensuring that the system remains responsive. Enroll in best Database certifications and learn database concepts in detail.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How does concurrency control affect database performance?

    In a database, concurrency control ensures that many transactions can run concurrently without interfering with one another. Proper concurrency control mechanism implementation is critical for protecting data integrity and optimizing performance in highly parallel contexts.

    2How can developers optimize database queries for better concurrency control?

    Database queries can be optimized for improved concurrency control by using proper locking techniques, minimizing the amount of data locked, and employing appropriate isolation levels.

    3What are some common mistakes to avoid when implementing concurrency control in DBMS?

    When implementing concurrency control in DBMS, frequent mistakes to avoid includes not utilizing locks, employing too many locks, and using the incorrect isolation level. By avoiding these mistakes, developers can help ensure that their database is adequately protected against concurrency issues.

    4How does concurrency control affect database design?

    Concurrency control has a significant impact on database design. It has an impact on data model selection, transaction boundaries, and the incorporation of additional metadata. The design must allow for quick synchronization and conflict resolution, as well as the establishment of transaction boundaries to maintain isolation and consistency.


    Eshaan Pandey


    Eshaan is a Full Stack web developer skilled in MERN stack. He is a quick learner and has the ability to adapt quickly with respect to projects and technologies assigned to him. He has also worked previously on UI/UX web projects and delivered successfully. Eshaan has worked as an SDE Intern at Frazor for a span of 2 months. He has also worked as a Technical Blog Writer at KnowledgeHut upGrad writing articles on various technical topics.

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