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Big Data Vs Cloud Computing

05th Sep, 2023
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    Big Data Vs Cloud Computing

    Big Data and Cloud Computing are two of the biggest trends in the world of information technology. Both technologies have revolutionized the way we store, process & manage data. While Big Data focuses on the enormous amount of structured & unstructured data generated each day, Cloud Computing offers scalable & flexible computing resources to store & process that data.

    Inspite of this, there is a growing debate about which technology is better suited for today's business environment. This blog will talk about the differences between Big Data vs Cloud Computing, and help you understand the advantages & disadvantages of each technology. You can go for Big Data courses and build and enhance your skill-set.

    Big Data vs Cloud Computing Table 

    While both technologies offer valuable tools for data processing & storage, they differ in their basic features, characteristics, functions, solution providers, accessibility, use cases & costs. In this comparison table, we will explore these differences in detail:


    Big Data

    Cloud Computing


    Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured big data describe a large amount of data that a traditional data processing application cannot handle.

    Cloud computing is an umbrella term for a suite of technologies that allow users to access computing resources & software applications over the internet.


    Big data is characterized by its volume, velocity, & variety. It involves handling large datasets at high speeds, with a focus on uncovering insights & patterns that can inform business decisions.

    Cloud computing is characterized by its scalability, flexibility, & cost-effectiveness. It allows users to scale their computing resources up or down as needed, & to pay only for what they use.


    Big data functions as a tool for data analysis, allowing users to mine & analyze complex datasets for valuable insights & patterns.

    Cloud computing functions as a platform for application development, hosting, & management.

    Solution Providers

    Big data solutions are offered by a range of vendors, including Apache Hadoop, IBM BigInsights, & Cloudera.

    Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure & Google Cloud Platform are just a few of the major tech companies that offer cloud computing solutions.


    Big data requires specialized hardware & software, making it less accessible than cloud computing. However, cloud-based big data solutions are increasingly available, making it more accessible.

    Cloud computing offers a high level of accessibility, as users can access computing resources & applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

    When to Use

    Big data is best used when analyzing large, complex datasets with high speeds & a focus on uncovering insights & patterns.

    Cloud computing is best used when developing & managing applications in the cloud, or when accessing scalable computing resources on-demand.


    Big data solutions can be costly, due to the specialized hardware & software required. However, cloud-based big data solutions are becoming more cost-effective.

    Cloud computing is generally more cost-effective than building & maintaining on-premise IT infrastructure. Users can scale resources up or down as needed, & pay only for what they use.

    Big Data vs Cloud Computing 

    Big data & cloud computing both offer valuable solutions for businesses seeking to manage & process data in the digital age.In the below sections, we will take a deeper look into the Big Data Vs Cloud Computing debate.

    1. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Basic 

    Big Data & Cloud Computing are two of the most significant technologies in the digital world, both capable of enhancing businesses' productivity & efficiency. Big Data refers to the vast amounts of data generated by businesses daily, far too extensive for traditional data management methods.

    Cloud Computing, on the other hand, is the capability to store, access, & customize data over the internet, including software, networking, & storage. The main difference between big data and cloud computing is that Big Data focuses on data management, while Cloud Computing focuses on data storage & accessibility.

    Big Data requires high-performance computing systems to handle data processing, while Cloud Computing enables businesses to access vast computing power at a fraction of the cost. In short, Big Data is about getting insights from data, while Cloud Computing is about empowering your business to leverage those insights quickly & easily.

    2. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Characteristics

    Big Data analytics Vs Cloud Computing are two distinct concepts that have revolutionized the technology industry. The primary characteristic of Big Data analytics is the ability to analyze & extract value from the overwhelming amount of data generated by businesses & organizations. But, Cloud Computing provides flexibility, scalability, & cost-effectiveness by using a virtualized platform.

    Big Data analytics deals with structured & unstructured data, providing insights into customer behavior, market trends, & business operations. Cloud Computing facilitates the handling of Big Data, providing the necessary infrastructure, tools, & platforms to store, process & analyze it, all without the need for businesses to invest in costly infrastructure. 

    3. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Function 

    Both technologies have distinct functions that are crucial for achieving business objectives. Big data solutions involve capturing, storing, analyzing & interpreting vast amounts of data to unlock hidden insights that can be used to inform decision-making & drive growth. Meanwhile, cloud computing entails the delivery of computing services online, such as storage, servers, databases, software, and analytics. Essentially, cloud computing eliminates the need for businesses to invest in expensive hardware and infrastructure.

    While both technologies are essential, they serve different functions. Big data addresses the problem of data overload, while cloud computing provides on-demand infrastructure & computing resources. Therefore, it is difficult to make a comparison or draw a conclusive judgment on big data vs cloud computing which is better. It is essential to evaluate business needs & adopt these technologies accordingly, to achieve specific business goals.

    4. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Solution Providers

    Various service providers offer solutions in Big Data & Cloud Computing, but the majority of them have a detailed understanding of one or the other. Some providers specialize in creating data lakes & data warehouses & others offer automated cloud computing solutions.

    Nevertheless, there are also those who provide complete Big Data & Cloud Computing packages for more enterprise-level applications. While Cloud Computing offers a platform for Big Data storage & processing, Big Data Analytics solutions allow organizations to obtain meaningful insights from this data.

    Big data solutions are offered by a range of vendors, including Apache Hadoop, IBM BigInsights, & Cloudera. AWS, Azure & Google Cloud Platform are three of the largest cloud computing service providers.

