HomeBlogBig DataBig Data Vs Data Analytics: Understanding the Key Differences

Big Data Vs Data Analytics: Understanding the Key Differences

27th Sep, 2023
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    Big Data Vs Data Analytics: Understanding the Key Differences

    In the age of information, data is now the lifeblood of every organization. Unsurprisingly, businesses & institutions are keen on making sense of the massive amount of data. Thus, analytics has become an indispensable tool for decision-makers. However, with the advent of Big Data, more complex data environment has emerged.

    Consequently, there has been much confusion about the difference between big data vs data analytics. With this blog, we will take a sneak peek into the key differences between these two concepts, how they relate to each other & their impact on modern-day business. Also, to help you understand better, enroll in Big Data certification and kickstart your tech career with big data.

    Big Data vs Data Analytics Table 

    As an expert in data science, it is essential to understand the significant differences between Big Data Vs Big Data Analytics. The following table highlights the comparison between Big Data & Data Analytics on six key parameters:


    Big Data

    Data Analytics


    Large volume, high velocity, varied

    Smaller volume, structured data

    Structure of Data

    Unstructured & Semi-structured



    Hadoop, Spark, Hive

    R, Python, SAS, SQL

    Types of Industry

    Retail, Healthcare, Media

    Finance, Marketing, HR, Logistics


    Predictive analytics, Machine learning, Real-time analysis

    Descriptive analytics, Statistical analysis, Data visualization


    Distributed computing, Data mining, Data warehousing, Hadoop ecosystem

    Data modeling, Data cleansing, Data visualization, Predictive modeling

    Job Responsibilities

    Defining analytics strategy, Managing data science teams, Processing & analyzing massive data

    Data collection, Data quality, Statistical modeling, Business analysis, Identifying trends, Report generation

    Big Data vs Data Analytics  

    Big Data and Data Analytics are two crucial aspects of modern-day business operations. Both play an important role in decision-making & strategy implementation. In the sections below, we will look at the parameters that differentiate Big Data from Data Analytics.

    1. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Nature 

    Big data & data analytics are two buzzwords that are often used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing & have different natures & functions. Big data is characterized by its volume, velocity, & variety. It involves collecting, storing, & processing large amounts of data from a variety of sources. On the other hand, data analytics focuses on examining, interpreting, & making sense of data to extract insights & facilitate decision making.

    In essence, big data provides the raw material that data analytics uses to generate meaningful insights. While big data deals with the collection and storage of data, data analytics deals with the transformation of this data into actionable insights. Both are critical components of modern-day businesses and organizations.

    It is worth noting that the two fields are interdependent. More often than not, organizations need to use both big data & data analytics to create value from their data. While big data provides the raw material, it's data analytics that turns this data into actionable insights.

    2. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Structure of Data 

    The main difference between big data and data analytics is the structure of data. Big Data generally refers to a large volume of unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data that cannot be processed using traditional relational database management systems. It requires a different approach to store, process, & analyze data compared to traditional databases. Data Analytics predominantly deals with structured data that can be analyzed using standard statistical methods.

    The structure of Big Data presents a significant challenge for businesses & organizations that seek to leverage it for insights. Big Data often needs to be processed using specialized tools to derive meaning & value from it. Also, it requires advanced statistical analysis techniques such as machine learning & natural language processing. In contrast, Data Analytics usually utilizes statistical programs to analyze structured data, such as sales data or customer databases. Therefore, understanding the structure of data is an essential step in determining which approach to use for deriving value from data.

    3. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Tools 

    Big data & data analytics share a common objective- to extract insights & knowledge from vast amounts of data. While Big Data tools enable the processing of large & complex data sets, Data Analytics tools help in generating insights from data.

    Big Data tools, such as Hadoop, Spark, & Hive, store & process massive volumes of structured, semi-structured, & unstructured data. These tools incorporate distributed computing frameworks, which allow for parallel processing & storage across a cluster of servers. Big Data tools also facilitate real-time data processing, automated workflows, & machine learning.

    Alternatively, Data Analytics tools- like Tableau, SQL, & Python- uncover insights from data, helping businesses make informed decisions. These tools use statistical algorithms, data visualization, & other methods to perform analysis on the data. The insights generated help businesses make informed decisions & improve overall performance.

    4. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Types of Industry 

    The difference between data analytics and big data analytics is that the former deals with structured data & the latter works with unstructured & semi-structured data. Big data analytics is relevant in industries like finance, healthcare, & retail. These industries generate a huge volume of data, & it's crucial to analyze it to uncover trends & insights. For instance, in healthcare, big data analytics can be used to predict disease outbreaks & optimize treatment plans for patients. In finance, it can be used to identify fraudulent transactions.

    However, data analytics is applicable in industries like marketing, human resources, & operations. For example, marketing can use data analytics to understand customer behavior & preferences to improve marketing strategies. Human resources can use data analytics to analyze employee performance & make informed decisions about hiring, promotions, & training.

    5. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Application 

    The key difference between big data analytics and data analytics the two lies in their application. Big data is primarily used to store & manage large amounts of data, which is then processed using data analytics techniques to extract valuable insights. Big data is particularly useful for identifying patterns & trends, which can help businesses make informed decisions & gain a competitive edge.