    Therefore, it is fundamental to consider both Cloud Computing & Big Data Analytics while approaching digital transformation. Cloud computing Vs big data analytics is not just a decision between two technologies but requires careful consideration of the two together as closely related aspects in modern IT strategies. 

    5. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Accessibility 

    Big data & cloud computing have significant differences that can be observed in terms of accessibility. With big data, accessibility can be limited to a particular organization due to the complexity of managing & processing large data sets. In contrast, anyone with an internet connection can access resources with cloud computing.

    Also, cloud computing provides the scalability & flexibility needed to handle large data sets, making it easier to process & analyze complex data. The cloud provides businesses with a cost-effective way of storing, managing & securing their data without needing expensive hardware or software. Thus, this is a crucial big data and cloud computing difference that businesses must understand to make the right investment decisions. 

    6. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: When to Use?

    Digital era technology includes big data & cloud computing. Both have their unique usage & benefits. But when to use big data? If your business needs to analyze vast amounts of data to obtain critical insights, big data is essential. It is used in various industries like healthcare, finance, & retail. Big Data tools like Hadoop, Spark, & NoSQL databases are designed to handle large datasets with ease.

    For cloud computing, businesses that require flexible, scalable storage & on-demand computational power, cloud computing is the answer. For businesses with an IT infrastructure requirement, but no desire to invest in in-house IT resources, it is the most cost-effective technology available.

    It is not a question of which is better big data or cloud computing, but rather which one suits the needs of your business better. Both technologies complement each other & will continue to play vital roles in the digital world. 

    7. Big Data vs Cloud Computing: Cost 

    When we think about cost, big data & cloud computing offer different benefits & challenges. Big data requires significant investment in storage, processing power, & specialized software & hardware, which can become prohibitively expensive for organizations that don’t have a clear strategy.It offers cost savings over time since it is a pay-as-you-go model. Unlike big data, cloud computing doesn't require capital expenses for software licensing or hardware purchases, which means smaller companies or startups can start using it without significant upfront costs.

    All in all, cloud computing or big data which is better is subjective & depends on the specific use case & budget constraints of an organization. But, we can say that organizations that want to manage large volumes of data & gain actionable insights may need to invest significantly in big data technology over time.

    How are They Similar? 

    Big data & cloud computing are two powerful technologies that have become increasingly popular in recent years. While they are often discussed in separate contexts, there is a close relationship between big data and cloud computing that is worth exploring.

    At a fundamental level, both big data & cloud computing involve the storage & processing of large amounts of data. One of the key similarities between big data & cloud computing is their focus on scalability. It is not necessary for companies to invest in additional hardware or software in order to scale up or down according to their needs using either technology. This flexibility is critical in today’s fast-moving business landscape where the ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions is key to success.

    Another important similarity between big data & cloud computing is their reliance on advanced analytics & artificial intelligence. Cloud computing offers a wide range of tools & platforms that enable businesses to apply cutting-edge AI & machine learning algorithms to their data, uncovering insights that were previously hidden. To learn more about the different topics and similarities of cloud computing, go for Cloud Computing courses and build competency in managing cloud storage.

    What Should You Choose Between Big Data and Cloud Computing? 

    When it comes to the question of choosing between Big Data & Cloud Computing, it is quite vital to know their core differences. So, what is the difference between Big Data and Cloud Computing? While Big Data focuses on the collection, storage, & analysis of data, cloud computing operates as the infrastructure for storing & processing this data.

    The choice between the two Big Data Vs Cloud Computing is totally dependent on the unique needs of the business. If the focus is on handling large amounts of data, then Big Data solutions are the better choice. On the other side, if the focus is on the scalability & flexibility of IT infrastructure, then cloud computing services are the way to go.

    The Bottomline 

    As we can see, big data & cloud computing are both powerful technologies that offer users unique advantages. When it comes to the best option Big Data Vs Cloud Computing for a business, it is all about finding the right mix of features & technology that are tailored to your needs & budget.

    Now that you have gone through this guide, you should be able to decide how to utilize these tools. By upskilling yourself through KnowledgeHut Big Data courses, you can upgrade your career. In the end, every organization should strive to become an agile enterprise with adaptable solutions that can keep up with its ever-changing environment.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can we merge cloud computing with big data?

    Yes, cloud computing & big data can be merged together to create a powerful combination that provides businesses with endless possibilities for data analysis & storage.

    2Can big data be stored in the cloud?

    Yes, big data can be stored in the cloud. Cloud-based storage solutions are becoming increasingly popular among businesses & organizations. The cloud offers a range of benefits for storing big data, including scalability, accessibility, & cost-effectiveness.

    3Which is better cloud computing or big data?

    Both technologies offer unique benefits & are often used in tandem. Cloud computing provides efficient storage & easy accessibility, while big data allows for in-depth analysis & insights. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs & goals of the organization using them.

    4Which cloud is better for big data?

    The cloud that is better for big data ultimately depends on the organization using it. Some may prefer the scalability & flexibility of public clouds like AWS or Azure, while others may prioritize data security & opt for private clouds.

    5How is big data managed in cloud computing?

    Big data is managed in cloud computing through the use of distributed storage & computing resources. This allows for large amounts of data to be broken down & processed quickly & efficiently. Cloud computing also offers scalability & makes it possible to adjust resources based on changing data requirements.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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