    While, data analytics is used to transform raw data into meaningful insights that can be used to improve business performance. This involves the use of statistical analysis, data mining, & machine learning techniques to identify patterns & relationships in the data.

    All in all, while big data & data analytics are often used interchangeably, they are two separate concepts with distinct applications. Understanding the big data and data analytics difference is crucial for businesses looking to leverage the power of data to drive growth & success:

    6. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Skills 

    Big data & data analytics are two interrelated concepts that require specific skills to understand & manipulate. In particular, big data requires expertise in handling & processing large volumes of data, whereas data analytics requires analytical skills to extract meaningful insights from data.

    Consequently, skills in big data include programming languages, data architecture, machine learning, & distributed computing, while data analytics requires a strong foundation in statistical analysis, data visualization, data modeling, & domain expertise.

    Moreover, big data & data analytics require different skill sets, even though they are related. Big data focuses on getting & manipulating data, while data analytics focuses on understanding data & deriving insights from it to make informed decisions. Therefore, the difference between data science and big data analytics lies in the tools & techniques they use to extract insights & enhance understanding.

    7. Big Data vs Data Analytics: Job Responsibilities 

    When it comes to job responsibilities, the difference between big data analytics and data science is significant. A data analyst typically works with smaller data sets, analyzing trends & patterns to make business decisions. They may use statistical methods, data mining, & business intelligence tools to gain insights.

    On the other hand, bBdata, uses tools like Hadoop, Spark, & NoSQL to store, process, & analyze the data. They also need to be skilled in programming languages like Java & Python to write complex algorithms for data processing.

    A big data analyst's skill set must include advanced analytical skills, creativity, & familiarity with machine learning & deep learning techniques. Although there is some overlap between the two roles, data analytics vs big data analytics have distinctively different job responsibilities, with big data analysts undertaking more complex & specialized tasks. Big Data Analytics training will aid you in grasping concepts with in-depth questionnaires on each topic with projects.

    How are They Similar? 

    When it comes to big data & data analytics, there are certainly similarities between the two fields. First & foremost, both are subsets of the broader field of data science. Both big data & data analytics rely heavily on statistical analysis & technical expertise. They both deal with massive volumes of data, which requires specialized tools & techniques for processing & analysis.

    Both Big Data & Data Analytics require advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, & neural networks. They both enable businesses to make data-driven decisions, evaluate their performance, & achieve better outcomes.

    To harness the full potential of these technologies, businesses need to hire skilled professionals, develop adequate infrastructures, & implement effective strategies that align with their business objectives.

    What Should You Choose Between Big Data and Data Analytics? 

    Choosing between these two can be challenging without a clear understanding of their differences & applications. Big data refers to the massive volume, velocity, & variety of data generated from various sources. It requires sophisticated tools & algorithms to store, process, & extract insights from the data. But, data analytics involves using statistical & computational methods to analyze data & gain insights into business operations, customer behavior, & other relevant areas.

    Choosing between big data analytics vs data science requires a thorough understanding of your business needs & objectives. If you need to manage vast amounts of data & require real-time insights, big data may be your best bet. Conversely, if you want to gain insights & make data-driven decisions, data analytics or data science might be the best option. Ultimately, big data analytics vs data analytics depends on your business goals & understanding of data.

    Final Thoughts 

    It is clear that there is a bit of wide data analytics and big data difference, & understanding the key differences is important for businesses to stay competitive. Big data refers to huge volumes of structured & unstructured data – numbers, images, documents, emails & videos.

    Data analytics relies on techniques such as syntax analysis & machine learning that help to interpret these vast amounts of data. The infrastructure required depends on what type of insight you are looking for & how fast you need those findings. KnowledgeHut Big Data certification will help you upskill your career and keep you stay ahead of the race.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can Big Data exist without Data Analytics, & vice versa?

    No, Big Data cannot exist without Data Analytics, & vice versa. Although they are two distinct concepts, they go hand in hand in achieving effective data management.

    2What are the different techniques used in Data Analytics for Big Data?

    Data Analytics for Big Data utilizes a variety of techniques to uncover insights & patterns within vast amounts of information. These techniques include machine learning, NLP (natural language processing), data mining, & statistical analysis.

    3How data science differs from big data and data analytics?

    Data science, big data, & data analytics are often used interchangeably, but they are different in their own ways. While big data focuses on the volume & speed of data, data analytics deals with the process of examining & interpreting data to draw insights.

    4What role does machine learning play in Big Data Analytics?

    Machine learning plays a crucial role in Big Data Analytics. It helps in identifying patterns, trends, & insights from the large volumes of data that can be difficult for humans to analyze efficiently. By using machine learning algorithms, businesses can make data-driven decisions that improve operations, increase efficiency & drive growth.

    5Is Big data and data analytics same?

    No, while big data & data analytics are related, they are not the same thing. Big data refers to the large volume of structured & unstructured data that is generated daily, whereas data analytics is the process of analyzing & interpreting that data in order to gain insights & make informed decisions.

    6How does scalability impact Big Data Analytics?

    Scalability is vital in Big Data Analytics due to the large amounts of data being analyzed. Without scalability, the process of analyzing large datasets becomes challenging & time-consuming. Scalability enables businesses to handle large datasets effectively & efficiently & generate insights that lead them to better decisions.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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